
Fox King

After defeating another ten more foxes I decided to go into the inner region to storm the den of foxes. As I approached the den the amount of foxes increased to the point where I started meeting them in twos and threes, which would be uncommon away from the den.

Then I noticed a pack of five foxes laying down by the entry way of the den. I know that with my current power it would be hard to attack them all so I started making sounds of increasing volume until one could hear my voice. When it heard me it dashed in my direction away from the others. I quickly cut it down so as to not alert the foxes nearby. I continued this trick, cutting down two more by themselves. Then I charged the final two foxes and beat them easily.

After that I gained one more level up to put me at level two and put all the points in agility again.

'This is starting to get too easy. I kind of hope the fox king holds a challenge' I thought in my head.

I entered the den through the hole in the ground that was barely able to fit me. I fell down the small hole to see three foxes snarling at my presence.

'They must be the guards since they are a little tougher.'

I ended the foxes by aiming my beginner sword at their necks one at a time. Then started crouching down the fox hole to meat the king. I ran into the foxes about once every minute but the duration between their appearances was starting to become less as I walked towards the main pack of foxes.

"Wow, that is a lot of foxes" I said with a sigh, "The trick won't work with these tight creatures. Well looks like I'm going to try something new."

I threw a rock randomly into the middle of the pack and saw each Fox's eyes become red as they turned at me.

"Well I'm out of here. Catch me if you can."

I then ran back the way I can but changed directions at each forked path. I decided that was enough confusion and started heading back to the main hole killing the scattered foxes as I went. When I came back to the opening I noticed that there was only two rare foxes left with the elite 'fox king'

'I only have like five minutes before that come rushing back I need to end this quick.' I thought as I rushed at the rare foxes with my high agility.

Luckily the fox king watched as I attacked the foxes as if I wasn't worth the energy to kill. So I was able to fend them off while using timely thrusts and kicks to keep them preoccupied. After killing one of the rare foxes the fox king charged at me so I quickly killed the other then backed off.

"Looks like you're finally tired of letting your minions do the work. But don't worry I'll kill you just like I did them." I said as I maneuvered around his bites and claws.

I then sent a flurry of thrusts his way only to see his condition not worsen at all. I then spent the next minute slowly dodging and counterattacking his messy attempts of pain. He started getting more aggressive after seeing how futile his efforts were.

"Someone's getting feisty. Should I calm you down with a final hit?" I rhetorically asked as I stabbed him in his chest and watched his life seep out of him.

"Time to see watch you got." I said looking at the bountiful drops. "Oh, so the swords are rare." I said as I picked up a rapier. "I then equipped three uncommon items for my chest, legs, and shoulders that I got from a rare fox and the other two from the fox king.

"Pretty average but I'll take it." I said as I saw that each one gave plus five to a certain stat.

"Well I guess it's time for the next elite." I grinned and left the den from the back entrance to avoid needless confrontation with common foxes.