
Invitation And Daemons

With the change of scene, Cosmo appeared in a wasteland. He was confused as to why he had appeared here, only to have his thoughts be cleared up by a system notification.

[You are currently at the final stages of setting up your character and stuff.]

[Please select which mode you would like to play on.]

[Assisted mode] [Independent mode.]

Seeing two options appear, Cosmo didn't automatically choose one of them, instead, he asked the system for information on both.

[Assisted mode: In this mode, you will be assisted by the system. In other words, when you perform actions that require things like activating skills and aiming at them, the system will provide assistance.]

[Independent mode: A mode meant for experts only. In this mode, you will have to aim at your enemies on your own and the system won't provide any aim assistance.]

Looking at the description of both options, Cosmo contemplated on which one to select, and after a while, he chose the independent mode. In independent mode, Cosmo can use his special moves to overpower his enemies and impress cuties.

[Player Kosmos is now playing the game in independent mode.]

[Would host like to test out independent mode before being transported to the town?]

Cosmo declined as he didn't want to waste time. The scene again changed and Cosmo appeared in a town. When he spawned inside the town, Cosmo first immersed himself in how realistic virtual reality looked. There were many players inside the town, but their names were hidden. The only way to know a player's IGN is only if they PK'd you or other interactions.

Once he came out of his daze, Cosmo looked around for an NPC. He read before that these NPC, also known as Non-Player Character, were the ones who gave out quests and such.

After a while of looking around, Cosmo found an old man who was sitting in front of his house with a worried look. Cosmo asked the old man what was wrong politely.

"Old beautiful man, what might be the problem?"

The old man looked up and looked at Cosmo with eyes that were filled with worry.

"Young man, this old beautiful man has been having some troubles lately. Wild roosters keep on trying to force themselves on my cute chickens. Please save my cute chickens from being r***d!"

[Quest: Save the cute chickens

Requirement: Kill 5 roosters and bring back their peeks as proof.

Reward: 10 bronze coins.]

[Accept] [Deny]

Seeing a quest pop up, Cosmo immediately accepted it and replied back to the old man with a line given to him by the system.

"Old mo**a fu**ing beautiful man, I, a great mage, will definitely take revenge for your cute chickens!"

"Haha, I hope you can fulfill this old man's request."

Cosmo used the minimap to find the spawn location of the roosters. When he arrived there, he was truly shocked. In front of his view, Hundreds upon hundreds of players were ganging up on these roosters. Cosmo had zero sympathies for these ra*ists.

Cosmo opened up his status menu to see his what kind of skills he currently had.


Name: Kosmos Level: 1 (0/300)

Class: Mage Secondary Profession: NONE

HP: 100 MP: 100

Strength:10 Defense:10

Dexterity:10 Constitution:10

Wisdom:10 Luck: 1 (FIXED)

Spell Damage: 12 Physical Damage: 10


- Normal clothes

- Normal Staff (+2 spell damage)


Looking at his status, Cosmo nodded with satisfaction. It looked like he was pretty overpowered for a beginner. The first skill a mage had was called Magic Arrow.

<Magic Arrow>

Damage: +10 damage per hit

Consumption: 5 MP

Cooldown: 2 seconds

Looking around, Cosmo saw a rooster that had spawned. He cast Magic Arrow towards the rooster, but sadly, his Magic Arrow arrived a second after the rooster was killed. Feeling helpless, Cosmo decided to walk further away from these players. As he was walking away, a player that was near him was shocked by Cosmo's previous actions.

"How could he cast Magic Arrow so instantly? He might be an expert."

The unknown player muttered to himself and continued his hunt. Meanwhile, Cosmo had passed through the level 1 area and entered the level 2 area. Level 1 and 2 contained passive monsters, ones that will not attack you unless you bother them.

On the level 2 area, it was also crowded, but not to the point where you wouldn't find any monsters to hunt. Here, wild rabbits spawned.

<Wild Rabbit>

Level: 2

HP: 40

Cosmo snuck behind a wild rabbit that was eating grass. With a kick to its butt, the rabbit was sent flying into the air. Simultaneously, Cosmo launched a magic arrow which struck the rabbit.

- 10

- 22


When other players saw a rabbit flying in the air, they looked at what happened to it, but then they saw it get hit up a magic arrow and the damage that popped up truly shocked them.

"How did he cause 32 damage when the game hasn't even be open for more than 30 minutes?"

"He must've had a great physique."

"Yup, it must be that."


While the players were contemplating on how Cosmo could've caused that much of damage, Cosmo was busy launched another attack towards the rabbit.

Before the rabbit fell on the ground, Cosmo launched himself at the rabbit and drop kicked it.


[Congratulations, you have defeated a wild rabbit... Experience +20...]

People were shocked when they saw Cosmo's finishing move.

"What just happened?"

"I... I don't know. Did he really finish off the rabbit with a dropkick?"

"I think so... Or I might be blind."

While everyone was shocked, someone shouted from the back of the crowd.

"Are we going to ignore the fact that he dealt 10 damage to the rabbit?"

When everyone heard that, they were beyond shocked. How could a mage class player have 10 damage?

"Why did he choose mage if he has 10 attributes in strength? And how the hell did he get 10 attributes in strength?"

"He must be an expert!"

"But who could he be?"

"He might be from that crazy guild!"

When they heard that statement, everyone went silent.


Meanwhile, Cosmo was unsatisfied, for he wasn't able to harvest the body of the rabbit and gain its meat or hide. To solve his problem, he stuffed the whole dead body into his inventory.

When he turned around, Cosmo saw everyone looking at him while discussing something. Cosmo thought that killing the rabbit with 3 hits must've made him look like trash in front of them. With a blush from embarrassment, Cosmo ran away and searched for another rabbit. One that wasn't near other players.

After killing twenty wild rabbits, Cosmo's inventory filled up and his inventory was full. He had finally leveled up to level 2. He received 5 stat points after leveling up and he put all of it in wisdom.


Name: Kosmos Level: 2 (0/600)

Class: Mage Secondary Profession: NONE

HP: 100/100 MP: 150/150

Strength: 10 Defense: 10

Dexterity: 10 Constitution: 10

Wisdom: 15 Luck: 1 (FIXED)

Spell Damage: 17 Physical Damage: 10


- Normal clothes

- Normal Staff (+2 spell damage)


In <Transcendent>, when you level up, your MP fills up. Cosmo would've continued to level up, but his inventory was full so he needed to return back to town and sell all of the dead rabbits.

After returning back to town, Cosmo headed to the butchery. He saw a middle-aged man who was at the counter buying from and selling to players.

After a while, it was Cosmo's turn.

"How may I help you, adventurer?"

"I would like to sell 20 dead wild rabbits."

"Each one costs 5 bronze coins, so your total will be 1 silver."

In <Transcendent>, 100 bronze equaled to 1 silver, 100 silvers equaled to 1 gold, and 1000 gold equaled to an imperial coin.


Once he received his silver, Cosmo went towards the general store to buy MP potions. When he went inside, there was so full, there was barely any space to stand. It was truly a struggle to get to the front desk.

"What would you like to buy sir?"

"10 MP potions."

<MP Potion>

Restores 100 MP in 5 seconds

"Alright, that will be 1 silver. Would you like a bag to carry it?"

"... No thank you."


Cosmo left town after buying his MP potions and went back to his leveling up spot.

<MP Potion>

Restores 100 MP in 5 seconds

The 100 MP restoration was just perfect for Cosmo. He began to massacre wild rabbits like there was no tomorrow. The players who were around the area were greatly surprised by Cosmo's efficient way. He would first launch it in the air, hit it with a magic arrow then, and finally finish it off with a dropkick.

"This guy, what is he?"

"A fu**ing expert, that's what he is."

"Hehe, I'm going to seduce him and have him help me level up."

"Who would even fall for your seduction?"

"What did you just say?"

"Let me rephrase, why the hell do you think any man would want to be seduced by an ugly b**ch like you?"

"You f*cking bastard! Stand still so I can kick your ass!"

Meanwhile, while Cosmo was happy about leveling up again, someone walked up to him.

"Haha, brother, you are truly a great expert, might I be able to inquire which guild you are from? Wrath of the Brave? Blaze of the Ruined?"


Cosmo was somewhat confused by what this guy was asking. In all Cosmo's life, he had barely ever played any games. If he did, MMORPG wasn't one of them. One of the games he played that he liked the most was called Screams from the Sea.

It was a game where sharks would hunt down people. Everyone would be given a lifeboat, but if a shark decided to target you, you probably lose. The durability of the boat wasn't something that could outlast a shark's consecutive attacks for 5 minutes.

"No, I am not part of a guild."

"Oh, then... Would you like to join my guild?"

People began to murmur about who might this unknown person who had just invited the expert mage to join his guild is.

"I've seen this guy somewhere, just can't remember."

One of the players who was standing around murmured.

"You want me to join your guild?"

"Yes, my guild is called Conquerors of Defiance and I am ConquerorOfWar, a warrior class."

"Oh, you got the name ConquerorOfWar? You must've joined the game faster than everyone else, huh?"

"Yup, I was truly lucky."

"Well, to your invitation, I will have to decline. Sorry, but I am not interested in joining a guild right now."

The guy who was thinking about where he saw ConquerorOfWar remembered something and shouted from the crowd.

"Wait, I remember that guy! He is ConquerorOfWar, the main warrior of Conquerors of Defiance! Last season, his team was able to compete for semifinals against Blaze of the Ruined!"

When everyone heard the guy's words, it was as if something clicked.

"Oh, I remember him too!"

That was the phrase that they began to say. Cosmo looked back at ConquerorOfWar and he looked at the guy in a different light. All he thought about was milking money from this guy. Cosmo once heard that professional gamers earned a ton of revenues so this guy must be packed.

Sadly for Cosmo, when he rejected the invitation, ConquerorOfWar's eyes turned cold for a second and Cosmo felt it.

"You are truly famous brother ConquerorOfWar."

"Haha, don't worry about it. Also, what is your decision about joining my guild?"

"Haha, mighty brother ConquerorOfWar, I would truly like to join your guild, but I need to know the benefits."

The crowd went uproar from ConquerorOfWar's second invitation to Cosmo.

"OMG! Did he really receive a second invitation after he rejected the first one?"

"This guy is one lucky fu*ker!"

"The benefits? Well, at first I was thinking of giving you the position of the substitute for our main mage. With your skills, you would truly fit that job perfectly. Now, for humiliating in front of these people, I will need to downgrade your position to errand boy."

"Haha, you jest brother."

"Haha, if only that was the case."

Cosmo's mouth twitched a little. This guy was truly vicious in his acts of revenge. All Cosmo did was reject him one time and now he is going to hire him as an errand boy for his guild? Who the hell did he think Cosmo was? His servant or something?

Cosmo was a daemon, a special daemon from the Underworld. For all these years, Cosmo remained lowkey and the higher echelons only knew him by his title and not his name. The underworld consisted of three types of daemons, lesser daemon, high daemon, and the daemon king.

Lesser daemons made up most of the population but were at the bottom of the hierarchy. Compared to human cultivators, normal lesser daemons had the strength of a Qi Condensation middle stage cultivator. Lesser daemons that cultivated would be at the level of Foundation Establishing peak level.

To become a high daemon, a lesser daemon needed to be at the level of a Golden Core lower stage, human cultivator. High daemons were regarded as special guests due to their strength. Due to a universal law, only 200 high daemons could exist. These high daemons each had a special ability and reached a title for it. The strength of these high daemons was ranked based on nobility ranks: baron, viscount, count, marquis, and duke. Unlike lesser daemons, high daemons couldn't evolve to daemon kings once they reached a certain level.

To be a daemon king, a daemon needed to be a high daemon first with great strength that would be at the level of Nirvana cultivator at the 9th tribulation, but high daemons could still grow stronger than that level and even have the strength of a Martial King. Only 10 daemon kings were allowed could exist because of another universal law. Each daemon king had a special name from the Greek gods relating to their abilities and they ruled a part of the underworld. These daemon kings remained in a truce with each other but secretly plotted against each other.

Cosmo was a daemon, but no one knew he was an actual daemon. The only way to recognize a daemon was by their golden eyes and pale skin. Cosmo was able to change his eyes colors to brown but kept his pale skin. Some people would sometimes ask if he was a daemon, but he would reply with a no.

In the Underworld, the daemon kings set a rule that only high daemons were allowed to use the dimensional gate to get to the human world. Lesser daemons would need to receive a recommendation from a high daemon or a daemon king in order to use it.

The reason why such a rule was set was due to the fact that some daemons would cause havoc in the human world, but the daemon kings didn't want such things happening.


*Back to Cosmo*

"Hmph, you think you are worthy for me to be your servant? Truly a funny joke."

Cosmo was somewhat pissed off. A wisp of his killing intent leaked out on purpose which caused ConquerorOfWar's knees to feel weak. He looked at Cosmo with a pale face.

"Ha-haha, I w-was just joking around. Anyways, I-I'm just going to leave."

ConquerorOfWar ran away like a chicken, never to be seen again. The players around were confused as to what had just happened. Because they didn't feel the killing intent, they thought ConquerorOfWar must've run away to do something. But, not everyone thought like that. Some experts who were hidden in the crowd had a pale face. They felt the killing intent too which caused them to be drenched in cold sweat. Good thing they didn't mess with him!

Cultivation ranks for humans:

- Qi Condensation

- Foundation Establishing

- Golden Core

- Nirvana

- Martial King

Stages: Lower, Middle, Upper, Peak

High Daemon ranking:

- Baron/Baroness

- Viscount/Viscountess

- Count/Countess

- Marquis/Marquess

- Duke/Duchess

Y0ur5_Trulycreators' thoughts
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