
Waifu Support

Catalog fic go brrr. Getting into some shady deal is never a good idea, more so when it involves beings beyond our imagination. So how did I get a job from the company? I have no idea. Fun for the whole family, especially when the smut rolls in. Cover Photo isn't mine btw. Support me on pa treon: pa tre on.com/balls1124

balls_1124 · Video Games
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13 Chs

Best Friend p1.


This was bad.

Not only were the bosses way stronger than I had anticipated, but they also came in pairs. Under normal circumstances, this would be alright, but as previously stated, the party and I were nowhere near strong enough to face them as we are right now.

Perhaps Zizzy could pull us to victory, but that would put the rest of us in critical condition… Decisions, decisions.

'Trials commencing/ Combat protocols: initiated/Awaiting tactical support/Attacking recommendations: physical, mind, defense ' The calculating voice of Simurgh echoed in my mind, alerting me to my main job. Letting my instincts guide me, I supplied a steady stream of energy straight into everyone, though giving proportionally more to the giant woman, as she would be my main damage dealer.

"Yuko, I need as much electricity as you possibly can on the stingray. Chiaki, focus on attacking the star, your strikes should pass through his defense. And the most important of all, Luxinia and Pixie. Under any circumstance, your main priority is to heal the party. If either one of you falls, this plan might fall into shambles. And everyone else, protect them if they are put into harm's way." I barked out, as each of them nodded with varying levels of surprise.

"Hey punks! I've never seen you around, and I don't like his face! You want to get by without giving these women as a tribute to me, the almighty Forneus? I already let one human disrespect me, and there's no way I'm letting you do that when I've got Decabro with me! Impossible! I'll butcher you with these fins, take the women as payment for your ignorance." The first stated, hovering above us like a God to the masses.

"HeHhe. Bro, you should've told me we were getting some bitches today, I could have invited more people to the party, even that rat bastard Ose." The star from above chipped in with a perverse eye-smile.

"Damn, you're right bro. We co…." Their conversation was muffled by everyone present as their threat gave

Changing a ball of electricity in front of her, Yuko fully concentrated on it, an ethereal blue mist encasing her body. The loud crackling of thunder rage on inside the hospital lobby signaled to the two Goetia demons of the same conclusion I had come up with.

This was not going to be an easy battle, that's for sure.

With what looked to be a wild smirk on the overgrown animal's face, both Forneus and Decarabia's bodies flashed with red light before extinguishing. This development would prove to either strengthen me or break the false narrative that this world was just a simple video game. Either way, one group was going to fall, and it wasn't going to be mine.

Speeding around the room, Forneus charged up a ramming attack, speeding up faster and faster with each lap. Meanwhile, the star with an eye prepared something far more sinister-looking. Several white balls appeared surrounding us from all directions. Diverting all enhancements over to defense, I was just barely able to mitigate the harm done.

Spikes poked outward, detonating upon contact with our skin. A slight tingling sensation accompanied it as it left. Some of us looked a bit worse for wear, but not seriously injured.

Moving my attention, the ball of plasma seems to have stopped in my air, the lack of any extensions from Yuko said as much. The accumulative mass didn't seem to at all dissipate in size or brightness like it was self-sustaining somehow. It then went into random bouts of violent spasms, as if it had little care of the surroundings.

Changing the buffs back to what they were previously, the sparks on the ball grew twice their size, shocking those of us who witnessed it.


Raging with a mighty roar, Forneus hit me with a wild charge -that bitch-, knocking me into the far side of everyone else. Right, still need to focus more on the fight, diverting my attention will only cause trouble.

The next moment, a green light different from the red one, radiated from the bosses' bodies, as their speed increased twofold. Sukukaja, shit, they have more than one buff skill. Using the single debuff I was limited to at the moment, I opted to remove their applied speed and some. Whether that decision was better than attack is something that will stay at the back of my mind. But it's better to have a big dumb stupid target than a speedster capable of blitzing everyone. And even with Simurgh, there's nothing much she can do when they nullified her attacks.

"There! I removed their speed! Hit them with all you've got because it's time for an all-out attack!" The two demons weren't able to utter another word before the ball of plasma made contact with both of them.

Pitching in, the rest of the party followed suit, blasting, punching, and doing an overall wonderful job of denting the animal-like beasts.

To my surprise, a sparkle of small lights burst from within me, my wounds mending at a rate that would make any doctor dumbfounded. No matter how many times it occurred, the use of dia still amazed me with a child-like wonder, but now is not the time.

Using the large opportunity, I tackled into the large starfish before it could cast Tetrakarn, effectively damaging its eyesight with no way of fixing it.

"Take this you freaky eyeball!" I shouted as my body lunged forth, the attack knocking it back and damaging it just enough for its passive stance to change slightly.

As if awaiting the inevitable, my body suddenly froze up, waiting for Forneus to strike me down with a focus boosted berserk, but nothing happened. Instead, everyone had started piling in on the stingray man since it looked as if I could confront a demon with over twenty levels above me.

I stared at the massive threat in front of me, carefully watching as a mirror-like effect shimmered for the briefest of moments. Well crap, not much I can do right now. Just as this thought entered my mind, orange light emanate from its eyeball while it intently started deep into my sight.

There was no time to set up any shields, I had to rely on a dice roll to save my life.