
Chapter 284 - Rising Star

Broken was in his room with Freya as he took out an item from his Inventory - a Gatestone, a small black stone with a moon symbol and magic symbols on it.

"What is that?" Freya asked with a questioning face.

"This is a Gatestone. It allows me to easily return to this place from wherever I am." he simply answered.

"Oh wow, so this is one of the features of your new Pocket Dimension? That's amazing!" she responded in amazement.

"Yes, I think so too." Broken then walked to the center of the room and placed the stone there.

[Do you want to use the Gatestone at this point?]

"Broken…" Freya then chimed in. "If something happened to this place, would you still appear at this high point? Since this is the top floor in this house."

"Hm... I hadn't thought that far, but I don't think we need to worry about it. I can always buy another Gatestone if I need to. I just feel comfortable if I make this place my saving point..."

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