

This is the story of Sam Xavier turning from a mortal to god

Anonymous95 · Fantasy
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"Hu....Land....Solid Land….At last I came out of that damn dungeon."

As soon as Sam got out of the dungeon he kneeled and kissed the ground. He looked back at the dungeon. Now he could see a Violet aura surrounding the dungeon which was invisible to eyes when he first came there.

"What the hell is that?.....Who cares? Now that I am alive I want to see my sister so badly."

Sam said in an eager voice.

Planet Thea, Country Frioria, Grim City. A 20 year old boy is rushing up the stairs of an apartment. As soon as he reached the eighth floor he slowed down his pace. He stood in front of door number 363 and pressed the calling bell.

A 15 year old girl opened the door. As soon as she opened the door Sam forcefully hugged her and began to cry with happiness.

"Wuuu…...Wu....I am glad. I am glad that I can see your ugly face again little sis"

Hearing his comment 15 year old girl replied in an angry tone

"Who has got ugly face? You idiot. I am your sister, not your girlfriend. Don't cling onto me like an old pervert. Get off me. And why are you so lovely dovely with me? Seeing you act like that it just felt like you almost lost your stupid life."

"Damn. I shouldn't have acted like that. My sister is even sharper than me. If she came to know that I went as a porter for a party full of hunters and almost died, especially after she strictly warned me not to be a porter, she would kill me." Sam thought to himself.

Sam began to sweat thinking about what is yet to come. He even used his power to check whether there is a single possibility among the 1 billion possibilities where Sara will not figure it out. But he failed miserably.

"Wait….where were you all day?" Sara asked in a doubtful voice.

"I was….uh….in…..uh…." Sam stuttered thinking how to answer her question.

"I knew it….you did exactly what I banned you to do and almost got killed. Right?"

Sara began to cry thinking of the possibility that her brother might have died this day and began to speak in a crying voice.

"Wu….Wu....Stupid big brother…...I told you , I can live without money. But not without you. You are the only family I have. I have lost our parents to monsters. I cannot lose you too. When will you realise it.....Wu…...Wu….."

Sara cried and fell to Sam's embrace.

"Oh…..Sara…. Don't cry my little sis? Your brother will not be anyone's porter anymore. In fact I have recently been awakened" Sam said in a confident voice.

"What….. you are awakened. I have heard that the possibility of natural awakening is so low that only very few people will go through with it?" Sara asked in a disbelieved tone wiping her tears.

"Uhmmmm…..uhmmm….. Applaud little sis because your brother is a genius." Sam said in a proudful voice.

Sara's gloominess suddenly turned to that of joy. The difference in treatment between hunters and normal humans was like heaven and earth. Every human was treated as an expendable asset while hunters were treated as Gods. Because when it comes to killing monsters only hunters are capable enough. So even if someone is awakened and his power is low he will be accepted in any party. So no hunters will be interested in the job of a porter. That is where humans come. The job of a porter is highly rewarding but the risk is greater too. Most of the hunters looked down on mortals and even keeps a distance between them. Sometimes they even bully them telling that they are not good enough. Even if there are laws to protect the rights of a porter nobody cares about it. Because what happens inside the dungeon stays inside the dungeon. There is no device capable of recording what is happening inside the dungeon.

"Now my brother don't have to be a porter anymore. There will be reliable team mates with him." Sarah thought to herself.

"So do you have any skills brother?" Sarah asked

"Of course….But I have to warn you. Do not tell anyone about this power." Sam warned Sara.

"My lips are tightly zipped." Sara replied.

Sam switched on the television and switched onto one of the news channels and began to speak.

"A D class dungeon breakdown occurred at Rio city and the famous A class hunter Alex Radon and his party were able to subjugate all the monsters before any casualties.

Hunters guild are accepting applications from B class hunters in order to subjugate a C class dungeon. Interested hunters please contact the guild...…."

At the time Sam was reciting the news Sara thought that Sam was just bluffing some random things in order to tease her. But exactly after 15 seconds the same news that Sam said appeared on the channel. The news was exactly as her brother said. Not even a single word changed.

"What....what…...how….. Don't tell me. Your power is future prediction. We can even be rich with your skill, big brother. Have you thought about it? Lottery….. casino…..stock market…...we will be rich. You don't even have to work bro." Sara said in an exclaimed voice.

"You are too smart Sara. But it is not as simple as you think. It has a time restriction. I can only see 15 seconds into the future. By evolving my skill I can increase the time restriction. But even so I am against your idea. What if a bad guy finds out I have this particular skill and uses me to fulfill his bad deeds? Without a strong backing, exposing one's skill is too much of a risk." Sam replied.

"You are right brother. I blabbered some nonsense without thinking further. I am sorry. I will not tell anyone about your power. I promise." Sara said in a serious tone.

"I know. I trust you Sara. I assure you I will protect you with all my might but in case you need to reveal my power for your own safety just tell them all." Sam said in a caring tone.

"Okay big bro.....But I hope that doesn't happen." Sara replied smilingly.