
Prologue - Teaser (May change)

"ahh it looks like I am at the end of my life." said a dying soul who was currently drowning in the middle of an ocean known as "Oceans Ends". Even while he is drowning he is calm just watching the light getting darker and darker thinking about what he could've changed and what he could've done instead. While he is looking towards the last remaining light he closes his eyes, while his life flashes before his eyes, he could see his beginning as he watches his sister running around the field as his mother is yelling to get her attention. While smiling at this memory he faintly hears horses galloping from afar. He turns to his mother to alert her of those men on their horses with the flag of the empire trailing behind them. His mothers turned to look where her son said the noises are coming from, her eyes widen as she sees the empires flag, she grabs the helms of her skirt as she runs to get her daughter while grabbing her son's hand forcibly dragging him.

He could see his mother panicking, he can conclude something must wrong as his hand is gripped by his mother, his sister is startled while asking what is going on, but all his mother says is to be quiet and not make any sounds as she drags them back to their house. A couple of minutes pass as both bother, and sister are now stuffed below our house in a secret compartment in the floorboard underneath our rug. While hiding, the bother lifts his head up to see through the cracks of the floorboard. There's nothing in sight as his mother already left, while sitting back down he closes his eyes for a couple of minutes, time slowly passes as he can now hear some faint noise, his ears perk up as he's trying to hear what the noise is, but all he can hear is silent sobbing coming from his sister, he quickly puts his hand over her mouth while gesturing to be quiet, he lessens his breathing to not be noticed.

While above the floorboard men could be heard moving around by their front door. The door is kicked open as several men rush in one by one searching. As he could hear all this he silently sits waiting for them to leave. While the men above are searching, with the door open screaming can be heard as villagers as dragged out of their homes to be gathered in the middle of their village. With a loud voice that could be heard throughout the whole village, a knight says "By orders of the imperial family, Kneel and receive His Majesty's imperial edict ", the villages kneel and await what the imperial edicts orders, soon they get their answer as the knight continues "Village of kysil is hereby charged with treason..." as the word "treason" is sounded aloud villagers can be seen with terrified facial express written on each and every one of them.

"With the crimes of. harboring the former dynasties Empress. Empress Anna of Komnene." as the knight finishes, the remaining knights unsheathe their short swords. With a loud shout, the knights begin a bloody massacre. Wailing, screams, and crying can be heard throughout the village.

As Empress Anna watches as knights are coming towards her, she turns her head towards her home. She silently mouths 'run' to the head peeking through the window. Turning back around she just knees while putting her hands on her legs waiting for the impending death. the knight raises his sword high up in the air, with a slash blood spurts as a head rolls on the ground, a hand pulls the Empress's head by her hair while another knight grabs a box the knight holding the head places it inside as he turns around to walk back to the knight's captain.

Handing the box back to the captain, he shouts with a dominating voice "Heed my order! Kill all survivors leaving no living being alive, burn the houses, the humans, the animals. nothing is to remain!"

FUUUCK shit dawg, this chapter is gonna super fucccckinggg loooong maybe 5 - 15k words long but this is my start THIS shhhit may change on final release

mmm Point out my grammar mistakes or mistakes in my sentence structure

:} NO-beta bittch male mc

hoshiiikocreators' thoughts