
Chapter one

It had been a perfectly average day in Bristol. Nothing out of the ordinary;just a storm raging outside as our plucky protagonist began writing his newest story. He was never able to keep them going for long but he felt different about this one. He felt right as if he was meant to write this fanfiction.

As he poured his heart out writing something interesting was happening in an office building belonging to a specific multiversal company.

"I-im sorry! I didn't know that trying to brand a TX level waifu would have done this, please forgive me!" The unnamed individual nearby screamed in terror as the man before him pulled out a set of documents.

"Do you know what these are Nathan? Who am I kidding of course you do. These are your various infractions against the company. You've caused quite a bit of damage in your century working with us. In Fact you even failed every mission you ever took. You're fired." The strange man dressed in a light purple suit would sign another document just as Nathan tried to plead for his life. For his very soul to no avail. As once the termination notice was signed he disappeared in a puff of pink dust. Coating the chair and desk before the manager got back to work.

"I know just who to choose as his replacement…" saying this he would press his intercom button. "Angela, send someone to go…pick up the candidate." Once he said this he would do nothing but wait.

Cutting back to our protagonist he had just finished writing the first chapter. Showing it to his discord friends as a form of quality control. Cracking his knuckles he would stand up, wearing naught but a dressing gown and pajama pants. His slight belly poked out from the lazy bastard.

"Yawn Well. I guess it's time I grab some food, ey?" As he thought he suddenly felt a cold metal feeling pressed against his head. A revolver. How the fuck did someone get in his house with a revolver? He thought ready to comply with whatever was required of him because he was not dumb enough to think he had any control over the situation. Looking over at his captor he would momentarily be confused as a literal bear held a gun against his head.

"What the fuck? No offense but am I high?" Confused as fuck he would question the bear. Deciding not to question why he felt he could talk to it.

"Heh. No you're not high. Now to get to the point. Bradley Chandler. I have been sent to pick you up and send you to the company so you may become a new employee and capture waifus in a multiversal harem adventure of your dreams. Now shut up while I shoot you." And with that his brains were plastered all over his computer. The bear sitting down and beginning to write the next chapter of his fanfiction strangely enough.

Feeling unimaginable pain worse than anything else he had ever felt Bradley would scream. His usual tolerance is completely useless towards the soul rending pain caused by…paperwork. Yes that's right, he was being forced to fill out paperwork registering himself with the company. For all he knew he had been there for days at this point his hands stained with ink from all of it.

"Urghhhh im finally fucking done! Why the fuck did i have to file paperwork over what happens if i meet truck-kun!? And even fucking mickey mouse for that matter! Trust disney to own a fucking multiverse…" Mumbling obscenities he would see a screen appear before him. The classic waifu catalog cyoa that many had written fanfics about. Instantly recoiling at the thought of the higher tier worlds like warhammer or marvel Bradley chose to stick to tier 5 worlds and below to start with.

"Now what should I choose…?"

Looking through the various worlds he thought about going to one like pokemon before realizing that it would honestly be a waste of resources. Even if there were literally hundreds of waifus he did not know enough about the series to go through with it even if at base it was a tier one world.

Filtering out every tier one and two worlds he would continue his hunt. Eventually stopping in my hero academia. It was the perfect starter world. Tier four guaranteed him 140 credits to start and with that amount alone he could do a lot. In Fact he could instantly catapult himself to the top rungs of power just by choosing to be a dragon. That could even be his quirk in fact now that he thought about it. And if he chose universal calibration he could wiggle himself into getting quite a few waifus pretty quickly.

Skimming through origins he chose to be a drop in. It said since he was choosing a civilized world as his starter he would be given a free one time use of paper trail to insert himself into the world. Though reading through the fine print of this offer he noticed it wasn't truly free. While he would not have to pay a single point he would have to go straight to a tier seven world straight after his first. It was…acceptable.

As soon as he had done that he would quickly assemble his build.

Total cost: 127


Name:My Hero Academia

Condition:Start of canon

Rating:4 (140)


[ Me and My Girlfriend(s)(PvE) ]



Binding & Lure


[ Company Stamp ]


[ Sticky Fingers ]

Other Controls:

No Other Controls

Heritage ( Your tier - T6 )

[ Dragon Heart{ Fire} ]

Talents & Perks


No Ride


[ Pocket Space ]


[ Everlasting, Body Tune-Up, Athletic, Martial, Wild ]


[ Body(x2), Wild(x2) ]


[ Mapper, Sexual Calibration, Normalcyᵈˡᶜ, Knowledge Base Uploadᵈˡᶜ, Universal Calibration ]


No Generic Perks


No Waifu Perks

Once he had finished his starter build he would feel himself teleport into a chair. Seeing a purple suited man before him.

"Finally done, yah? Well. I guess we should welcome the company as our newest collector. You will not be required to sell your waifus but you will be required to capture some yada yada yada. Your girls will be cloned basically. You may occasionally get requests from people to capture specific waifus as you will be used as entertainment by a large number of people. Don't question it. You will be rewarded for following through but it won't be anything overly strong like a tx ticket. This will also be the same with missions. You can take regular company missions but also get commissions as well. Anyway, That's enough of an infodump eye? Last order of business you need to choose a username for the company." And with that a purplish keyboard appeared before Bradley as he hesitated before putting in 'RatApotheosis' his web novel and wattpad username. Nothing too extreme but a good goal for the future. Godhood…it was within his grasp. He just needed time at this point.

//Cliffhanger strikes for the first time in this novel! If I have time, there will be another chapter tomorrow. This will be a mainly mha fic for quite a while before it switches over to one of the tier seven worlds. If any of you can guess before the next chapter there will be an extra chapter tomorrow. Plead review and give power stones if your on web novel and favorite and follow if on fanfiction.net goodbyeeeee

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