
Chapter 14

"Did you forget something?" The two boys looked at Seiran's older sister.

"We're done with the task." Leon answered. Porsha didn't look at him and just continued to stare at Noah. He's clearly ignoring her but she's always been persistent in making him hers.

"Impossible you just left yesterday. The headmaster said the evil beast this time is very high-leveled monster." Still looking at Noah.

Noah didn't pay her any attention and continued to walk towards the headmaster's room to report their completed task.


"How are you feeling?" Seiran asked concerned. They returned home and quickly healed Adi's dog bite.

"All better since you cured it perfectly." Adi said and stood up. Reymund supported her even though she didn't need it.

"Another one appeared." Seiran said. This is the first time Noah heard about this too so him and Adi looked at her with a surprised look. Seiran continued to tell them what happened when Reymund was hurt until they were saved by William and Noah.

"Then you can do the air element, which means," Reymund nodded at his mother.

"Wow, you're probably more powerful than the emperor himself." Adi said while looking at Seiran.

"Should we move out of here? Seiran said William and Noah knows her real name." Reymund said.

"No, I think we could trust them." Seiran said.

The next day, Reymund and Seiran returned to their school. There were few people in the capital, most of them are in their school watching the contest. They went inside the school and walked towards the school ground. There was a big podium made by one of the teachers. It's where the warriors and mage fight.

"Seiran!!" She heard Dina shouted. She looked around then saw her along with Luke and Finn.

"Finn lost yesterday." Dina laughed as she told Seiran how Finn fell on his knees from nervousness right after the battle began so he instantly lost. Finn rolled his eyes and said, "ha ha very funny." with a sarcastic voice.

Dina lost in the second round then Luke lost in the semi-final.

"Aww that was a close fight!!" Dina shouted and stomped her foot as they went near Luke who just got our of the stage.

"That was so unfair!!" Finn shouted with her.

"It means I'm still weak. Don't get so worked up over that." Luke said.

"Look at you acting so cool." Finn said and put his arm around Luke's shoulder. Dina did it to the other side.

"When we know you're actually frustrated inside." Dina said and even clutched her own heart.

"Don't be shy. Let out your frustrations. We got your back." The two teased Luke. They earned a hit in the head then went near Seiran. She immediately fixed the large cut from his temple down to his neck. It wasn't deep so there wasn't much blood.

"Those two couldn't stop teasing me." He said. The two were still snickering behind his back. Seiran just laughed at them.

"Next year let's all win!!" Dina said.

"No thanks. There's a big chance I'd be fighting with Seiran or Luke." Finn said.

"What a weak attitude you have for a man and for a warrior." Dina sighed hopelessly.

Seiran didn't understand how the two of them end up arguing again until they parted ways. They decided to meet up at the pub later for dinner.

Each of them took a shower first and rested for a bit.

"I asked Sir Adam about our target tomorrow for the hunt game and he told me it would be a black snake." Dina said. Sir Adam is the teacher that goes with them in the hunting game.

"So I made this!" Dina took out a small bottle with green liquid inside.

"It's a potion to attract them." She said proudly.

"Is that even allowed?" Finn asked. His face is already pale thinking how they would break the rules.

"Did Sir Adam forbid us to use potion?" She asked Finn. His face started to have color when she asked that.

"He didn't." He answered.

"This is really effective so make sure you have full strength tomorrow." She said.

"Good morning." Dina greeted groggily.

"You look sick." Luke said.

"It's cause she is." Seiran said. Luke turned to her, she could clearly see what he wanted to ask.

"I could only heal broken bones, organs bruise and cuts. I couldn't heal things like fever, stress or anything mental." Seiran said.

Sir Adam explained their target and recalled the rules then let the hunt begin.

"This should be alright." Dina said while looking around, making sure no one is near them. The others get their weapon ready then Dina opened the bottle then poured the green liquid at the ground. It didn't take long and they could already hear the hiss of snakes.

One fell down from the tree in front of Luke but he quickly sliced it in half. A snake suddenly appeared in front of Finn. He dodged it and kill it but it's fang grazed his cheek. Seiran quickly healed him then returned her focus back in killing the snakes that continued to appear behind the bushes.

They've been a team for almost a year now and always been together in the hunt so they didn't need to talk who kills what. They killed their targets without fail and they don't need to worry about being hurt because Seiran heals them before they even know that they have any kind of injury.

"That's a lot." Luke said while looking at his points after the snakes are all dead. All of them got more than 15 kills. Finn laughed nervously and said, "I think we've pretty much killed most of the snakes."