
Chapter 34) The Relic

I sighed and a small golden eye appeared in front of me, he looked around and noticed me , stopped and started looking at me and waiting for the command. I nodded with satisfaction and saw that Daphne was also ready.

I carefully connected with the eye and sent it to investigate. Daphne also connected to the eye and using the energy in the atmosphere hid our mind waves and covered the energy of the soul.

I couldn't help but sigh at her talent in mind and soul magic. After that, we saw how the priests read prayers , some preached to ordinary people. There were also nuns who washed various pieces of furniture or lit candles.

I watched and could not find any supernatural energy in their bodies. Which was weird. I watched more closely and tried to stay in the shadows.

After that, I saw one man in a white coat, who looked like an ordinary person, but his cross shone with the energy of faith, which is different from those crosses that ordinary priests had and did not glow with the energy of faith.

The man seemed to feel something and started looking around, I quickly hid my eye in the nearest shadow and canceled it.

"Well, apparently he's either alone in the whole church, or they've gone somewhere. He's pretty weak because he couldn't see the wizard's eye."

"Yes, but as you can see, it looks like only he has the relic we need. If we are going to take her with a fight, then ordinary people will suffer and we will also reveal ourselves."

"Unfortunately, we don't know if he has protection from poisons, although since he still felt watching him, I think he can feel the poison."

"I can try to attack his mind, because I didn't feel any special protection from him."

"How close do you need to be?"

"As close as possible to be sure that it will work from the first attack."

I thought deeply and weighed all the pros and cons. On the one hand, there is a possibility of failure and we will have to leave with a fight, but if successful, I will be able not only to study the energy of faith, but also to verify the existence of gods.

After checking again that in case of a crisis we would have a good opportunity to get away from here in safety, I decided to try.

"Fine, then you get ready, and I'll carefully clear the way for us to his room."

So we began to move through the corridors and halls of the church. I'm using wind magic and light mind magic to get people out of our way. Although I was confident in our concealment charms, I didn't want to take any chances. I also checked to see if anyone was coming this way.

After 10 minutes, we arrived at this man's room. I could clearly feel his energy, which was weak, but it was connected to several relics in the room.

After checking the door and making sure that there was no protection on it, I turned to Daphne to confirm readiness. She nodded her head and I sighed.

After removing all the charms hiding us, I knocked on the door. knock knock.

"Hmm, how strange, I told my sisters that I would have dinner later. "

The man got up and, instead of opening the door, first checked who was behind it.

"Children, hmm, a couple of kids ran into this part of the church again and got lost. I told Sister Maria to warn the children not to run here."

The man sighed wearily and opened the door , but before he could say anything , he looked into the girl 's eyes and fainted .

"Brother, it was extremely dangerous."

"Daphne, the main thing is that it worked and I had a couple of spells ready if he did attack."

Daphne sighed, but went into the room. I also went in and closed the door behind us. After checking the space in the room and making sure that with the help of the rings it would be possible to return home immediately , I closed the door and adjusted the enchantment on it so that no one would disturb us.

Daphne, meanwhile, has already erased our faces from the man's memory and is trying to find something useful on his body, except for the cross.

I looked around the whole room and put on gloves and started checking the lockers and books.

"Besides the cross, only his clothes are at least a little useful. And though the mind is not protected from attack, but the knowledge associated with the relics is sealed."

I guessed this would happen, but I was still disappointed. After checking the books and cabinets and not finding anything interesting, I went up to the licking man and began checking the enchantments on his cross.

The results were unsettling. I understood almost nothing except the tracking function in case of loss and protection from theft by other people. I couldn 't help but click my tongue and quickly began to think about the possibility of removing these two functions and understanding the others .

After about 5 minutes, I couldn't think of anything other than creating a container with a locked space and blocking the signal. I told all this to Daphne.

"Let's do that, otherwise in 10 minutes he will wake up and then we will definitely get nothing."

I sighed, but asked for help in creating a container, because with my current stocks, I won't be able to create it. So 7 minutes of fast work. The extremely unstable container was ready.

"I thought that in such a case you would prepare the container in advance. "

"I have prepared it, but it can only hide magic waves, and faith works at a completely arc frequency. We wouldn't even be able to redo it without a couple of hours of work. "

"Therefore, we will use this box, which will fall apart in a couple of minutes. Brother, she is so unstable that after teleporting, she will immediately fall apart."

"That's what we need. After all, at home we can make a better container and our house does not emit any waves outside, so we will not be tracked. "

"He doesn't let out only when the house is closed and all possibilities of coming except for an invitation are impossible."

"Father will understand me."

"Great, let's go, he's already starting to wake up."

I nodded, carefully transferred the amulet with the help of a piece of this man's clothes and put it in a container. I saw how the container was already falling apart, so I quickly injected magical energy into the ring on my finger and disappeared from this room with Daphne.

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