
My best friend

I was still sleeping when Maxie opened the door to my room as tho their was a heavy war outside,I wasn't shocked at all since It wasn't something new.I was still sleeping from the street last night stress buh here my best friend was as strong as a lion as tho nothing had happened the night before,It was still early I wanted more sleep but no my bitch wouldn't let me be.

Sharon she called out but I refused to answer her,Bitchhhhh get your fucking ass up will you? You know our one month break is starting today and bitch why did you have to hit my brother so hard yesterday cause he wanted a kiss ya such a bitch you know?

Twas then I remembered,I had hit her brother cause he wanted to take advantage of me and I knew Maxie was aware as a matter of fact it was her idea,Maxie I called out don't be a snitch you know I have never kissed before and ion want my first kiss to be when am half drunk I want it to be magical and glorious and .... even before I could continue talking Maxie was already groaning Sharon stop this your magical stuff please just get ua ass up and get prepared we have a long day.

With that she walked outta the room and slammed the door,she wasn't angry but she was always aggressive but with a very sweet heart,I admired her so much and was happy she was the family I never had,fuck today was gonna be beautiful I would not spoil it with any rough thinking.

I got up and headed to the bathroom..When I was done I went to check on her in the living room she was a good cook and she had prepared something quickly I knew for sure she had made mine too cause I liked food too much then she turned back and said Hey girl stop smiling at me like that I ain't a lesbian bitch😏

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