
The first encounter with the Frost General

Note: Dialogues inside ' ' are the character's thoughts or more likely talking to himself/herself.

"uhhhmm?" a skinny boy was sleeping in his bed soundlessly when the sun rays hit his face and he started to feel burning pain.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw that it was already morning.

"Ohhhh. I overslept again." The boy said while he rubbed his eyes.

This boy is Trinx Asmoledus. He is skinny due to his sickness where his muscles can't grow bigger even if he eats more. He loves adventures and sports, but due to his condition, he was not able to perform any of them. This reality is really painful for him but eventually, he accepted his fate.

But still, he wants to at least try to feel what an adventure feels, thus he focused his time by reading books. He loved fantasy adventure books where he substitutes himself as the main character of the book he reads. By doing this he can at least feel that he is on an adventure.

Because he loved books, he always goes to the library where different books are there. And because today is Saturday, he planned to go to the library.

He finished his breakfast and after he took the bath he immediately walked towards the library. He only lives by himself because his parents died in a car crash when he was still young. He used the money left by his parents to sustain his studies and his living expenses.

He lives in an apartment near the city library. He chooses this apartment because it was near the library and he won't need to travel far. Traveling is really bad for him because his stamina can't sustain long-distance traveling.

After walking for about ten minutes, he reached the library. The library was big and many towering bookshelves filled with books are present here. He is now heading to where fiction genre books are placed. He then tried to choose what book he will read because he just finished a book.

He was choosing happily when the ground shook. The other people in the library run immediately in fear of the bookshelves will fall and will smash them. He also tried to run but because of his weak body, he tripped off.

He was stepped by the panicked people who rushed towards outside. The ground still shook intensively until books fell out of the bookshelves. The books fell into him. Although the books were not that heavy, they accumulated very fast and buried him. After the books fell, the bookshelves follows fell into him.

He really felt regret, "If I can be reincarnated in another world and become a strong man, I will really enjoy my life!" then everything turned dark.


Birds chirped and sun rays hit his face. Trinx slowly opened his eyes and he found himself in laying a fine green grassland. His face was filled with shock.

I was buried under by the books and I know that I should be dead but….

This event is really shocking for him; he really thought that he was going to end up dead by what happened and then after a few moments he is lying in a foreign grassland? How the heck did this happen?

His face lit up and an idea came into his mind, "Transmigration? Is this really Transmigration?"

He then started to check his body if it is real and he also checked his surroundings. He pinched himself trying to wake up if this is just a dream. But he only felt pain as he pinches his face.

"This is all real!" His face is covered with joy. As he moved his body, he noticed that he is stronger compared when he was on earth.

"I am cured of my sickness?" He then tried stretching his body and confirmed that his sickness is totally gone.

"Is my dying wish granted?" He can still remember what his dying wish is. 'If I can only be reincarnated in another world and become a strong man, I will really enjoy my life!'

"Wow!" He exclaimed in excitement. He can do things here that he cannot do before and maybe he can embark on an adventure with a beautiful woman as his subordinate.

He then realized that the forest may be dangerous especially he is totally a foreigner in these unknown lands. He started to walk towards the city he saw not too far away.

The city has high walls and guards guarding the gate. People wearing different armors come and go from the city.

"They must be hunters or adventurers!" Seeing this, he must be in a world where magic exists or maybe something else that can grant him power. This thought alone intensified his excitement.

I'm living in a world where fantasy is reality!

He excitedly walked toward the gate. He encountered many adventurers heading to the forest.

'They must be on a hunt.' he said to himself.

Soon, he reached the gate. The gate was massive and was guarded by two guards.

He then walks towards the gate but before he managed to enter, a guard stopped him.

'Am I not allowed to enter a city?' He asked himself in confusion.

Entering a city back on earth is easy and won't require any identification documents. This made Trinx confused and stared at the guard who stopped him confusedly.

"I've been guarding the gates for a long time now but I haven't seen your face. Are you new to the city? Please show your Identification card or pay 5 silver coins." The guard said at Trinx.

Trinx was shocked. He is totally a foreigner, not only a foreigner to the city but also a foreigner on this planet.

"I don't have money right now and I forgot my identification card. So will you let me enter?" Trinx said with a pleading voice.

He is trying his best to trick this guard so that he can enter the city. After he can enter the city, he might find some way to grow stronger to become something like an adventurer.

"No money? Left your ID card? No! This is really unbelievable! How can you leave your ID card? It should be always in your storage ring?!" The guard bellowed at him. The nearby adventurer stared at him in confusion.

"How can someone left his ID card?"

"Maybe he left his storage ring?"

"Who is dumb enough to remove his storage ring out of his finger?"

"Yeah! You got a point dude!"

His face turned green as he heard what the guard and the nearby people said. 'Damn! I don't even know what is the name of this world or the name of this city! How could I even know that there is a storage ring here?' he said angrily in his thoughts.

"Arrest this guy! He must be a criminal!" Said by the other guard.

Hearing this, Trinx's heart jumps out of its place. 'Arrest me? The heck! I was so happy that I've been transmigrated and can live my new life and now I will be arrested? The heck!' his mind was shouting angrily but his mouth and body froze.

"Please no! Let me explain! I needed to visit a friend of mine! Please let me enter!" The guard already grabbed his arm. He tried resisting but to no avail, he can't even shake the guard's arm. The feeling he felt was like he is trying to move a mountain using his arm.

'So strong! Even though I'm totally weak. When someone back on earth with the same body size as them, when they grabbed my arm if I tried to resist I can even shake their arms. But this….' The strength of the guards amused him so much.

'If the guards are strong, how about the adventurers?'

"Sir please let me explain my self furth…." He was still pleading the guard who is grabbing his arm when an angelic voice sounded.

"Stop right there!" a girl shouted.

The onlookers, the guards and Trinx looked at the direction where the voice came from.

The lady was wearing a Silver armor with white Rose imprinted on it. She was just slightly taller than Trinx. Her facial features are superb! Trinx only saw this kind of beauty on the television and on some occasions.

"It was General Freya of the White rose army!"

"General Freya is acquainted with this skinny dude?"

The lady named 'Freya' walks towards the direction of Trinx. The onlookers made their way for Freya so she can reach Trinx easily.

"Paying respect to General Freya of White Rose army!" The two guards said in unison.

Trinx stared at the beautiful lady who is now in front of him. The Freya also stared back at him.

"It seems that I am that friend he is talking about," Freya said calmly.

The guards and the onlookers were shocked when they heard this.

Trinx was also shocked when he heard this.

'Have we met before? Or have you fallen for me when you laid your eyes on me?' Trinx was confused about the situation he was right now. And various thoughts running into his head right now like if this lady is a cannibal and will eat him after she brought him to her house.

"Why didn't you say so, sir? We hurt you unintentionally, please forgive our rudeness." The guard bowed at him like asking for forgiveness.

"No, it's ok. We all knew that it was a misunderstanding. I will just forget this because it was also my fault for not telling you in advance." Trinx said at them while he is rubbing the part of his arm that was grabbed by the guard.

"Come with me," Freya said at Trinx and then she entered the gate.

He then followed Freya while looking downwards. Countless gazes were locked on him as they whispered with their peers.

"That lucky guy? How did he get acquainted with our Frost general?"

"He must be a relative of her?"

"Aren't you listening well? He said clearly that he would visit a friend!"

"Are they lovers?"

Then everyone stopped whispering and stared intently at the one who talked about Trinx and Freya being lovers.

Freya was famous around the city and most of the guys there admired her so much. Just the thought of Trinx being a lover of Freya is really a big deal to them. If Trinx was indeed Freya's lover then they will be forced to stop wooing her, but if not they will still have a chance. That is the reason why they stared angrily at the guy who proposed that Trinx was Freya's lover.

Trinx just followed Freya as they walk. Soon they reached a mansion. The mansion was classy and painted in white while white roses planted in the garden.

'Wow!' Trinx was mesmerized at the view that welcomed him.

Freya owned the mansion. There are also guard that guarding the mansion gate but they looked weaker than the two who guarded the gate.

"Greetings, General Freya!" The two guards greeted her.

"Follow me." Freya looked back and told Trinx to follow her.

The guards were taken aback. They didn't expect that the Frost General would bring a guy inside her mansion.

Everyone knew that the White rose general, Freya is cold towards boys. They didn't know why but this is her attitude towards men since then.

Because of this, she was also known as the Frost general because of her frosty attitude towards boys.

Trinx silently followed her as he avoided the stares of the two guards. Then they entered the mansion. Then they immediately headed to the living room.

"Come, sit," Freya told him.

Then he sat at the chair that was offered at him.

Then Freya called a maid and ordered her to bring some tea. While waiting for the tea, Freya started to talk.

"I am Freya Bernards! The General of the White Rose army." Freya said.

Trinx nodded in agreement. He also noticed that this lady in front of him treats boys coldly.

"May I ask what is the reason for saving me?" He found it confusing. He is certain that they never met before. Unless, when Trinx died, his soul possessed this body.

"We share the same experience." She said.

"Same experience?" Trinx asked.

"My village was raided by some bandits and I managed to escape. I happen to see this city 10 years ago from afar. I was only 9 years old at that time. Like you, I walked towards the gate and enter it but they asked me 5 silver coins to enter this city, but I have no money in my pocket at that time. Then they started to grab me when an old man helped me and let me enter the city and that old man is the city mayor and he became my master." Freya was on the verge of falling but she managed to hold it off.

Trinx now knew why Freya helped him. So it was because we experience the same situation.

The maid Freya asked to bring tea arrived and then she poured tea on Freya and Trinx's cup. When Trinx caught the fragrance of the tea, he felt his head was weightless. He was totally amused by the tea. Then he took a sip and then his mind was calm and he can think clearly than before.

"This is the Spirit Calming Tea. It has an effect of calming anyone who drinks this." Freya explained after she saw how amazed Trinx was.

"How about you? What is your name and where you came from?" Freya asked Trinx.

"Ahhhh….. My name is Trinx Asmoledus. I came from—Arrgghhhghhghh Arrgghhhh" Before he finished his sentence he suddenly fell to the ground and clutched his head in pain.

Freya panicked and she immediately helped Trinx. She helped him to sit down and then she asked what happened.

"I can't remember where I came from. I can only remember what my name is and age then nothing else." Trinx said while he caressed his head.

But all of this is just acting. If he told her that he came from the other world, she will immediately call some city guards and arrest him because he has loose screws on his brain. He just acted like his head was in pain when he tried to remember where he came from.

"You may be suffered from amnesia! I feel bad for you can live here in my mansion for the meantime and then after you became an adventurer you can rent an apartment here in the city." Freya said.

"Thank you, Frost General!" Trinx said.

The nearby maid's expression turned grim and Freya's face darkened. Seeing the Maid and Freya's reaction made Trinx felt he said something wrong.

"Milena, tour our guest around the mansion!" Freya said with slight anger in her tone.

Trinx frowned. 'Did I said something wrong?'

Then the maid bowed at him then she asked Trinx to follow her.

"Did I said something wrong?" Trinx asked Milena.

"Ah? Wrong? You didn't say anything wrong. What you said is really really really wrong! Addressing miss Freya as Frost General face to face, do you want to die? Calling her Frost General is the same as insulting her!" Milena said furiously.

Then Trinx's face turned grim.

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