
In The Ancestral Glade 1 (Skyrim) Serana x (M)Dragonborn


Serana x Talion (Male Dragonborn)

Ancestor Glade

Just before the assault on Harkon

Notable Tags: restraints, past trauma/rape, confessions of love

I liked the smell here, and for a Lycan as myself that was a strong compliment. My senses constantly on overdrive, I could hear the wings of the Ancestor Moth's beat, and the breathing of the small fish in the pond close by. However, I have made many enemies with talented and zealous opponents. My vampiric enemies could easily mask their scent and muffle their movements with an illusion spell.

Using the magic taught to me by the Priestess of Kynareth in Whiterun I swept the area with the detect life spell. Serana, on the other hand, scanned for undead with a detect undead. We made a great duo but I knew that all good things come to an end.

Kodlak did.

Lydia did.

Torygg did.

My father did.

My pessimistic train of thought was interrupted by Serana's voice, "Well, we're here."

I gathered some leaves, twigs and a fire starter from my kit. After putting the dried out moss on what I gathered all it took was two or three snaps of magic from my fingers to start a little fire. We didn't need much light, Oblivion, we didn't need the light at all. Serana can see in the dark and my vision was a few steps behind an arch vampire but a few bounds ahead of any normal mortal. If anything, it was to help dry out our shoes and cloaks. The horses were sure to feel better as well.

Serana and I? We've been silent all day. Isran will be waiting for us to storm the castle. Waiting for us to kill Serana's father. I slipped off my silver dagger, shield and bastard sword from my body. Serana picked up on the cue, and had removed her cowl and cloak. She expertly untied her leather cuffs and tossed them with her belongings with a huff. She sat there, the flames reflecting off the smooth of her neck, the dew on her red linen blouse and broach. Slipping out of the muffle enchanted boots I had made her, she tossed them none too gently with her stuff. Soon the silence was unbearable and I asked, removing my ebony gauntlets,

"I see you are wearing the enchanted trinkets I gave you."

She fingered the enchanted gold necklace I had bought her of fire immunity. A gold band of fire resistance was also on her hand.

"I am." She answered, not much for words right now.

Struggling with the awkward iceberg I added, "It… looks nice on you."

Her eyes left the floor and came up to me as I tossed my hand gear with my weapons. Our eyes met, and the air grew so tense for a moment but I didn't know why. Or maybe, I didn't want to admit why. My feelings were way stronger than friendship. Our friendship was at the peak, to go any higher would ascend into something else entirely… and I was scared to death of the unknown, of the beyond.

The tension broke when she broke eye contact and looked away from me. With a huff, I turned around and started on removing my Ebony Mail that Boethiah had given me. My back was bear when I removed my coif and Serana asked,

"Talion, do you miss home." I turned to look at her, somewhat surprised by the sudden topic, she even added, "Do you miss High Rock?"

"High Rock? No. Skyrim has become my new home." I brushed my black shoulder length locks out of my face. Normally I was kempt and shaven but with the long journey my beard and hair had grown out. Not as long and thick as some Nords, all a Breton like me could muster was a look akin to the pirate captain from cheap Daggerfall romance novels.

"You don't miss those moments of playing with your father and mother in the sands or gardens of Daggerfall?"

Her eyes bore into me, and I saw where this was going, "I… cherish those memories, yes."

Her voice shook with emotion coming to the surface, "You don't wish that you could go back and relive those moments?"

I couldn't answer her for a moment. Her eyes were glossy and she swiped at a tear as her breathing turned to sobs. Tossing my coif with my gear I went to her and sat close to her side. I just sat there, an eager ear for her in these hard times. After some more silence I asked,

"Is that what you want? To go back before all this happened?"

She only managed a weak nod of her head. "All day, I've tried to justify what we are getting ready to do. Justify erasing everyone I know. Justify patricide! Justify killing my father." Tears rolled down her face, "I've mused over it in the past but it seemed so different. Now? Now it's tomorrow, Talion, and it's all crushing me at once! For centuries-no, millennia I had hoped that our family would be together again and now that hope is shattered."

I glanced back at Auriel's Bow on my horse, dangling from where it was tied off by a conjured string. Looking back at Serana again, I couldn't help but feel for her. Scooting closer, I put my hand over her shoulder and she asked,

"What is it like? Losing a father?"

She sniffled and swiped at her tears, looking at me for an answer.

"It is final." I said, "It's a scar. The blow, the... wound; it heals, but the scar remains."

"So after this," she laughed bitterly, "I'll just heal but not heal huh?"

"Serana," I flared, but my hand gently guided her face to mine, "you-WILL-heal. You are the strongest and sweetest person I know!"

Our eyes burned into each other again only this time I was topless, only a handspan away, and holding her chin. The tension built up like the sparks in a learning mage's hand. It built up and up until it popped.

I know she knows, usually it was me who could read the internal reactions of others. Serana however was trained for centuries to not let her body portray what she was thinking to fellow vampires; political plotters as they were. Me? She's listening to the nervous beat of my heart, the flutter of air in my lungs when I breath, and hearing me gulp anxiously before I finally confessed,

"Serana, I-"

Her lips cut me short. My eyes fluttered closed, like I was a pathetic mortal being bit by the archvampire, not kissing it. No, not IT, she had been more human than I at times. She parted, her eyes glazed over like someone halfway in slumber or after supping from something grand and intoxicating.

I was the same way.

"Why did you stop?" I asked.

"You're afraid," she replied, placing a hand over my heart, causing it to flutter, "why?"

Still flustered and unable to make many words, my short worded response bled with emotion and concern,

"I'm aware of your trauma, Serana."

That moment in the firelight she had the biggest smile and the deepest blush I've ever seen on her. Her eyes matched the flames, flickering with either warmth or destruction, either humor or acceptance. No, maybe it was both. Her eyes were a fire.

"And you thought with a little kiss I gave you consent for all that?"

She laughed at me, but it wasn't a harsh laugh. Serana was taking great joy in toying with me. Removing the necklace I had given her and putting it with her things with a plink she said, mounting me,

"Just because I love you, doesn't mean you shouldn't fear me," she leaned in and breathed on my lips, I couldn't help but close my eyes in anticipation, "it means," I heard her remove her red linen blouse, "you should fear me even more."

She leaned back again, pleased with the degree of control she had over me. My mind was a whirlwind after her confession and I haven't even said the same. I also was having trouble with my sexual frustration, I've never been under the palm of a woman. Never. How could I have been duped so easily? She doesn't even need to breathe.

Serana was in a black bra, not a bodice like women of lower class and station. Also a bit of necessity for a warrior but it wasn't a binder like Lydia and every other war maidens in Skyrim wore. I tried to get a little more comfortable under her, my foreskin so hard I unintentionally grinded her bottom as I confessed,

"I love you too, you mischievous little tease."

"That's good," she whispered, "I'll take that as consent to do what I was thinking about doing."

She elongated a nail and cut my lips. Excited and impatient, my hands went to her chest. Smiling, she tenderly took my hands in hers, confusing me before slamming them over my head. Ever an expert in conjuration she had conjurated my hands into chained restraints.

"I'm actually not a fan of kinks." She explained, "I'm just scared of having a flashback. After I'm done tonight however," she purred, "I'll be much more… amiable in the morning."

My hands stung and I moaned in frustration, but willing to give up control every single time if it meant her comfort. I smirked at her and replied huskily, "Just hurry, my sweet."

She moved in for a kiss like an ethereal shadow. Graceful. Quick. Her hands gripped my long hair. Passion was there, desire,

"Stick your tongue out."

I obeyed, the blood from my lips dripping down onto my tongue as she sucked it. Letting out an erotic groan, she let my tongue explore the walls of her mouth and the depths of her throat. She chuckled, cradling my head in her arms as she pressed her chest into my face.

"Talion~" she gasped, as I kissed her soft breasts. She let out an erotic grimace as I left a love mark on her. Ever a mischievous cuss myself, I took her bra in my teeth and glanced up at her with a smile. It was more playing and asking permission than I was going to ruin this moment for the chance of a glance at her chest.

I could vaguely see her teeth shine in a smile with the shadows and the curtain of her hair. Clearly displayed was the smile in her eyes as she kissed me on the forehead and backed away again. She watched my reaction as she slipped off her belt to her breeches.

Trying to arouse her, and resisting the urge to spit the blood off my lips, I licked it off. She wiped at the blood I left on her chest and then did the same. I was bested, so aroused I huskily whispered, "By the Divines!"

"There are no Divines here, Talion." She said, slipping off my belt, and taking off my ebony greaves, "Just you. And me."

She was gentle after that and wasted no time in pulling off my breeches and loincloth. My foreskin leapt out, hard as the stones of this cavern. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, and how the flame light played on her body making the black breeches and her pale skin ever the more appealing.

Affected the same way, she was looking at how the flames painted every muscle, and every scar in a hue of orange on my body. I was happy to have that effect but was ever thirsty and impatient. I spat blood on myself, botching it intentionally and saying,

"Oops, my apologies."

A wicked smile followed and she said, "I should just leave you like that." She closed the gap again and reminded, "Remember what I said."

"Oh, I fear you Serana." I whispered as she kissed me before taking her sweet time kissing and licking up the blood I splashed onto my own torso.

"Serana~" I groaned as she kissed my navel. Here I was, nude before her and she took her sweet time. Before I asked why, she got up to take off her socks. That's when I saw she was looking at my mass with a mix of fear and determination. What Molag Bal had done to her had scarred her immensely but she didn't let it stop her.

Pity and realization ebbed into my voice as I moaned, "Serana, I-"

"Shhh, I know." She said taking the other socks off. Looking right at me she slowly peeled down her breeches and I squirmed under the fires in her eyes. There she was, only two more slivers of fabric in the way. Or only one, if she wants to wait.

Descending like a bat on a bug, kissing my mouth and licking up the blood collected around it, one hand was gripping my locks and the other my shaft, experimenting. I moaned her name and she slipped off her thong.

Turning, she lowered her bottom onto my foreskin and I let out a contained groan. I moved, trying to get deeper and more comfortable as she lowered her bottom onto me slowly again. She groaned in a high pitch I never heard her use before but she was going faster, my shaft hard in her butt. Her busty chest made a clapping sound in rhythm with her thrusts on top of me.

"Take it Serana~" I groaned, about to blow.

She got up suddenly and looked at me in fear. Worry enveloped me for a moment but she took a shaky breath. Her hand shook as she forced herself to unclench it, saying, "No more from behind for a while. Don't get on top of me later either."

I sighed, and said, "Of course."

"At least, not yet~" she said as she mounted me again.

Placing the shaft into her clit this time she let out a pleased, "Mmmm."

She reached back and unfastened the safety pin holding her bra in place as she let the straps down one by one. Now nothing was in the way. Thrusting again slowly I was driven mad by how wet she was as she picked up speed. Her juices making out gentila clap as I watched her chest bounce unrestrained.

"Give it to me Talion~" she screamed.

She grew harder and harder around me until I exploded into her. Almost there herself she didn't stop until she let out an orgasm. Closing her eyes she sighed, trying to savor the feeling like it was a taste before opening her eyes. Saying again the words we said when we first fought,

"You're so weak, little dog."

"Suck my foreskin, filthy vampire.

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