
vixen to my heart

this is a story of radhika sharma. who is a slut by fate but she doesn't want to do that .her biography is our synopsis

swarajyarani · Teen
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137 Chs

family dinner

this was like a family... i hope this will last my life ... at that moment latha aunt got my thoughts ...

latha : my dear .... come here .

ha aunt .... i am coming there ...

latha : radha... i didn't saw your wedding .... why don't we hold a wedding ... for you both .

aunt actually ...

amar : aunt i also wanted you to ask her .. she is simply escaping from that ....

i don't know what was stuck in that stupid brain of amar ... holy lord please save me .... accidentally you cried at that time and saved me from danger ...

hold on my girl ... mamma will buy you some toys ... please hold on your tears ...

latha : radha .. she was crying for food ... i will feed her ... come on let you seat aside amar ..

ok aunt .. my words are simple to shift topic from my marriage to vidya ..

hari : sister ... bro want to set a company ... would you like to work ...?

i am not in hurry hari ... i will manage ...thanks for asking ,... i am happy to be cared from you people ..

latha : you are our family .... no matter we will take care of you ...

thanks aunt .. i said sincerely....

amar : aunt ... food was cool now .. let me serve ... aunt this milk is for my baby ... can you feed it to her aunt ...

latha : sure amar ..i will

after dinner .. they all went to their home and started to sleep ... amar was still asleep .. i went to amar room ..amar noticed me ..

amar : radhika.. come take a seat ..

amar ... you know my situation ... how can you ask this ... i am a slut worked in a brothel house...

amar : you are not worked there willfully ...

amar why don't you understand that my body is bruises of those men desires ...

amar : i am not here for my desire radhika .. i am here for you .. i said many times .. that i only love your inner heart ... not our body .. i already saw many girls .. but they never caught my eye ... i only had three girls in my life ... my mom she is dead .. now i am looking her in vidya .. and next is you and vidya .. you three are important .. i lost my mom .. i don't want to lose you and vidya .. i didn't gave birth but i am her father .. because you are her mother .... you don't worry about my marriage .. even if you sent me away .. i will back and never go for another girl ... if i go like wise .. that was my last day .. he said coldly ...

amar .. i was frightened at that last word .. he was pure like a royal swan ... but i am a cuckoo ...who has a worst character . once my friend in my childhood ask me about cuckoo ... i had no answer .. so she said it as .. cuckoo is a bird who always lays on other ... she keeps her eggs in crow nest and she escapes from providing warmth to her .. it always sings songs to reconcile with her babies .. but babies discover as crow as their mother .. but crow will kill other birds except hers .. this story .. always stuck in my mind ... like me i was a cuckoo who was lost my virginity and stood with hope less stand ...

next morning ... i wore a white saree and was ready for amar .... still amar had a sleep ... i was curious to wake him ....