she can tell you how your loved one died, all you have to do is allow her to touch something that belonged to them
Hi guys, welcome to my new book, I hope you enjoy this book, don't forget to comment and vote
I was drowning, a man was holding my head under the water by my neck, he wasn't strangling me but his grip was tight enough to hold me down, his face held nothing but anger as I tried to claw at his hand, why was he doing this? I had no idea, I thought he loved me, I ran away from home because I love him, my dad said he was no good, but I thought my dad was just being a typical dad, oh how I wished I could change the past, but I can't, as I tried to loosen the grip around the arm that was holding me down, a thought went to my parents, what would they say? Would they ever even find out? The blond hair of the man I loved gleamed in the sun as I got tired and started to lose energy.
There comes a time in a Victims life when they decide to just give up, that time came to me, with a final thought of love going to my parents I stopped kicking and let go of the arm, the breath left my mouth and my lungs filled with water, everything went dark and I felt nothing.
The end,
Just kidding.
I woke with a jolt
"Take it easy, Emily, it's okay you're safe" someone was rubbing my back with one hand whilst the other hand held my left hand, I was coughing really bad, once I calmed a bit I took a sip of water from the glass in front of me, why do murders have to be so brutal? I looked at my father as he kissed my forehead, I put down the glass of water, and also put down the necklace I was holding, and then the questions began "What did you see Em?" My father asked
"Blond hair, I was.... I mean she was drowned by a man with blond hair that gleamed in the sun' officer Derrick looked in a file next to him
"The boyfriend has blond hair" he suggested not looking away from the file
"Yes, it has to be him, she was thinking about how much she loved him, and how she ran away from home to be with him" I remembered
"Thanks Em, I'll be right back" Derrick stood up and left the interview room, probably to tell his partner who the murderer of Zoe Wright was.
"Are you okay?" My dad asked I just nodded.
My name is Emily, I am 26 years old and I get visions of a person's last memory before their death, I have been helping the police for over five years, no murderer has ever found out about me and the police assure they never will, once I tell them who the murderer is they can concentrate their resources on finding evidence against them.
After about 15 minutes Derrick was back, he had a serious look on his face, which meant he had another case for me.
"You did good Em thanks, their bringing Josh in now" I supposed that Josh was the name of the murderer, I just nodded, "Em I do know of another case that could do with your help".
"I'm listening" I told him.
"There's a woman, Kimberly, she went missing nearly three weeks ago, the police have no idea where to find her, every lead they follow turns cold"
"Well how can I help? I don't do missing persons" I reminded him he nodded
"I know but we do think something has happened to her" by something they meant something bad, really bad I just nodded, "they haven't found a body and I'm hoping you can get some sort of clue" I saw no file which meant he wasn't working on this case, "I believe the officers working on this case do need your help" I was right he isn't working on this.
"Ok so which officer do I see for the info?"
"I'm afraid you will have to travel to London for that"
"London?, That's a five hour drive, Rick, you expect me to drive five hours there, have a five minute vision then drive five hours back?" Derrick shook his head
"Officer Liam, the officer handling this case, has said you can spend the night at Kim's house, and I'm sure her brother won't mind that either" he saw the quizzical look I was giving him "her brother is officer Andrew, he's a cop, he's skeptical of you, but he's willing to try anything to find his sister, alive or not" he finished
"When do we leave?" my dad asked, I smiled, happy I wouldn't have to ask him to go with me"
"As soon as you can" Derrick told us so we decided to leave early in the morning. We went home and packed a weekend bag, we were going in blind, not knowing what to expect, Derrick had given us the address and post code of the police station we were going to, we would meet officer Liam there, get all the info we needed then go to the house.
I slept well that night and we got up at 5 in the morning, we had our breakfast which consisted of cereal then we got ready, I wore a jumper and leggings I decided to wear this as we would be in the car. Dad wore a casual t shirt and some khaki pants and we were ready to go, we set off at 6 hoping to get there before 12, yes it's a five hour drive but we had to consider traffic, having to stop for service, and food so we counted six hours not five, I punched the address into the GPS as dad drove towards the motorway.
We had stopped once to stretch our legs then within five minutes we were back on the road we got to the police station at approximately 11:30 which was still good time, we asked the woman at the desk for officer Liam and told her we had come from Manchester and Derrick had sent us she smiled and told us that officer Liam was expecting us, she showed us the way to his office.
After greetings and introductions I was given some information about Kimberley, Kimberly was an interior designer and the house she was living at had previously belonged to an old woman she had worked for, the woman, who was American, had been so happy with Kim's work she left her the house free of charge whilst she went back to her home country, it turned out the woman, Colleen, wanted to sell the house so that she could go home, so she had decided to modernise it, but when newly married Kim had told her that first time buyers find it difficult to buy property the old woman decided she could have it, now fast forward a year Kim found out her husband, James, was cheating on her so she filed for a divorce, then she went to the estate agent to sell the house, no one has seen her since, the old woman was asked questions as well as the ex husband but no one knows anything, the husbands story checks out, even though he's still a suspect, it has been three weeks, and they have lost hope of Kim being alive, they just want closure.
Now we drove behind a cop car towards the house that Kimberly owned, this place wasn't a house it was a mansion, it was huge, it was built after the first world war by Colleens parents.

A big White House stood in front of us as we drove up a dirt road officer Liam parked his car parallel to the house and I parked my Toyota Yaris behind it, we got out of our cars and dad and I walked up to the front door as officer Liam fishes in his pockets for keys, finds them, opens the door, we walked into the house. I nearly choked on air If the house looked big from the outside it was huge on the inside. We were standing in the foyer that was as big as our apartment, there were two staircases leading upstairs and meeting at the top, to my right was a door and to my left there were two doors in front of me, between the staircases was a big sliding glass door that lead to the kitchen, I could see black counter tops and white cupboard doors, officer Liam led us towards the door on the right which was the living room, the living room was huge there was cinema type screen and black leather sofas, in the corner sat a black leather recliner there was also a glass coffee table, the carpet was red, and it was dark in here but I guess the theatre feeling of the room required it to be dark.
"Kim's room is the first room on your right at the top of the stairs." He explained, to which I nodded "would you like anything to eat?" He added
"Don't worry" my dad jumped in " we'll order something in a little later" to this the police man nodded and after some goodbyes he left, we ordered pizza through my just eat app. My dad put on the t.v and I decided to check out Kimberly's room.
Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, don't forget to vote and comment.