1 Prologue

All stories have their respective beginnings, middles, and ends. This story's beginning starts in Tokyo, following a girl named Rin Takahashi. A high school student who just moved into her new apartment. Unbeknownst to her she will soon embark on a great journey. Both physically, and spiritually. She's preparing to leave for her usual endeavors when she spots a completely white butterfly. Deciding to ignore it, she continues to the stairs to go about her day with a quickened pace as to not be late for work. But the white butterfly seems to have taken a liking to her, it starts to flutter behind her. She reaches the bottom of the steps only to notice the butterfly is following her. Panic and confusion arises within her, she walks into a back alley altering her regular commute hoping to lose the butterfly. She did, at least she thought. While looking back, she bumped into the very same white butterfly she was hoping to elude. Following this, a gunshot went off behind her. At this moment, everything stopped. She instantly knew where to put her hands. She looked down and seen that they were blood soaked. Mortified, she looked back at the butterfly that was now a different color. What was once a symbol of a pure innocence, has now become a symbol of darkness and evil. The last thing she heard were the echoes of heavy footsteps behind her. Its blood red outline was the last thing she saw before she departed this mortal plane. Her blood stained the snow crimson.
