11 Khal of the west

Vaes Dothrak…..

Jon looked out over the balcony and gazed into the city of riders. Vaes Dothrak never ceased to amaze him. It was a vast and populous place. Many said it was the largest city in the world, from his vantage point, he wouldn't doubt it. Everywhere he looked there was life. The city was filled to the brim for this day. It wasn't every day that the city celebrated an ascension.

Jon looked to the east where the grand bazaar was situated. The market place was a city unto itself. He knew that it was a rare gem just waiting to be polished. Merchants from the lands east of Essos and traders as far away as Pentos met there regularly. It was the most spectacular place in Essos and Jon knew it. He made it a point to stress how valuable the Grand Bazaar was to the future of the Dothraki Nation. The taxes on the marketplace alone could fund an army. After all, no nation can survive on making war alone.

Jon looked down and saw some slaves cleaning a horse. For slaves, they sure looked like they were well fed. Jon thought to himself.

Jon thought about the slavery problem and his unorthodox solution to combat it. The act of slavery abhorred him but, it had been ingrained in Dothraki society so long that there was nigh a hope to change it. Jon could no sooner abolish slavery than he could raise the dead. The solution he came up with was both genius and cowardly in his mind. Cowardly, because he couldn't abolish slavery outright and ingenious because it played on Dothraki honor. He proposed that only captured enemies could become slaves. Their children, those under five, would be given freedom. Furthermore, no child was born a slave. The child was free the moment it was born. Only vanquished enemies can be considered slaves.

Jon shook his head at the compromise he considered failure but, he had to go with the people's wishes. Bells rung indicating a general assembly. It was time. A door opened behind him and his Khal stepped out into the balcony.

"It is time brother." Drogo said.

"Aye, it is." Jon said.

"Are you sure you want to go back to Westeros after this?" Drogo said.

Jon smiled at his friend.

"Aye, I miss my family and I have been gone too long."

Drogo nods.

"Just remember, you will always have a place here." Drogo said.

Jon shakes his head.

"You act like I will never visit. I will return, plus, I have to make sure you and the rest don't destroy what we've built." Jon said.

Drogo laughs when Rhade joins them.

"It is time." Rhade said.

Both Drogo and Jon nod. All three walk to the assembly area.

10 minutes later…

Jon stood in front of the assembled audience. The audience was huge. All of Vaes Dothrak had come to witness the birth of a new Khal. No longer were Khal's dotting the landscape like weeds to a field. Now only five Khal existed. Four held governorships on each of the cardinal points of the Dothraki Nation while Drogo held the title of Great Khal of Khals. Jon laughed as a thought crossed his mind.

No matter how far you travel, you'll always be under a lord's jurisdiction. Khals were just Lord Paramounts of the the Dothraki Nation and I am becoming one of them. Jon thought to himself.

Khal Drogo took the stand.

"Riders of Vaes Dothrak, hear me. Six years ago, I came to Vaes Dothrak with a dream. A dream that our own selfishness and arrogance denied us. "

Khal Drogo walked around.

"Every year the number of children born to us lessened. Every year the number of riders in our Khalassar diminished. Every year we were weakened."

Everyone was riveted. Khal stopped his walk and ended up beside Jon.

"But, those days are over. With the help of the rider beside me, the Dothraki Nation grew strong. No longer do we fear sell swords and Unsullied. …..Now they fear us!"

Loud cheers could be heard from the crowd.

"Now, my Brother Jon's time in Essos has come to an end. "

Jon looks at the surprised faces amongst the Horde. Although all the Khals and some of the Ko's new of his departure, most of the Khalassar did not.

"But, how should I reward my brother? Should I give him jewels?"

The Crowd answered in the affirmative.

"Should I give him weapons?"

More cheers rang out from the crowd.

"Should I give him women?!"

Laughs rang out from the men and cheers sprung from the women hoping to volunteer.

Khal Drogo raised his hand demanding silence.

"We shall give him all these things and more. For today, we shall make Jon the Rhoynar, a Khal!"

The crowd goes crazy as women of the Dosh Khaleen surrounded Jon. They begin chanting while the oldest of the woman takes Jon by the hand. He takes him to some stairs which lead to a pit. The pit is only six feet deep and it takes Jon no time to get to the bottom. Once Jon is at the bottom of the small pit, he looks up. He had never seen a Khal induction before but, Drogo had briefed him on what was about to happen. Jon takes off his armor and wears just his leather riding pants.

Jon hears the chanting getting louder as horses are herded to the top of the pit. Jon looks up at the huge hole above him and sees nothing but the heads of three horses. He knew this part was a little gory but, it couldn't be helped. It was an honor to be named a Khal, and he would not dishonor his brother by declining such a gift

The chanting of the Khaleen got louder until finally a loud horn sounded. As soon as it did, three horses had their throats slit above him. The blood of the horse covered him from head to toe making him look some sort of blood god. It got everywhere: his eyes, his nose, and even his mouth. He could taste the iron in the blood and it did not taste good.

When it was over Jon emerged from the pit dripping with blood. He walked over to Drogo with a blood trail following behind him. Drogo came up to him and raised his hand. Jon looked out into the crowd and saw them become silent.

"Behold, I present to you a new Khal. "

Drogo paused for dramatic effect.

"Meet Khal Jon the Rhoynar. Khal of the Western Lands.!"

Everyone hooped and hollered.

"Khal Jon! Khal Jon! Khal Jon!" The crowd shouted.

"Long may he ride!" Drogo shouted.

"Long may he ride!" The crowd repeated.

Jon could only look dumbfounded at the turn his life had taken.

From bastard, to sellsword, to Dothraki Khal. He sure led a charmed life. ….what else could the gods have in store for him. Jon thought to himself.

If he only knew…..
