
Viral Rebirth Short Stories

Noxxcelious · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Felled Butchers Blade, Glavis

There was once a man cast out from home, he was said to be to brutish and bloody. He was living a vagabond on the move, always looking over his shoulder. The life a lone adventurer wasn't an easy one. This vagabond had a special talent for getting into unescapable situations, making his life very difficult.

Then one day while in a bar a big fight broke out, just shy of one hundred people was the fight. The nameless Vagabond killed many in that bar, if the locals were to be correct out of the 50 that died he was responsible to 45 the other 5 were corpses cast by a noble in which he took great delight in ripping to pieces. After this incident widely referred to as the Butchers Awakening it was said the butcher left the bar in a funk he felt as if his hands could only do so much.

So he embarked on a quest to find the proper materials to make him a weapon that he could wield without restraint. It was said he hunted a large black lion with skin strong enough to render magic harmless, taking many of it's parts. Then he found the great spirit of a demon and harvested it form it's current host. Finally, he found the boogeyman and made him cry harvesting the tears as the water he'd quench the blade in. On this journey it was said that he fought much nastier creatures but these are the ones he harvested. With all the materials he went to find the smith that would make him the blade he so desired.

After the blade was forged he went was found by the noble family that he had slain the son of. They after a whole day of fighting brought him in, almost 600 corpses made that day by one man before he just gave up. He laid silent until judgement day came, then as the queen asked how he pled.

The Vagabond spoke thus, "I plead guilty, but the crime I've committed is a greater one then you can understand." Tears filled the mans eyes, "on my journey I have slain hundreds of beast and everyone was fun but I began to learn about them and the more I learned the worse this feeling got." A brief pause caused the the crowd to roar harsh words before a glare met them and all was quiet once more. "The feeling was understanding and pity, those poor creatures I killed them for gains of power when if I just listened they would've gifted me strength," he stood breaking the chains that bonded him and willingly laid his head on the chopping block. "I am ready for my punishment but I care not for the greedy ones who made me this way, I wish to die to the hands of a worthy man."

A one armed man with a mask that had a crimson tear approached the chopping block from the crowd, he laid down his spear and took up the blade."Glavis I call upon your true name," he muttered placing his forehead to the side of the thick blade. He raised it and with a 'thunk' there was a smile stern about the dead mans face. The man took the corpse of the butcher leaving the blade for the people around to slaughter each other over, "rest well fellow Wanderer."