

"wake up Winter it's 7'am"sang his alarm waking Winter up from his sleep, slowly getting up he realized it was Monday and he didn't want to be late to school entering the bathroom he did his morning ritual and come out, walking to his closet he settled in a black jacket over a a blue t-shirt and a black jeans trouser with a pair of blue sneakers.

coming downstairs and getting to the dinning Winter greeted his father Mr Jackson who was a businessman"good morning dad, good morning mom"Winter greeted his parents"good morning bro"Marcus Winter's brother greeted him"good morning brother Winter"Lily Winter's sister greeted him also. After breakfast, Winter's dad took Lily to school while Winter and Marcus went to their own school which was different from that of their sister.

Reaching the school, the whole girls were crushing on Winter and Marcus while the boys were jealous because not only were they brilliant but they were handsome Winter handsomeness was exceptional he had an ocean blue eyes with those sexy lips that could make the heart of a girl to melt at just a look. Entering inside class their biology teacher came in Winter and Marcus answered every question thrown to the class as they were super brilliant.

After the biology teacher left the class, Andrew the class bully and his friends walked to where Marcus and Winter were sitting"hey class look at this brilliant and handsome boys, lets see how they will look like with cheese on their faces"he said and poured cheese on Marcus and Winter"are you nuts"Marcus said and slapped him"you had the guts to slap me"Andrew said and punched Marcus but his hand was caught midway by no one else but Collins the class most cold guy who never cared about what was happening in the class"don't you dare do that"he said and with that he dropped his hand and walked to his sit.

As the school over bell rang Collins took his bag and went home.on his way home, he was blocked by Andrew and four other boys with knives and revolvers"who do we have here the strongest boy in high school"Andrew mocked and him and his boys laughed"stay out of my way or else you won't like the outcome of you getting me angry"Collins said"oh what is he going to do hold my hand? listen boy if you know what is good for you, you should be begging us by now"Andrew said"get out of my way"Collins said and tried walking past them but they held him back"lets deal with this guy boss"one of Andrew's boys said"go ahead"Andrew said and they all attacked him, pulling his bag Collins closed his eyes receiving the pains not too long he started transforming. claws started growing, fangs came out of his mouth and slowly he transformed into a werewolf beta.steping back, Andrew and his boys marveled"what are you waiting for deal with him"Andrew charged his boys and they all attacked him once again.with a swift move Collins caught one of the boys by his neck burying his claws inside his neck and dropped his lifeless body catching another one closer to him,he slit his throat open.bouncing up Collins landed on one of them burying his claws inside his chest he ripped out his heart turning to another one who tried running he punched and he crashed on a near by tree, walking over to where he was, he ripped out his head from his body"p..l..e..s.e don't k..i..l..l m..e"said Andrew said"no boy i won't kill you i will leave you to tell others the tale

The sky was as red as blood the moon refused to do it's work"help us Winter help us"the people cried to Winter as they were been killed what's going on honey"Winter's wife Pinky asked worried"i don't know but don't be worried you are safe"Winter said and hugged his wife hugging her, he realized he was in pains leaving her,he saw blood oozing out of his stomach looking at her he saw a knife on hand"I'm sorry Winter but i had to do that"she said and walked away. Looking at his wound he wondered why it was not healing, slowly his vision became blur he tried to stand on his feet but failed woefully and then he blanked out.

Jotting out from sleep, Winter panted it was another series of bad dream thinking about the dream, his mind wandered off to what happened today.


Winter walked through a shortcut to his house he and Marcus had placed a bet on who will be the first person to reach home so he decided to take a shortcut, from afar he could hear and see Andrew with some other boys planning to pour him acid which was a surprising thing to him.Geting to where they were"he's here lets get this done"Andrew said and brought out a bottle"now let's see if does girls will still crush on you"Andrew said and raised the bottle up but with a swift move Winter made them all unconscious"how in the world did I did that"Andrew said when he came back to his senses


Winter wondered what was happening to him it was his eighteenth birthday and all this strange things were happening to to him why. Looking at the mirror Winter noticed that his hair was red not only that a moon like shaped mark was on his neck looking at the mirror TRYBRID was boldly written and then the mirror scattered.screaming his mom rushed to his room"what's it Winter"mom look at the mirror"looking at the mirror it was back to normal"but nothing is wrong with the mirror""my hair""nothing is wrong with your hair Winter"looking at the mirror he also noticed that the moon like shaped mark was gone"but""no buts Winter maybe it's your imagination"Winter's mom interrupted him"no mom I know what I saw"it's okay Winter we'll talk about this tomorrow morning I promise you"Winter's mom said pecking his cheek and left him thinking.

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