
Void Breach

Flynn becomes hunted by beasts of the void. Can he sever his connection to it, before it opens the void and releases uncontrolled annihilation? The power Flynn is granted is slowly corrupting him, will he fully give in and become a beast of the void himself, or can he harness that power to destroy it once and for all? The clock is ticking, and soon the void will be released.

dediwap553 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Lost in Pain

He didn't think he would ever wake up after that, yet he did. Everything seemed all right, he could feel all his toes, his legs, torso, neck, arm… arm? All his emotions quickly turned into panic. Why could he only feel one arm? His breathing quickened, and so did his heartbeat. He heard a faint beeping quicken. His vision was hazy, he couldn't see far around him, or himself. His hearing wasn't good either. He could still make out something.

"Please, try to calm down, sir." He heard a faint woman's voice. He almost passed out from hyperventilating, until some sort of mask was put over his mouth. His breathing returned to normal, but his heart was still clouded with panic. He didn't know what was going on, or what had happened to him. He couldn't even think clearly. His brain just told him to run, but he had no strength to do it. He wanted to scream, but he couldn't. With tears in his eyes, he passed out again.

When he woke up, he felt better. He could see and hear more clearly. He didn't have any energy to walk or sit up, but he didn't care. He heard a few footsteps and then saw someone in front of his bed. A man in a gray suit and hat, he was quite young but still looked experienced. His eyes met his, and they assured him that everything was all right.

"You're quite lucky." He said, his voice sounding like chocolate to his wounded ears.

"You'd be dead if we hadn't gotten to you sooner." He continued. He looked away at the window. He turned back shortly. He chuckled, and continued:

"Two wraith attacks in such a short manner, who'd've known? It's a good thing we keep a close eye on places with recent wraith attacks, just in case. It is strange, though, that two wraiths would attack a normal human in such short succession. It seems a bit too dangerous to return you after you've recovered, so come meet me. Whenever they let you out." He finished. He looked out the window again for a few seconds. Before turning away, he put some sort of card on his table and left. Flynn had no energy to look at it, so he just fell asleep again.

When he woke up, it was midnight. He wasn't sure of how long he had slept, but it felt longer than normal. He sat up. In the dark, he reached for his shoulder with his other arm. Slowly inching towards it. He already knew what he would feel, and it filled him with sorrow. There was nothing. His entire other arm, missing. He laid down his arm and laid back down. He felt empty. If he died right there, he wouldn't even care. He was even welcoming the idea. He fell back asleep with only sorrow and pain in his heart and soul.

He woke up with a headache. He rubbed his forehead lightly. Someone was at the door. He hadn't even noticed where he was before, his mind was too occupied. He was in the hospital, but it felt different. He couldn't quite figure it out, and his thinking was interrupted by knocking.

"Can I come in?" Someone asked. His throat was dry and hurting. He breathed in deeply and replied.

"Yeah, go ahead." A woman came in with a tray of food. She set it aside on the table beside him.

"Don't exert yourself too much now, you were really hurt when we found you." She helped him sit up and pulled the table closer to him. After she checked some of the machines in the room, she left. He didn't feel like eating, even if he was hungry. He looked at the tray of food, but chose to pick up the card that that man had left. It was white and about the size of his credit card. There was nothing on that side, so he flipped it. There was only a name and a number. 6449, Raine Ghigan. The name or the number meant nothing to him, but maybe someone else would recognize it. He set the card aside and reluctantly began eating. Despite not feeling like eating, the food felt like heaven. It was at least something to be happy about.

Nothing unusual happened after that and Flynn began physical therapy short after. He didn't quite know why, but it felt like whatever those wizard doctors pumped into him was more potent than what they had in his own world. Flynn fully recovered after about a month after arriving, only with one arm left.

"You're free to go, Flynn. You've fully recovered." Those were the best words he had heard in some time. At the front desk, he gave the person there the card to look at, inquiring if they knew something about it.

"Yeah, I know what this is. If you turn right and head forward from the entrance, you should arrive at a sleek white building where they can help you." Flynn thanked the man and left.