
A Test of Sorts

After cleaning up the meal that was prepped for us, It was off to the bounty hall in the village. It was in the center of the village alongside the other essential buildings like the general store. Alongside these buildings was a large well that was at the center.

Along the way there, I started to realize something.

I did not explore this village at all. Maybe that was because I found myself coped up inside the house with all the studying that Synthia was giving me, or perhaps the fact that Lilith never really asked me to roam the village.

Gerald and Kale were ahead of me and Lilith as they opened the doors to The bounty hall, it was much smaller than the one in Prusha. Though all things considered, it was still large. Tables and seats were scattered around with a large desk at the other end of the building.

"Hello, Rachael!" Gerald called out, Moving his way to the desk.

A black haired woman who was idly standing took notice of him. "Oh? Gerald? Who are these that you've brought?"

Moving alongside him, all three of us stood behind him. Rachael peered over the desk and looked at us.

"Is this a new group of yours? What happened to Derrick and Edward?"

"No, they went off somewhere else. This one here is my kid." Gerald patted my head as he introduced me. "I've talked about how he was off studying at Prusha, right?"

"Oh! I do recall!" The woman cheerfully replied. "Oh, isn't he a looker! Just like his dad!"

Looks like Gerald comes here quite frequently, I'd probably say that doing bounties is the man's job. Having to go out and slay things is probably itching an adventurer itch he's had since I was born.

"This one here is Lilith, and he's Kale."

Lilith gave the woman an awkward wave as Kale simply looked at her and nodded. Rachael returned the wave and smiled.

"Hello all, and welcome to the bounty hall." She then tapped her desk. "Now I'd presume everyone has an identification on them?"

Identification? Oh, the ID's we got from the Prusha bounty hall.

I proceeded to pull out mine that was in my pocket. I made a habit to at least have it with me all time since I got it, though I should probably do the same with my staff…Least I brought that as well too.

I dropped my ID onto the desk, watching as Lilith and Kale did the same. Rachael then proceeded to look at them with squinting eyes.

"Hmm…Everything seems to check out. However…" She then looked at me. "Have you not registered any bounties? You only have one registered."

"He's only been on one." Kale explained, moving forward. "His mind has been on studying and schoolwork…at least I think." He scratched his chin as he said that.

"Hm…and the girl has over twenty bounties registered? Is that correct?" It seemed Rachael was more surprised than concerned when she said that.

Wait, twenty? When the hell did she do all of that?

"Twenty?!" Gerald said in utter surprise. "You did twenty bounties in Prusha?"

As he asked that question, Kale and Lilith looked at each other before simultaneously shrugging at Gerald.

"What? Did she manage to break your record of how much you did while under me?" Kale smiled as he said that. "Besides the usual Fire king training, I've been having her do bounties from slaying goblins and wolves around Prusha."

Huh? And I wasn't invited? Wouldn't it be better if I had more experience out there? I don't have the combat prowess of either of them!

"Hm…I suppose this checks out then. Seems all good!" Rachael pushed the ID's back towards us. "Now…I'm assuming you're here to help again, Gerald?"

"Always! Nothing wrong with helping out here!" Gerald chuckled. "Besides, this is basically my job at this point."

Aha! I was right, This is his job!

"Haha…It is." Rachael then pointed at a board on the wall. "Feel free to check what is available, and if you're wondering…yes, wolves are always available to grab."

Lilith tilted her head. "Why's that? I don't really remember seeing many wolves when we were heading here."

"Wolves out here tend to stay away from those with high amounts of Mana in them. Activating just a bit of your mana cloak would ward them off most of the time. But here, it's not really the case. They tend to steal our animals in most cases and they also end up destroying the soil we use."

"Uh…Soil? Like they pee on them or something?" Kale asked.

"No, they burrow."

"Ah…I see…"

As Kale rubbed his chin, I began to think to myself.

When did wolves burrow under the ground? I mean I know dogs tend to make holes, but I never recall one ever making a tunnel of some sorts underneath us. Are you saying this world has wolves that could quite possibly be beneath our feet?

"The wolves here have a specific type of claws that allow them to burrow. Safe to say, they can easily burrow underneath fences and gates and dig up. But also, their fur and claws are quite valuable."

"They're easy to deal With." Gerald said, looking around at everyone. "And with a mage, it'll be easier."

"I suppose you'll be taking up this bounty for wolves then?" Rachael said, moving away from her desk and towards the board. She took a moment to search before reaching and ripping off a piece of paper. "This one here is just southeast of here. Couple of wolves were spotted near the trail down there and it needs to be dealt with."

"How much on it?" Gerald asked, grabbing the paper.

"A hundred rubees."

"We'll take it! Easy money!" Gerald then turned to us. "Alright, guess we can test the two of you out on the field! Or…Well since Lilith knows how to fight, I guess I'll be seeing how you work, Kota!"

I'm not that thrilled with fighting animals, to be quite honest. Mostly because…Well these wolves aren't typical wolves, these guys go underground from the knowledge Rachael just gave us…well I guess it's a good way to practice some earth spells and even that Dry ice spell I've made.

Rachael then leaned on the desk, focusing on Gerald. "Just be sure you bring back some wolf pelts for proof. Wouldn't want that one incident happening again…" There was a bit of concern in her voice as she went on. "Coming back to the hall smelling like wolf piss isn't a good way for anyone to show they did their job."

"Hey, you can't just bring that up!" Gerald said, embarrassed. "And also, that's because I was pinned down!"

"Sureeee…Anyways, just come back without any injuries. It would be a shame if any of these kids got hurt."

"Me and Kota will be fine!" Lilith said in confidence. Everyone's attention went to her. She had a smile on her face that showed anticipation. "Wolves can't be an issue if they're all diced up!"

Kale shook his head and planted his hand onto her head. "No…we need their pelts to be brought back. I've already told you this. Just go for the throat if you can."

"I-Er…Got it…" Lilith sulked.

Kale patted her head in reassurance. "Don't be too down, not like you always do…I mean you still do, but sometimes you don't."

As those two were talking, I felt Gerald pat me on my head. As I looked up at him, I saw he had a look of reassurance on his face.

"Anything does happen, I'll be there." He promptly said.


In the Southeast of Shanford, the Cascadia plains seemed to have more going for it. There were slight hills that made the ride here a bit different from before. There were also some trees that seemed to have been planted by those who took the trails. Gerald told us that some travelers often planted these seeds as a way of keeping track of how far they need to go, he also pointed out that most of the trees are from those in Ozoth. Close by the trail, there was a couple that were grouped up. It was white and reminded me of those birch trees, they were long and tall with their green leaves. It was most likely one of the trees Gerald was talking about.

Off in the distance from the Cascadia plains were even more of these trees. In fact, it seemed like there was a wall of sorts that stretched from left to right, Seemingly a border of sorts. Kale then told me and Lilith about how the Cascadia plain was basically a middle ground between Prusha and Ozoth. A neutral territory that didn't bother with the two kingdoms. Many bandits and other small kingdoms lay in this territory.

We found ourselves off the road of the trail, using the carriage as a way of travel. Plus it'd make a lot of use with the storage it had.

Gerald looked well prepared for this bounty. Unlike Kale, who sported two blades. Gerald had one long blade, a glimmering silver one that he had on his waist. He stood the farthest out on the plain, eyeing the ground and further out.

And to be clear…I'm not even sure what he's looking for. I dumbly looked around for something, but apparently I couldn't see anything other than grass. I looked towards Lilith and Kale and noticed that they were looking as well, albeit I think Lilith was just trying to do what Kale was doing.

"Erm…Gerald? What are we looking for?" I asked, confused.

Gerald turned towards me, smiling. "Hah, we're looking for the wolves!" He then crouched and proceeded to touch the floor. "See. Since these wolves are underground, I usually tend to pinpoint them by the rumbling or uneven floor under me! Sometimes they poke their head out too! just to look for prey."

"Ah…Got it."

As our search began for these wolves, we walked further away from the trail. The search started off with no luck, but as we got farther, I did start to notice some odd things with the ground. Some parts of the grass seemed to sag downwards and there were even holes left behind by the wolves. And just as Gerald talked of, I could feel a bit of rumbling and movement beneath me.

"They're close! Everyone stay close!" Gerald yelled, quickly pacing his way to me. "Don't let them isolate us!"

Lilith and Kale also got near us, Gerald and Kale quickly surrounding me. Lilith followed in the twos steps, allowing us to form a triangle form. I was confused at first about why we were even doing this, but then I realized. Mages take time to chant their spells which are effective against most things, making them essential. I'd assume Kale and Gerald knew well about protecting key members in their group, so they were showing me and Lilith how such groups should operate. I was their mage at the moment.

"Keep quiet, And listen! Kota, if you start hearing growls or feel more rumbling underneath us, cast an earth spell!" Gerald instructed. He seemed to have gone into full focus, his eyes darting all around. He took on the Earth king style position, his feet firmly planted on the ground as he took on a samurai-esque stance as he held his sword with two hands.

"Hmph, it's a bit disrespectful to use another style in front of your fire king master." Kale said.

"Oh! Does that ruffle your feathers?" Gerald chuckled.

"Hah! Nonsense, seems like you want to show off what you know!"

As those two talked, I planted my hand against the floor. With my staff in my other hand for support, I tried to focus on any sort of rumbling or something to indicate the wolves.

There was some vibration that I could feel, like something digging. It wasn't close to the surface, but I was able to notice it. Then, I noticed that it was getting closer. It seemed like there was just movement everywhere underneath, how many wolves were under here?

What would be the best way to get something out of the ground? Perhaps using the Earth spell Erupt to break away the grass ground would be efficient? I haven't really practiced that one to be honest ever since I managed to silently cast it. I think the safest thing we can do is to move away from where we are, and cast at this spot. This Earth spell is going to pull the floor off and I don't want to stand on it. Plus if I casted it around us, we'd be trapped since I basically made a circle around us.

"I think I got them! They're under us!" I yelled, getting up. "I think the majority of them are under us, so it's best if we move and have me cast it from a distance."

"There ya go! Smart thinking!" Gerald happily said. "Expected something like that from


"Yeah. From what I'm feeling, it does feel like we're on top of them." Kale added. "Lilith, be ready once Kota uses his spell."

Lilith had already drawn her black Short sword and held it in her right hand, she turned to look at Kale and gave him a nod of acknowledgement.

Quickly at my request, we all steadily moved in our formation some meters away from where we were. I got back to the floor with my hand to it.

Now, to cast this Earth spell!

I imagined the floor erupting and sewing rock and such like a volcano. I felt the mana inside me surge from my body to my staff, a hum from it growing louder and louder. I could feel the rumbling underneath us start to grow as if something had awakened or began to frantically move. From where we used to stand, the grass floor began to crack and break. After a few seconds of cracking, a whole large circle of the grass floor exploded upwards. Underneath the now floating grass floor, was multiple holes that covered it.

And a large gray wolf snagged inside the floor. It had yellow eyes and snarled in confusion at its unusual predicament. It seemed to be the one that was making the rumbling underneath us as it was clearly still making its way through the tunnels when I broke the floor open. The first thing I noticed were its claws, Rachael said that they were used for digging and right she was. Their claws were large and pointed inward, They looked deadly sharp and were muddied with dirt and grass.

And inside this hole that I made, were more holes that seemed to all be interconnected. Even from our distance, I could hear the howls and even scratching of their claws as they seemed to be heading towards the new opening that was made. I could hear Gerald and everyone else prepare for what was coming as the sounds of panting and growling slowly became audible.

It was time to get rid of these wolves.

A/N- Hey all! Been quite busy this month! In fact, so busy that I thought I wouldn't be able to upload this on my two week upload! Luckily I managed to find time to write again! Next chapter should be fun to read with all the action involved! There should be a couple more chapters after this before we head into the next Volume! Unfortunately, with how I want to write these last chapters…They will take some time with how big I want them. So this might be a three week wait for the next one. But, I hope you enjoy this chapter and wait patiently for the next!

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