
Journey [2]

"Your ability to fight above your level is frankly insane." Ruyue continued.

"What's your level right now? 130? 140? After all the killing you've done in the past month, it should've increased significantly. Still, that doesn't really matter.

"Even when you were still in the 120s, you were able to fight against people at the mid or high levels of 3rd class. It isn't a simple jump in levels, it's closer to a jump in rank.

"Whether it's due to your comprehension of your elements or your insane physical body, or maybe a combination of both, the fact that your ability is higher than theirs is still obvious from the information we've received


"The only problem is, your level is too low. You haven't had the chance to level up as rapidly or fight as constantly as them since you lived in the outside world instead of this kind of environment.

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