5 Going Out

It had been a week since I started my restaurant and I am now pulling in customers, so whatever that food critic said about my restaurant must have been great, also it seems that my popularity hasn't stayed hidden for long as someone slipped a coupon to seongjuns restaurant under my apartment door, so I'm planning to go meet him tomorrow but I'm not going to join the XJ company as I'm pretty sure I can defeat all of the members already.

1 day Later...

It is now the next day and I already posted a video for today, after I'm done with this I start getting ready and begin to walk out of my apartment planning to meet seongjun at his restaurant. As I'm walking to the restaurant there seems to be someone following me, so I go into a nearby alleyway to prove my suspicion, and sure enough, a person followed me into the alleyway shortly after. he was at least 6 foot with the build of a bodybuilder. "looks like you messed up kid, now nicely hand over all your money before things get bad." the guy said as he was walking closer to me, "I don't have any money on me right now, so please let me pass" I said as I try to walk pass him not trying to mess up my outfit before I go see seongjun, "Don't lie to me, I know you have over 700,000 subscribers on NewTube, anyone like you should be carrying a good amount of money on you" he said grabbing my arm, "now you shouldn't have done that" I said while glaring and sending a little of my killing intent at him, this made him take a step back with a scared look on his face but he quickly composed himself and threw a punch at my face, but before the punch landed I dodged to the side and quickly threw a punch to his face, the punch connected head on, hitting him straight in the nose.

thinking this was over I turn around and start walking out but before I can take a step I was hit hard to the back of my head, and I stumbled on my feet almost being knocked out, but I quickly got my balance back and turned around, as I turn around I see another fist coming at my stomach, I quickly avoid the punch, barely avoiding it, and send a barrage of powerful kicks his way easily hitting him until he falls onto the ground losing consciousness.

"It looks like I've gotten too cocky, just because I have instant mastery doesn't mean I have experience using the skills, and it seems I have to train more that hit of his did a number on me," I thought as I stumbled out of the alleyway, quickly heading home because if I show my face to seongjun like this I would most definitely lose.

AN As I'm coming back the chapters will get longer and the story will progress more. P.S. The MC will not follow Hobin but will also not avoid him, I know it is confusing but it will make more sense when they meet.
