

"A million words would not bring you back, I know because I tried, neither would a million tears, I know because I cried."

Have you ever felt that your whole perfect world is falling and you can't do anything to stop it? That's what happened to me. I was only 6 when they took my parent's life. Now you must be wondering that how and who?

So, Let me explain it you. My father, Sergio Salvatore was one of most famous billionaires in America. He was also really kind hearted. He had done many charity events for poor children or needy people. There were some people who were enemy of his kindness and they were "Alcaldos" aka Spanish mafia. It was a beautiful Christmas evening. Everyone was happy. We were partying in our Main Hall of our Bunglaw with some relatives. Then suddenly, we heard a high bang sound from our door. Somehow, my dad thought something and gave me a key which was in a locket. He told me that He's proud of me and he also said that he had saved 5 billion dollars in a secret safe far away from our house for me because he knew that he'll leave me soon. Our front hall door broke in two pieces those Alcaldo's soldiers came in and shot everyone but I ran away from that spot.

Some of Alcaldo's soldiers saw me running and started following me. I disappeared in a forest. So, They burned the whole forest. I screamed "HELP! HELP! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME OR I'LL BURN HERE". A stranger came and saved me from that fire. He took me to a safe place and that stranger was a 15 yr old guy named Byron. He was a foster boy. So, I started living in a foster home with him. But that foster home was a hell for us. We were torchered by the owner. So, After 1 year, We ran away. We had no money. Suddenly, I remembered about that safe my father told me. I told Byron about that safe. He saw my locket too. In my locket, there was not only a key but also a little piece of paper which told us our way to that safe. We found that safe.

With the help of money, We bought a house. We started taking self-defence training. We also worked for a secret agency " Directorate-General for External Security (DGSE)" . You must be thinking that I needed to complete my education to get in that agency but no because that agency doesn't need any education qualification. They only need strong will, determined and courageous people with fighting skills. I was their fighter and Byron was their hacker. When, I became 20, I left DGSE with Byron and his girlfriend Ren who is a software engineer.

We made our own secret place or you can say our hell. We also hired some people secretly and trained them like us. We established our own team and that was "Viper'Team."

Now, I gave myself a name "The Viper". With the help of people, I started doing illegal stuffs because I want "REVENGE" from Alcaldos. I used my all money in my job and started to earn lots of money too.

I've become World's most wanted Assassin "Viper". Everyone fears of Viper because I'm ruthless, heartless and unstoppable. Some billionaires also hires me to do their work like killing, Smuggling etc. I've never failed them. They also be becomes happy when their work is done and In exchange I get million dollars.

Inspite of these stuffs, I'm also preparing myself to get Revenge from Alcaldos. My hacker Byron is giving me all their information time to time. I won't let anyone to distract me from my Revenge.

Those Alcaldos took away my family and now, They will get Viper's most dreadful bite which will give them freedom from this world.

But first let me tell you my real name,

I'm Elysia Salvatore commonly known as El by my people and Popularly known as Viper by whole world. I'm 25 year old woman. My name is Viper because Viper is most dangerous snake which ones bites you then you're dead. So, Don't dare to tame Viper or you won't be present in this world.

And now, Be prepare everyone because The Viper is here.