
Author's Note


Written by Jaz Johnson

Published by TC Publishing Studio

Copyright © 2019 Jaz Johnson

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author or publisher.

Author's Note

This story is focused on virtual reality. Specifically, MMORPG games. And because the world of a mmo is so vast, as well as the personalities involved, 80%+ of this story's characters are based on or inspired by people that I know (and some that you may know, too).

I wanted to bring in real personalities, and real connections, to the real and virtual worlds. I've had so much fun not only crafting this story but seeing how my friends, family, and acquaintances come to life in a world not of their own.

So thank you to those who let me use their likeness to add another layer to my world, I hope I don't disappoint you.


I've decided that within the actual novel, and comic thereafter, I want to do as little info dumping as possible, while still making sure you can understand all of the terms and game aspects I've created for this world.

So, I've decided to add footnotes to the end of each act (if need be) and to create a series of handbooks to go along with the story. There will be one for basic information, like class types, races, terminology, gameplay, etc., one for monsters, perhaps one for full character bios, and anything else that I find appropriate. I thought it would be interesting, seeing as though actual games have similar handbooks available for their players.

So, when you see a * in front of a word, know that there will be a footnote with a brief explanation at the end of the act, probably in the following post (they'll post at the same time as the chapter) as well as information on where you can find more details (i.e., which handbook you should reference for more information).

I'm going to be making some handbooks and posting info to them on the story's website (under construction). I'll be sure to let you know when they're viewable!


If you see a term or something that I haven't indexed, feel free to ask about it, and I'll either answer you directly or add it to the handbook(s)!

Thanks! I hope you enjoy the story!

If you like the story, please consider supporting me on Tapas.io! Where the story is also free. Thank you!


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