
Another Savior???

Due to the deterrence of the pack leader Aren was left alone by the goblins and dire wolves alike as they continued to fight among themselves. The pack leader sneered at Aren's slowly retreating form.

Aren's hand slowly entered the dimensional pouch to retrieve his duel swords. Aren immediately jumped backwards with his dagger held tightly between his hands as he took a defensive position.

Even though he was grateful to this instinct, but must it hijack his body every time a danger presented itself. It was starting to get on his nerves. Taking a deep breath Aren charged at the pack leader.

The pack leader was not one to be deterred as it too charged at full speed. As the two clashed Aren managed to slash the pack leaders' right eye. However, he paid the price as his left arm was broken as well as dislocated. Ignoring the pain Aren immediately reclaimed his C rank blade.

The Pack leader cried in anguish at the loss of his eye but what enraged him the most was losing in a direct clash with a weakling. What hurt him the most was his shattered Pride. The pack leader eyed his prey up and down searching for any sign of weakness that it may take advantage off. Finding non-it put every strength in this final charge.

Aren braced himself trying his best to ignore its killing intent. Swallowing Aren held the blade tightly as he slashed to the cut its head off.

Just like the last time the pack leader savagely bites the blade to shatter it in too. However, things were different this time. With a Roar Aren decided to risk everything behind this strike.

Within the blink of an eye the battle between them came to an end. Silence had descended upon the battlefield as everyone waited for the results of the aftermath. With their back against the other they stood still, waiting for the other to fall first.

Not even minutes had passed when the silence was shattered by Aren's cry of agony as his blood splattered all over the place. A deep bloody gash had appeared on his body leading from his shoulders all the way to his thighs.

Alas! It was for naught. Even through victory was almost within his grasp. At the last minute the Pack leader managed to sense the threat to his life therefore by sacrificing one of his legs he had managed to preserve his life while delivering a fatal blow to his foe.

"Damn it!" Aren ragged at his fate as he collapsed, "Why? Just Why am I so weak. Why does every time I try to get strong something always blocks my path?"

"I refuse to Die! I refuse." Aren softly uttered as the last of his strength left his body.

The pack leader completely ignored the blood that continued to drip from his cut off leg until the moment his prey stopped moving. With a 'Mighty Roar' the pack leader declared his victory which woke everyone from there stupor while increased the bloodlust of the pack as they too responded with a howl.

With there main prey already dead and there moral effected the goblins started to retreat one after another.

The pack leader was too busy dealing with his wounds while the pack clashed with the goblins therefore, No one notice Aren's mysteriously disappearing from the scene.

The denizens of the forest went about their business. The weak were hunted as the stronger hunted them for food. The law of the survival of the fittest could clearly be observed. However even these strong creatures failed to sense the presence of the mysterious being that managed to pass by them with little difficulty.

Even the strong odor of blood that that continued to stain his clothes from the body on his shoulders failed to gain their attention.

With little too no obstacle the robbed arrived at the foot of a large tree. The ground beneath its trunks shifted opening a small passage for only person to pass at a time.

Opening the door at the end of the passage revealed a hallway. Entering one of the rooms the target unceremoniously dropped the baggage from his shoulders on the bed. Opening the cabinet, the person retrieved a veil of potion before carefully administrating it to Aren.

Aren had clearly suffered from a life-threatening wound and the manhandling during his transport clearly didn't help matters. His body was ice cold due to the great loss of blood. It was a miracle that he had managed to survive till now. Even through the person had managed to administer the potion there was not enough blood left to transport it through out the body.

Swearing in frustration his savior had no choice but manually guide the potion with his magic to heal Aren. If another Healer was present, he would have clearly declared Aren dead. Therefore, his actions would have been assumed for a dispread and futile attempt to save his life. However, only someone with a complete knowledge of the human body could make such an attempt should be impossible.

Aren who was clearly dead to the world began to gain color as his body started to produce more blood his cheeks developed a blush due to the increase in blood count. Slowly and steadily Aren began to recover at a visible rate clearly the person had succeeded as the two higher quality potions finally began to take effect. However, the sleeping beauty continued to sleep peacefully.

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