

Living for 21 years and working as a librarian, David lives a pretty mundane, monotonous and chill lifestyle, David likes the way his life is, but like everyone there is a dark side to him that he tries not to show to others. From an outsiders perspective it might sound like he's some serial killer or psyco, but the truth is, he is just a librarian... ------------------------- This fic is extremely dark, meaning that there could by scenes of: -rape -extreme gore -sex trafficking -brutal murder -and other dark topics

Bloodied_Revenant · Games
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8 Chs

Unchained ch2

Getting into the dealership it just looks normal, apart from the couple of, I'm guessing players, that are arguing with the receptionist about how they want to be accepted into the association because they pre-orded. Whereas the receptionist is saying how he doesn't know what they're talking about, I also noticed that the receptionist had his hands under the desk until he saw me entering, so I guess he has a gun and was planning to 'deal' with them. After seeing that he cannot kill the two idiots and that they won't stop, the receptionist calls security by pressing a button on his desk which is pretty obvious, as it's right on top of the desk with the words security on it, and the button is red.

'Guess it's a game mechanic making it easier for players to stop alarms and stuff.'

After pressing the button security comes out of the back door and drag the two players kicking and screaming outside, then after two whip crack like sounds it all goes quiet, deciding I don't want to look suspicious I walk up to the receptionist and ask.

"Hey, I was told I won a free car, am I at the right place?"

When the receptionist heard what I said he smiled and asked for the ticket, after handing it to him he scans the barcode and after that he puts it in a mini-shredder that sits on his desk. Getting up he grabs a pair of keys and starts walking towards the door.

"Follow me please sir"

Following him we walk for a minute before he stops and gives me the car keys and a card with only a number on it.

"Here is your car sir, and if you are in need of quick cash no questions asked then you can call that number, if that is all then have a good day sir"

"Thanks and you to"

Getting in the car I start it up then drive around into a quiet place, after that I get out and check the car for things like trackers. After spending 15 minutes looking everywhere I can think of I get back into the car and then call the number the receptionist gave me. When the phone gets picked up I hear a robotic voice of an answering machine.

"Press 1 if you are new"

*Presses 1*

"Press 1 if you need help, press 2 for a quick job, pre-"

*Presses 2*

"Job list being sent, when you have chosen the job please press the corresponding number into the number pad"

*opens up job listings*

[1. Drop a package off

2. Be lookout

3. Kill ******


45. Rob ****** store

46. Bomb ****** building]

"wow there are some big missions"

*Presses 3*

"Are you sure you want to accept this mission, press 1 for yes, pres-"

*Pressed 1*

"Mission accepted, target location being sent, target is a 22 year old male that works at the gas station, he has black hair, brown eyes, is 5'7, right handed, has a British accent and wears a pink watch on his left wrist. Target works at the gas station between 9:00am-5:00pm, client wants to send a message so there is no need to hide the body, reward is $2500, time limit is 1 week. When you are done take a photo of the body and send it to us for faster confirmation, good luck."

After checking the location of the mission I get out the car and start taking the licence plates off and throw them in the trunk, after that I drive to a $2 shop and steal a balaclava and a paintball helmet by throwing a item across the store hitting something and making the staff go to see what that was. After getting my mask I drive down to the gass station and put both masks on.

As I pull up to the gas station I get out and fill up my car, as people stare a little cause my get up of a wife beater, cargo shorts a balaclava and a paintball mask, after filling her up I walk into the gas station and grab some water, beef jerky and some chocolate as I walk up to the counter I wait my turn as there is one person in front of me.

Looking at the store clerk as he rings up my items, I see that this should be my target, pink watch check, British accent check, is using his right hand to scan items and use the cash regester. With every little confirmation my heartbeat speeds up and my hands start getting sweaty, after confirming that it is him I ask for some cigarettes so I can attack him while his back is turned.

"Hey mate can you you get me some redwoods"

And as he turns around I jump across the counter and grab him in a choke hold from behind, then grabbing the screwdriver in one of my pockets I stab as hard and fast as I can  into his chest, then start stabbing him in the neck causing blood to flow out of his neck like a little fountain, pushing him to the ground I watch in morbid fascination as he struggles to try stop the bleeding, as he is struggling on the ground I take the bottle of water and pour it over my hands and screwdriver to wash the blood off.

"luckily I don't have any sleeves otherwise I'd have to throw away my only top"

By the time I'm done cleaning the blood off of my arms my target is already dead, so I sit him up take a picture and send it off, after that I search his body for anything valuable and only find $20 so I decide to rob the cash regester and after doing so I take a couple plastic bags and start gathering some food and drinks for later.

