
Vrika: The War For Survival

Humans, want Binilquadoctium from the devil's island. But the citizens there, don't want humans to take that. This causes a war between Humans the the Devil's Island citizens.

Mridul_Jha · Fantasy
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37 Chs

The Meeting Scheduled

"Are you mad! Why did you killed him?" Dr. Nitish Khajuria asked.

"Take a chill pill, we have the research paper and a few moles of Binilquadoctium as proof. If we show this to government and manage to get permission to start an industry on that Amanaviye Dweep to extract Binilquadoctium we will become rich and meanwhile we may become heroes for saving humanity and for this contribution we would be pardoned for lilling Dr. Gyan Singh." Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary answered.

"No, you betrayed him. You can do this to me in future. I will not let you go." Dr. Nitish Khajuria shouted.

"Ok then die!" Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary replied and liquefied Dr. Nitish Khajuria.

"No one has power to stop P C. I am the greatest human alive. I am Immortal Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary." Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary shouted.

Then he called his elder brother who was also his manager, Mr. Kesari Nandan Chaudhary using Dr. Gyan Singh's mobile phone.

"Hello Kesari Nandan!" Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary spoke.

"Yes, who is it?" Mr. Kesari Nandan Chaudhary asked.

"Your dad." Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary replied .

"Wrong number!" Mr. Kesari Nandan Chaudhary replied and disconnected the call.

Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary called him again but he did not answered the call instead he rejected it. Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary became angry.

"I am going to fire him." Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary shouted.

Then Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary again called his brother Mr. Kesari Nandan Chaudhary.

Mr. Kesari Nandan Chaudhary answered the call.

"Wrong Number I told you earlier then why are you disturbing me." Mr. Kesari Nandan Chaudhary shouted angrily.

"You are fired idiot." Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary shouted.

"Who gave you right to fire me?" Mr. Kesari Nandan Chaudhary asked in anger.

"I am your boss, the great P C or Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary." Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary answered in anger.

"Oh sorry sorry, please don't fire me. After all I am your elder brother." Mr. Kesari Nandan Chaudhary requested.

"Ok, then go and schedule a meeting with the prime minister of india." Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary replied.

"Ok, Pushkal." Mr. Kesari Nandan Chaudhary spoke.

"You are fired." Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary shouted.

"But why Pushkal??" Mr. Kesari Nandan Chaudhary asked.

"Because you dare call me by name, I am your younger brother later. Firstly I am your boss call me respected Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary Sir or respected 'P C the great'." Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary replied.

"Ok, respected Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary sir, I will remmeber it. I will call you after scheduling the meeting." Mr. Kesari Nandan Chaudhary spoke.

"Ok, call me on my personal mobile number, I am going to my home." Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary replied.

"Ok, respected The Great P C sir. I will call you after scheduling the meeting." Mr. Kesari Nandan Chaudhary spoke.

Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary disconnected the call and went out of the lab of Dr. Gyan Singh. Then he called his driver and asked him to come to Dr. Gyan Singh's house. Within an hour his driver Mr. Chen Xing Namgyal commonly known as Chen Xing Bhai came in his car.

After half an hour Chen Xing bhai reached to Dr. Gyan Singh's house. Then Chen Xing Bhai called Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary. Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary answered the call.

"Yes, Chen Xing Bhai have you reached the destination?" Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary asked.

"Yes respected Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary Sir, I am exactly there. You just have to come out of the house, I am here with my car on the main gate." Chen Xing Bhai replied.

"Ok, wait there I am coming." Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary spoke.

Then Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary came out of the house with the files and Binilquadoctium capsule.

Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary sat in the car and told Chen Xing Bhai to take him to his home. Chen Xing bhai started his car. While Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary was in the car he put the files and the Binilquadoctium Capsule into his bag. Then Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary called his wife Mrs. Aadra Chellapilla Pushkal Chaudhary. "Hey Aadra!" Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary spoke.

"Yes Pushkal." Mrs. Aadra Chellapilla Pushkal Chaudhary. replied.

"I am coming home honey, do not order the food online as usual, today we will go to Ursa Major for the dinner."(Ursa Major is an imaginary 7 star restaurant named after the constellation Ursa Major also known as Saptrishi. [Ursa Major is a constellation in the northern sky, whose associated mythology likely dates back into prehistory. Its Latin name means "greater bear," referring to and contrasting it with nearby Ursa Minor, the lesser bear. In antiquity, it was one of the original 48 constellations listed by Ptolemy in the 2nd century AD, drawing on earlier works by Greek, Egyptian, Babylonian, and Assyrian astronomers. Today it is the third largest of the 88 modern constellations. Ursa Major is primarily known from the asterism of its main seven stars, which has been called the "Big Dipper," "the Wagon," "Charles's Wain," or "the Plough," among other names. In particular, the Big Dipper's stellar configuration mimics the shape of the "Little Dipper." Two of its stars, named Dubhe and Merak (α Ursae Majoris and β Ursae Majoris), can be used as the navigational pointer towards the place of the current northern pole star, Polaris in Ursa Minor.

Ursa Major, along with asterisms that incorporate or comprise it, is significant to numerous world cultures, often as a symbol of the north. Its depiction on the flag of Alaska is a modern example of such symbolism.

Ursa Major is visible throughout the year from most of the northern hemisphere, and appears circumpolar above the mid-northern latitudes. From southern temperate latitudes, the main asterism is invisible, but the southern parts of the constellation can still be viewed. Ursa Major covers 1279.66 square degrees or 3.10% of the total sky, making it the third largest constellation. In 1930, Eugène Delporte set its official International Astronomical Union (IAU) constellation boundaries, defining it as a 28-sided irregular polygon. In the equatorial coordinate system, the constellation stretches between the right ascension coordinates of 08h 08.3m and 14h 29.0m and the declination coordinates of +28.30° and +73.14°. Ursa Major borders eight other constellations: Draco to the north and northeast, Boötes to the east, Canes Venatici to the east and southeast, Coma Berenices to the southeast, Leo and Leo Minor to the south, Lynx to the southwest and Camelopardalis to the northwest. The three-letter constellation abbreviation "UMa" was adopted by the IAU in 1922. Ursa Major has been reconstructed as an Indo-European constellation. It was one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd century AD astronomer Ptolemy in his Almagest, who called it Arktos Megale. It is mentioned by such poets as Homer, Spenser, Shakespeare, Tennyson and also by Federico Garcia Lorca, in "Song for the Moon". Ancient Finnish poetry also refers to the constellation, and it features in the painting Starry Night Over the Rhône by Vincent van Gogh. It may be mentioned in the biblical book of Job, dated between the 7th and 4th centuries BC, although this is often disputed.]

"Ok honey, I am going to get ready." Mrs. Aadra Chellapilla Pushkal Chaudhary replied.

"Ok, love you." Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary replied and disconnected the call.

They reached to Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary's home in an hour.

Pushkal Chaudhary told his driver to wait for some time and then he went in. After half an hour he came back with his wife. They both sat in the car. Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary told his driver to take them to Ursa Major. Chen Xing Bhai did so. They reached to Ursa Major in half an hour. There they had dinner and then they came back home. At 11 pm when they were sleeping, Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary's mobile rang. It was call from Mr. Kesari Nandan Chaudhary. Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary answered the call.

"What happened! why are you calling me at this moment. I was sleeping you disturbed me idiot you are fired." Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary shouted. His wife woke up hearing his shout.

"What happened honey?" Mrs. Aadra Chellapilla Pushkal Chaudhary asked.

"Nothing love." Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary answered. Then Mrs. Aadra Chellapilla Pushkal Chaudhary slept.

"Tell me what happened idiot." Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary spoke.

"Sorry to disturb you respected Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary sir, actually I wanted to tell you that I managed to fix your appointment with the prime minister. The meeting is tomorrow 5 pm." Mr. Kesari Nandan Chaudhary spoke.

"Idiot, why didn't you told me earlier?" Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary asked.

"Sorry respected Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary sir." Mr. Kesari Nandan Chaudhary replied.

"What sorry idiot? Now disconnect the call and let me sleep." Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary ordered.

"Ok, respected Dr. Pushkal Chaudhary sir." Mr. Kesari Nandan Chaudhary replied and disconnected the call.