12 First Boss

The breakfast was much louder than just 3 days ago. Back then it was only Mamako and Adam that would continuously flirt but now they have a whole family. Adam felt quite proud at this scene, he was happy about his growing family and felt the need to grow it more. However, he quickly shook that thought from his head. He must look directly in front of him now, and that was Tsunade. Either he has to become her most trusted friend or most beloved partner, although he wants to become her lover, he understands that depression isn't something someone can easily shake off, in fact, he suffered from it for a while in his past life too. As always, everyone washed their plates and got ready for the day ahead. Today, Adam and Mamako asked Albedo to help Tsunade with identifying household appliances. Albedo got the hang of it quite quickly since the members of Ainz Ooal Gown based a lot of their creations inside Nazarick from modern appliances. With that demand heard, the mother and son duo left the house to their respective daily chore.

While Adam endures hell at school, Albedo is at home trying to teach Tsunade about the refrigerator, she was confused on how it continually spat out cold air without the help of Chakra or Mana. Albedo simply just ignored her attempts to dig for information as she didn't understand it either and moved onto objects such as the T.V. and toilet. During their tour of the house, Tsunade questioned her relationship with Adam, due to the age gap of Adam and Albedo.

"So demon, what's your relation to young man?" She questioned. Albedo's face warped into a half-ahegao state.

"He's my loving husband!" She answered. Her body twisted from the mere thought of Adam. Tsunade took a step back, simply observing the crazy bitch. Albedo soon calmed herself and spoke again.

"Other than that, I was summoned, just like you. I felt a sense of attraction to him and soon found out that it was love." She concluded, this time she was much tamer. Tsunade took notes, 'She is definitely bipolar' the big chested blonde thought. Thankfully, Tsunade never asked about the relationship between Mamako and Adam, she simply assumed that they were Mother and Son, not bothering to pry further. Both of the beautiful women sat down on the living room couch until the other half of the family returned. Mamako returned home first, ever since the near rape incident, she has started to take a new route to work, it's slower but much safer, filled with security cameras along the way. Only an hour later, Adam also returned home, he saw all three women chatting in between ad breaks of a T.V. show.

An hour passed, the family was simply enjoying each other's presence. Adam soon informed them that they would depart of their first mission together. Mamako's expression became downtrodden after finding that she couldn't come even if they were only seperated for a moment.

"I think you can come as well Mamako." He added, her expression lit up like a lamp. She jumped out of the couch and into a hug with Adam. Not wanting to feel left out, Albedo tugged on the sleeve of his shirt, she truly has been tamed by Mamako. He pulled both into a hug and told them to prepare.

After an extra 20mins have passed, everyone was prepared. Mamako had her two swords, Albedo had her halberd and demonic albeit sexy looking armor and Tsunade had a wine bottle? Although he was confused about Tsunade's choice of weapon, nonetheless he equipped his light armour (gotten from the prologue mission if you forgot.) and pressed on the first Mission, one he could experience with his women. A white light engulfed the family of four and they were taken to an endless abyss of grass.

In every direction was more grass, no water, no hills only more grass. The sea of green was hypnotizing. In a split second, Adam woke from his stupor, he remembered where he was. The first mission has an illusion spell if it isn't seen through in time, the mission is failed. Thankfully, Adam has the eyes of a god. He used The Eyes Of The Lord to pierce the simple illusion spell, he was now in an empty white room with 3 unconscious beauties beside him. The game was a weird one, many times you would have to restart a mission because of its mechanics, for example if you didn't have a character with an eye skill at could see through illusions, the characters would have to roll the dice on trying to escape. If you were really unlucky, you would have to restart the mission before it even began. The girls haven't yet broken the illusion spell, Adam thought it appropriate to punish them for it. He slapped the ass of Mamako and Albedo simultaneously, their ass rippled multiple times. They woke up in a panic and found themselves next to their beloved. Without delay both of them tackled down Adam and claimed his chest as their own. Adam took a couple minutes to calm the girls down and he lightly pushed Tsunade to wake her up as well.

After everyone had escaped the illusion trick, the burst down the door of their empty room and found themselves in a gladiator's arena. Coincidentally, the first mission that could be completed with summons was also the first boss mission. What were the developers smoking when they made this game? Adam shook himself out of his thoughts, a gate across the arena opened and the group found themselves against a large minotaur. They got into their battle positions. Before coming here they thought of a battle formation. Leading is Tsunade and Mamako as they are close-combat DPS characters, behind them is Albedo who is guarding Adam. Although he could most likely kill the minotaur alone, Albedo and Mamako wouldn't allow him even a chance to get hurt. Using the spell book he got from the prologue missions, he got the spell, "Physical Ability Increase" it was a support skill that increased both physical attack and defense. Thankfully, everyone in his party could use it well. He cast the spell and the battle begun.


The minotaur began the fight with a head-splitting roar before charging the group of adventurers. It's massive double-sided axe was in bound for Mamako. She easily dodged it and her red sword cut the back tendon of the unsightly beast. The beast tried to continue to fight her, although limping. It's axe flailed around as if an infant was playing with a toy, it was child's play for Mamako to dodge. Thankfully, no one else interfered, after the fight began the other 3 simply watched. There wasn't a need to help (I want to actually write a fight scene). The saliva that flew around originated from the beasts horse-like mouth. Mamako continued to dance around her victim, slashing where ever she could. Blood was painting the floor and walls. She became more arrogant as the fight continued, she started to block and parry rather than dodge. The beast's axe soon broke. The difference in quality between the two weapons was too much for the axe to endure. Seeing the axe crumble in its hands, the minotaur roared out. The crowd roared in excitement. The beast reverted to its instincts. It started to punch, scratch and bite wherever it could. Signs of exhaustion were beginning to show. Mamako was still at her top condition, her breasts only slightly rising in need for air. She wanted to finish the fight so she used her ultimate attack.

"Mama Beam!" She exclaimed. A red and blue light shone from her two swords and rushed in the direction of the minotaur. It was shortly showered in the light, its screams could be hurt from kilometers away. The crowd loved the display of power and began throwing roses into the arena. The light let up and only ash remained of the beast gladiator.

(A.N. I don't actually know what the beam looks like.)


Boss Defeated!

Rewards: EXP, Gold, Character Inspection (Skill), 5 Dream Stones.



Level Up!

9 ---> 11

10 Attribute Points Gained!



Party Level Up!


1 ---> 11


1 ---> 11


1 ---> 11


From that message it can be seen just how much the game relies on the party members rather than the main character. All the girls easily got to his level just from one quest. Adam shed a tear and put his 10 new stat points in INT and WIS, 5 in each. Using his new skill he decided to take a look at the character sheets of the girls.


Mamako Oosuki

Race: Human

Waifu Type: Deredere (Passively increases team's stats by 50%)

Level: 11

STR: 25

AGL: 30

INT: 10

WIS: 5

LUC: 5

Passive Abilities:

Doting Mother: Around her son, all stats are increase by 20%

Mother's Sharing - a special mother skill that protects the party from negative status effects

Mother's Breath - a special mother skill that boosts the success rate of crafting items

Active Abilities:

Mother Fang - a special mother skill that can locate her son using the power of her holy sword Tera di Madore.

Motherly Light - a special mother skill that can make her body emit light.

Mama Beam - Mamako's ultimate skill.

Mother's Words - a special mother skill that calls on the feelings of mothers around the world

Mother's Headpat - a special mother skill that allows her to calm down anything or anyone, preventing them from exploding


(A.N. I didn't copy paste from the wiki you did.)



Race: Succubus

Waifu Type: Yandere (Gains double the effect from buffs)

Level: 11

STR: 30

AGL: 5

INT: 30

WIS: 5


Passive Abilities:

Obsessive Love: When defending or fighting for her love, her stats increase by 50%

Active Abilities:

Shield: A spell that allows a holographic shield to defend from one attack.

Endure: Increases her defense by 100%

Summon Armor: Summons her armor

Summon Halberd: Summons her Halberd


(A.N. Obviously this isn't her whole character sheet but I don't have the time to add more skills and stuff.)


Tsunade Senju

Race: Human

Waifu Type: Shundere (Depressed) (Attacks have a chance to inflict random status effects.)

Level: 11

STR: 30

AGL: 30

INT: 5

WIS: 5

LUC: 5

Passive Abilities:

Always Drunk: Her alcohol doesn't affect her fighting ability

Active Abilities:

Ninjutsu: Many types of ninjutsu

Taijutsu: Skilled in hand to hand combat

Summon Katsuyu: Summons a healing slug.

Strength Of A Hundred Seal: A temporary buff for herself only. The longer its used, the more damage it does to its own user.


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