
Waifu Catalog: Power Trip

I never thought that a CYOA would be a hidden Job Application being made by a company that dwells in slavery across the universe, but here we are. After filling out that CYOA Waifu Catalog, I get transported into my favorite game with a chance of getting more powerful and visiting another world as well. Well, I will do my best for my new job. Author Note! It's a bit slow in action (Lemon Included), but it will get there.

LuxVonDeux · Video Games
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88 Chs

Chapter 72

|3rd POV|

Another week has gone by, and the Loyalist Army is again marching through the land. The news of the queen commanding the remaining soldiers has spread across the land, and the remaining nobles are waiting to see which side they need to be on.

The nobles under Godwin had already prepared to visit the Ceras Lake Castle after they received the news of their current master's defeat. In their mind, the current Queen needs them because they are noble families who supported her family's reign for thousands of years.

They did not know that someone was already watching over their movement. Chiyome is already tagging them with magic, so when Gerrald orders her to initiate the second stage, she can kill them.

For now, they are already thinking of a way to make sure Freyjadour and Lymselia take pity on them.

However, if Godwin wins this war, they only need to congratulate Lord Godwin and ensure they get the greatest reward for their 'contribution.' This is the way the nobles play the game in this political and war game. They cannot get into the throne, but they make sure that they get all the power they can from the royal family.


A drum of war can be heard from miles away as the loyalist army marching through the land and the ship sailing through the river. People are in high morale as they are the undefeated army. They can eat to their heart's content. They have a new weapon and armor. They have a new ship. Lastly, they have a leader that leads them from the front.

Unlike Lord Marscal Godwin, Freyjadour led the army from the front. He is the spearhead for our army, and he gladly takes this role even when the others disagree with him in the beginning. Without him knowing, he is the flag bearer who made the morale not drop to a certain level in the battle.

His action makes the other soldiers think that if their prince is willing to die on the battlefield, what kind of person would they be who runs away from battle? Not only that, but his rune also keeps many people alive on the battlefield, increasing the morale even more.

Now, the soldiers are willing to go to the front because they know that Freyjadour is there to lead them and make sure they are alive.

On the other side of the country, it is entirely different. The soldiers in the army move while panting as the Grand Commander of the Army, Childerich, orders them to move even when they are tired, and the one disobeying him will be killed on the spot.

Lymsleia, the Queen, did not dare to tell Childerich what to do because she was afraid that her plan would fail because of that. While inside the carriage, she whispers in a low voice.

"C-Can you hear me?"

At first, nothing answered her question.

"Please… I know you are there. I-I can feel you."

A second later, Chiyome appears in front of Lymsleia, who widens her eyes in surprise.

"How? How can you feel me?"

"Ummm. Here"

The little girl shows Chiyome a necklace and says,

"This is a special necklace made from a piece from the Sun Rune. It lets me feel all living beings. You are weird. You are alive and not at the same time. You are not a ghost because you have life inside of you."

Chiyome nods her head in understanding. Gerrald already told her about the Sun Rune and how it was a pillar that made sure this universe existed. A piece of that rune will surely be able to sense her even when she masks her presence.

"What do you want? I need to maintain my anonymity, Your Majesty."

"I-I will be quick! I have a plan. C-Can you take me to my brother while the other is busy?"

Chiyome looks at her in confusion and a little bit of surprise.

"Your plan is to make me kidnap you and give you back to the prince."

"It was a great plan!"

Chiyome sighs a little and says.

"Very well. However, we cannot do that immediately. We need to wait for a couple of days after the fight starts."

"Thank you."

Chiyome nods her head and says.

"Take care for now. Your torment will soon be over. I will be nearby and make sure you are okay."

"En. Thank you."

When Chiyome disappears, but she still feels her presence near her, Lymsleia releases a sigh of relief and puts her mask back on. The stubborn queen is her mask, protecting the scared little princess behind that mask.

She needs to stay strong for a little bit longer before she can reunite with her brother and aunt.


They are fast.

I can see a cloud of dust in the distance from the marching army through my binoculars. It looks like Lucretia is wrong in her calculation. They are here two days earlier than her prediction. I look to the side and see the others looking through their binoculars.

"Two days earlier, huh?"

I suddenly said. However, Lucretia shakes her head and says.

"No. It's a day earlier than what I predicted. They will rest for a day before they start their invasion. They are marching non-stop, and it takes a toll on the army. I don't think the commander is stupid enough to continue and attack us. Especially when we are fortified here."

"I don't think it will be the case now, Lucretia. Look."

Raja suddenly says as she points at the distance. We quickly look in the distance and see a group of hundred people galloping toward our city.

"Are they defecting?"

Boz suddenly says.

"No… Something is not right."

I can hear Lucretia say that and search for an answer before suddenly shouting.

"Gerrald! Ice wall! Quickly! Trap them!"

I did not know what she was thinking about, but I obeyed her. I take a deep breath and control the water from the nearby river. I surround these people using my water and create a massive ice dome.

"Lucretia! Why do you do that?! What if they are defectors?!"

"No. Their faces look more like zombies than humans. We–"

Before she could finish her words, a massive explosion happened from the ice dome, and when the dust disappeared, I could see nothing but a chunk of human flesh.

"W-What've they done?!"

Boz shouted in anger and frustration. Raja shakes her head and says.

"We are no longer fighting humans. We are fighting against monsters."

I can see Freyjadour and Sialeeds get even more worried at that word. I look at them and say.

"Don't worry. Chiyome is with her."

Frey nods and takes a deep breath. He raises the flag in his hand and shouts.

"We no longer fight for our country! We are now fighting for our existence! We are fighting against an abomination that is willing to turn other people into suicide weapons! Do you agree with this?! Do you want this to happen to your family?! No?! Then fight! Fight for your family! Fight for your homeland! And fight for a brighter future!"


If you want to read more and support me, you can visit my P@treon: P@treon.com/Luxvondeux

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