
Descent into the Unknown

Njuko fights with his pillow trying to block out the sounds going on outside. The sun is barely up in sky fighting the purple mists for space as it tries to shine through. The beating of loud drums thumps through Njuko's walls. His walls have carved into them the faces of his fathers on the inside at least. his room is very spacious since he keeps most of his clothes under his bed a traditional minimalist design. The white and red cloth of his bed cover is being violently kicked as Njuko burst out bed like a hyper butterfly too eager to get flying.

Outside, the village is coming alive. The Mountianmen are already beating on their loud thunderous sheepskin drums. They are dressed in mostly silver interlaced with leather and other fabrics. The glass-like structures in their clothing lie dormant as they don't really activate their thermal reactors outside the Mount Xaka area.

A few meters behind them is the Border Tribe folwed by huge road beetles that is pulling carriages of goods meant for trading. The mixture of clothing on these people is from every tribe. Some even wearing the Black and Mseshwe of the Kaluti tribe that inhabits the Shadow land south of The Sea of Weaves. The other nine tribes are still trying to cross the riverways leading to the Temple of the Broken God. Their name is lost to the river of time however it is widely known that The God sacrificed their power to create the Fractured Lands.

Njuko who has resigned himself to waking up is further blasted by trumpets and voices of people singing. This is one of the downsides to living so close to the Floating that is its proximity to the temple which is the hosting ground for the Seed opening ceremony. Today after his grooming and getting dressed in a Chubaki, which is a single piece of cloth carefully wrapped around the body. He is not allowed to wear anything else as he must enter the Seed world naked but at least they are allowed to walk with some coverings on. The one Njuko chose was a simple dark green fabric. He puts on his sandles and walks out the door.

The sun is still fight fighting the purple morning mists, however by the number of people in the area most of the viallge is already up and moving towards the Temple. From his house he can see the entrace from the left side and hundreds of people are going in singing and dancing as they make their way in.

Njuko being a local and pretty high ranking one decides to go in the back, the climb up the stair activating the burn in his tired legs. Along the way a slightly darker figure hugs him. Mduju is almost two meters tall and built like a rhino. He is also wearing a Chubaki he has also removed all the other breaker artifacts in hair.

Being a little out of breath most from the fatigue, Njuko uses silently talk by waving his around. Mduju laughs and says "Yeah apparently the Seed world is special and will only accept artifacts of similar quality."

Njuko nods they are maybe half to the top and still need to climb a lot stair Njuko signs again Mduju responds "Yeah she said she will us up there. Oh before I sell this to that bum, here is your artifact you did after all make it all the way and still found time to sleep."

Njuko takes a look at the small artifact it's a small round ball that fits into the palm of his hand. The sphere it's self is not that detailed only having a symbol a triangle with seven colors. The same one symbol can be found on pictures of the Seed world on the spirit.

Njuko signs faster than before and picks his pace. He can hear the song opening starting and he doesn't want to miss anything Mduju says back with a smile on his face, "She will explain how use them and no we are going in first after what happened last time, the council had decided to let one of the other tribes to take the risk."

Njuko pats his friends on the shoulder, actually he is using Mduju as lead and Mduju is more than strong enough to pull him along without straining in the least bit. They arrive at the top. The space here has been made so that it can hold about a hundred and most of them are the influenctaul members of the tribe like Njuko and Mduju fathers who are standing by the Queen who is Bilat's mother. The boys would have gone to greet but since the song has started they are the last two to take their places and lucky for them Elder Sahili decides to let it go since today is a day of celebration. The only space available is the two chairs on either side of the princess.

The boys quickly shuffle in Mduju signs slowly, he has never been greet at Silently talk, always preferring blink talk. Mduju believes it's simplicity is best and in his head the blinks sound like clicks and hisses. The hands weave 'Princess, blessings of Lita be with you. " a simply traditional greeting carefully excited even Njuko is impressed usually Mduju would have said something to straightforward and drawn the ire of the elders who are all in attendance today.

Njuko also signs a greeting his however is far more flamboyant and uses pop alongside his signing and he managed to do it low enough only they heard the pops. Bilat nods in appreciation. Her hair is in a space bun today and really forms well with her high cheeks bones and mahogany skin. She is wearing an almost sheer cloth that hangs loosely.

The music and singing soon come to a stop as elder Pelani, shook his arthritis ridden hand. He is jeweled from top to bottom in earrings, necklaces, bracelets rings and other jewels even some of his teeth are elephant jade.

"Honored guests, we are gathered here under the protection of the First. Queen of the fractured lands. Mother of the twelve tribes. Protectot of all life. Builder of mountains and slayer of Winter. Mabilat the seventh we are in awe of you grace and Majesty." says elder Pelani who voice is carried by echo all across the temple.

Everyone present bows as is tradition even if the royal family is merely first amongst equals somethings are done because they have always been done. At this moment Bilat sign s to the 'Swallow the artifact I gave you, this seed world is truly dangerous and this the only way you will be able to take anything with you.'

The boys both do as instructed even if they have never done anything like eating an artifact but they trust and love her so they don't question it.

"Those who would be tested please prepare yourself. The Seed world before has been deemed as the highest tier ever discovered. This means that the possibilities are endless however be warned with the amount of reward held in this Seed the level of danger will be unparalleled." Elder Pelani explained in a somber voice, some people in the Temple gasp in shock. The other murmurs filled with greed and hope. The elder continues explain the possibilities comparing it to the last great Seed found which is responsible for the Tundari Confederacy. The of the Confederacy raiase the anger of many. The Confederacy has levied unjust taxes and unreasonable costs.

The elder brings the room under control and drops a little of his blood onto the Seed. Which is a giant bubble of liquid metal. The seed reacts to the blood, shimmering and becoming translucent. Inside an image of a city with people inside can be seen. The symbol with the seven color triangle shows its brightly. This is the door way into the Seed world.

Elder Pelani only says "The victor go the spoils," soon the people start to flow into the Seed. Bilat walks over to the balcony over looking the seed. With the boys close on her heels. She turns to them and says in her sweetest voice. "Look over there at the top of the Seed world. The boys peer over the Seed world had another portal on the top.

Njuko says to Mduju " I count three what about you. " Mduju is carefully examine the Seed world and the his pop and he says.

" Ten! The other gates have less colors but if you look they are there." Njuko also tries to see but his eyes have never been as good as old purple eyes over here. His parents told him that some people who have bright eyes is too see the hidden world.

Bilat signs something to her mother, several guards look at each other thinking they read wrong. Mabilat only shakes her head and wave good bye to her foolish and spirited daughter. Bilat then bows lifts her arms and pushes herself and the boys over the balcony

Bilat is crazy

Most people drop the clothing at the doorway then enter

Sgt_Caesercreators' thoughts
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