
[14] Prelude to the Tournament

In the Miyamura household, a sense of anticipation hung in the air. It was the day of the Summer Tournament, a long-awaited event for Izumi and his family. The morning sun cast a warm glow through the windows as Izumi sat at the kitchen table, savoring his breakfast.

Izumi's mother, Iori, moved about the kitchen with practiced ease, preparing a hearty meal for her son. She couldn't help but smile as she glanced at Izumi, her eyes filled with maternal pride.

"You're looking sharp in that uniform, Izumi," she remarked, setting a plate of scrambled eggs and toast in front of him.

Izumi grinned back, a mixture of excitement and determination in his eyes. "Thanks, Mom. Today's the big day. I want to show everyone what our team is capable of."

Iori ruffled Izumi's hair affectionately. "I have no doubt you'll do great out there. Your father and I will be cheering you on from the stands."

As Izumi dug into his breakfast, the conversation shifted to lighter topics. Iori asked about Izumi's friends and whether he'd made any new ones at the club. Izumi shared stories of his interactions with his teammates, including Riku.

After finishing his meal, Izumi cleared his dishes and headed to his room to prepare for the day. He meticulously checked his gear, ensuring his uniform, kneepads, and sneakers were all in perfect condition. The Summer Tournament was more than just a competition; it was a chance to showcase their skills and dedication.

Meanwhile, Naozumi, Izumi's father, joined his wife in the kitchen. He sipped his morning coffee and gazed out the window at the clear sky.

"Our boy has grown so much, hasn't he?" Naozumi remarked, a sense of pride in his voice.

Iori nodded, her eyes reflecting the sentiment. "Indeed. He's become such a fine young man, and his passion for volleyball is inspiring."

As the clock ticked closer to the tournament's start time, Izumi emerged from his room, fully dressed in his uniform. His parents couldn't help but admire him.

"You look every bit the part of a dedicated athlete," Naozumi said, giving his son an encouraging pat on the back.

Izumi smiled, feeling the support of his family. "Thanks, Dad. I'm going to give it my all today."

With those words, Izumi left the house, heading toward the venue where his teammates would be waiting. The excitement in the air was palpable as he embarked on this important journey, ready to face the challenges and opportunities the Summer Tournament would bring.

As Izumi arrived at the tournament venue, the buzz of excitement filled the air. He spotted his teammates gathered near the entrance, sharing laughs and nervous smiles. Joining them, he was greeted with a chorus of greetings and friendly banter.

Riku, his newfound friend and teammate, clapped him on the back. "Miyamura, you ready for this? It's going to be epic!"

Izumi chuckled, feeling a surge of camaraderie. "Absolutely, Riku. Let's show them what we're made of."

Their coach, Endou, stepped forward, his expression a mix of pride and seriousness. "Listen up, team," he began, capturing everyone's attention. "Today marks the beginning of an important journey. This tournament will be tough, but remember, you've trained hard for this. Trust in your abilities and trust in each other."

Coach Endou continued, explaining the tournament format. "We have sixteen teams competing, and it's a single-elimination format. Win and advance, lose, and it's the end of the road. But I believe in each one of you."

The players nodded in agreement, their determination shining in their eyes.

Coach Endou concluded with an encouraging pep talk. "Go out there and play with your hearts. Make each point count, and most importantly, enjoy the game. Now, let's warm up and show them the spirit of our club!"

The team headed to the practice courts to run through their warm-up drills. The atmosphere was electric, a blend of nervous energy and eagerness. Izumi felt a surge of adrenaline as he moved through the drills, each movement precise and calculated.

After their training session, the team returned to the locker room to finalize their preparations. Izumi couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in being part of this close-knit group. They were more than teammates; they were friends who had supported each other through thick and thin.

As he put on his uniform and laced up his shoes, Izumi's heart swelled with anticipation. The tournament was about to begin, and he was ready to give it his all for his team, his parents, and himself.

Meanwhile, in the stands, Izumi's parents, Iori and Naozumi, sat with excited anticipation. They had arrived early to secure the best seats, their eyes fixed on the court below. As they watched Izumi and his teammates go through their warm-up routines, a sense of pride welled up within them.

Iori leaned over to Naozumi, a proud smile on her face. "Our boy has come a long way, hasn't he?"

Naozumi nodded, his eyes shining. "Yes, he has. He's worked so hard for this moment. I can't wait to see him play."

They continued to watch as Izumi's powerful spikes and agile movements caught the attention of the spectators around them.

The atmosphere in the stadium was electric, and the support from his parents added to Izumi's determination to excel in the upcoming tournament.

With their warm-up drills complete, the team began making their way back to the locker room, the anticipation of the tournament's opening match building within them. The hallways echoed with the sounds of excitement and determination from all the teams.

As Izumi walked alongside Riku, they discussed their strategy. "Remember, Miyamura," Riku said, "our attacks have been working well in practice. Let's use that to our advantage."

Izumi nodded. "Agreed, Riku. And your blocks have been spot on. If we coordinate those well, we'll be unstoppable."

Just then, as they rounded a corner, Izumi collided with someone, almost knocking them both to the ground. He quickly extended a hand to help the person up, but as they met eyes, he froze in surprise.

"Kouhei?" Izumi stammered.

Kouhei, who had also been caught off guard, managed a smile. "Miyamura? What a coincidence!"

They both stood there for a moment, their past shared experiences flooding back. It had been a while since they last saw each other after parting ways from the voleyball match in park two weeks prior. Now, they found themselves on opposing teams in this tournament.

Izumi couldn't help but notice Kouhei's athletic physique, a testament to his continued dedication to volleyball. "You look like you've been training hard," Izumi remarked.

Kouhei chuckled. "Well, I could say the same for you. You've grown too, Izumi."

Riku, who had been observing their interaction, piped up. "You two know each other?"

Izumi nodded, introducing them. "Yeah, Riku, this is Kouhei Tokura. We played together couple of times."

Kouhei extended a hand to Riku. "Nice to meet you, Riku. You're lucky to have Miyamura on your team. He's a great player."

Riku grinned, shaking Kouhei's hand. "I know. We're planning to win this tournament."

Kouhei's eyes sparkled with competitive spirit. "That's the spirit! Well, I look forward to our match, Miyamura, May the best team win."

Izumi shook Kouhei's hand firmly. "Likewise, Kouhei. It'll be a game to remember."

With nods of mutual respect, they parted ways, heading back to their respective teams. Izumi couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and nostalgia. Seeing Kouhei again had added an unexpected layer of emotion to the tournament, and he was determined to give his all, not just for his team but also for the friend he was about to face on the court.

[A/N— From next chapter it will be pure voleyball]

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