
Character Creation

Finally three very slow days passed by and the release of the game occurred today much to many people's excitement. I waited for the buzz of the doorbell to announce the delivery of the VR gear so that I could begin a new character in Persist.

(Five minutes)

(Ten minutes)

(Thirty minutes)

(One hour)

"Why is it taking so long? Last time it came at noon yet now it's almost two o'clock and it is still not here."

"Ring, ring, ring" the doorbell went off at that moment and I rushed to the door.

"You Mark Frayer?" The deliveryman asked me immediately.

"Yes." I responded.

"I need you to sign here, here, and finally here." The dude ranted.

I did that and thought about how lucky I was to be able to afford this unit. Although, it was the least expensive one on the market it still went up for some high bucks.

"Where do you want me to set it up?" He rehearsed as if he did this each time.

"Just right in the corner." I pointed to an empty location I set up while waiting for this day.

"Okay, it's done." He said after setting up the unit. He then picked up his supplies and left the room.

'So it's not yet two so that means I still have another two hours left' I mused as I recalled the opening time.

'Let's get this started' I then put the gear on to set up my player before the release.

The opening scene played out once I pressed login. To anyone else they would seem awing, but I was used to them by now and just skipped them.

"How would you like to make your character look. Be careful in your changes as you can only have one character per user." The unfazed helper spoke.

'Yeah right if you could only have one character than why am I here?' I retorted silently.

"Just make the hair longer and remove eye bags." I responded in the same tone."

"Ok, now for the next part. What class would you like to be?"

In the game Persist classes and sub-classes divided the users up and made play styles different for each user.

"Warrior and swordsman subclass." I responded after consideration.

Last time I made a warrior with a subclass of berserker, but I didn't like the reckless charging that the class was suited for. So this time I chose a class that focused more on speed and less on health.

"Ok, this concludes your player creation the game will start in one hour, forty minutes, and thirty six seconds. The program spoke in a deadpanned voice.

"Darn, another long wait. Might as well review what I know." From what I recall previously each starting village had certain quests suited for different main classes with a total of eight. The villages had 5 common, 3 rare, and one unique quest. The common quests didn't favor classes but the rewards of the rare and unique quests leaned to a specific class. Also, since there was many copies of the starting villages the rare and common quests could be obtained on each copy. However, once the unique quests was complete it wouldn't be seen again in that village or it's copies. my mission is to complete the quests from higher rarity to lowest so that I could get most of them.

The monsters or mobs are rated from lowest to highest as common, rare, elite, rare elite, boss, and boss king. The boss king however, relates to the final boss and is very hard to find early on. Items are also graded and go from common to legendary each with its on color 'glow'.

'If I remember right the village I need to go to is called 'Wintergreen' because it starts with a 'w' just like warrior.'

I then glanced at my clock to only see ten minutes have passed by.

'Why does it have to take so long?' I raged as I waited for the server to start.

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