
1st Top-Up

When the azure screen appeared before Aphis it reaffirmed his decision to top-up with his life savings then and there. His doubts were practically made of straw with such a sight strewn before him.

[ Welcome back, Host, I see you have been busy. ]

"I have. Thanks for noticing. System, I wish to top-up." Aphis replied.

[ That is music to my ears, Host. How wonderful! Do you wish for an extended explanation of the top-up function? ] The System's voice sounded rather happy as it asked.

"I believe that would be helpful. I don't want to go to the Xianxian world as a water balloon." Aphis mocked as his imagination went wild at such an idea.

[ It is good you realized that before descending to the world. ] The system replied.

[ To start, the top-up function is the core mechanic of the VIP System. ] The system began explaining.

[ As you may already know, by spending money on the system you will receive rewards as I mentioned earlier today. I did not go into great detail on what kinds of rewards. It is something that you shall have to find out for yourself. There are other aspects of topping-up however that I can go into greater lengths about. ]

[ Money spent on the system is converted into a premium currency called Jades. There are 2 ways to gain Jades. The first method to acquire Jades is to top-up, and the second method is a passive benefit of topping-up which correlates with the cumulative amount of money you have spent on the system to top-up. You will receive the premium Jade Currency every so often and how much you will gain will increase as you reach a higher cumulative spending tier. There is also the matter of exclusive goods being locked behind each instance that you top-up and applying only to that instance as a way to get you to spend more money. ]

[ When you top-up the money you spend also goes towards your account grade as a byproduct of of topping-up. Currently, your account grade is zero. This is not the only grade that you will get. There are store accounts that are established by purchasing memberships to other stores and the account grade for those store can be enhanced by topping-up there . Special features exclusive to the store will be unlocked when you exceed certain account grade milestones. The same goes for the system account grade where special features will be unlocked upon topping-up enough money. ]

[ If you top-up in the system store it does not apply to the other stores that are hosted here. Top-ups are treated separate as they are for different accounts although they are financed under the VIP System. You must always keep that in mind. Though Jades can be spent in any system hosted store. ]

[ Additionally, the costs of items that are displayed in stores will be almost always shown in Jades. You may not purchase any shop item in anything other than the premium Jade Currency. ]

[ At present there are two accounts that you can top up: the System Account and the Xianxia Account. The system account came with the system. The Xianxia account can be accessed because you chose that as the world of your first descent. You will very likely require the related services and goods they provide. ]

[ Be wary, the system hosted stores are experts at getting you to spend money. If you played a mobile game before that had the various deals listed, it will be akin to that, if not much more extensive and overwhelming. Host, they will try to drain you of all of your money. ]

[ With all of that out of the way… Host, where would you like to top-up? ]

Facing such a dilemma had not occurred to Aphis. Pondering on the matter for a moment Aphis decided to not put all of the eggs in the same basket. He decided that it would be best to have a 75:25 Split, or a 3/4 in the Xianxia Account and 1/4 in the System Account. Making that 3,000 USD that he would top up in the Xianxia Store and 1,000 USD on the System. Who knows if there was an unforeseen synergy between the two?

Before he would finalize such a huge decision he would visit the stores first. Aphis did not know how to do that so he would have to ask.

"Hey System, how do I visit the stores? I want to see what they have to offer before I make any decisions." Aphis asked, not seeing a related icon.

[ That is smart of you, Host. ] The system remarked.

[There should now be a small market icon on the lower half of your line of sight written with the words 'Stores' it will bring you to an interface where you can select what stores you can visit. ] As the system said this a new icon appeared before Aphis exactly as the system had described.

Aphis pressed the icon, and was shown two new icons on another screen, the options were: The System Store and the Xianxia Store.

Aphis did not hesitate to start with the closest option and opened up the System Store.

When the interface was brought up it was as if Aphis was introduced to a whole new world.

There was a sea of options, flashing with light, shining like a full night of constellations. The glowing choices that blinked as if to welcome Aphis scratched an itch Aphis didn't know he had.

[ Welcome to the System Store! Look around and see if there is anything you like! ]

[ System Modules: buy 1 get one free, only 999 Jades! ]

[ You haven't seen anything till you have looked at this item! ]

[ A secret store membership, a mere 8,888 jades!.. ]

[ System Handbook: First Edition, at the low price of 3,333 Jades, it is even in superb condition! ]

[ Top-Up today and get an exclusive Jade rebate bonus! Get an extra 50%! What value!...]

[ if you Top-Up 9,999 Jades you get a free gift, on us!...]

The deals, offers, and sales were blinding. He had never topped-up, and his urge to buy things, anything that he was being shown skyrocketed. However, he was able to remain calm when he remembered his objective. It was to window-shop before topping-up.

Aphis looked at a few items, his interest was piqued… but he would look at the Xianxia Store now. He would be able to make more sense of that store… hopefully.

When he was about to leave the store a special deal that was an alleged exclusive and only there for him for a limited time popped up.

[ Do not leave without buying this, you will regret it. Forever…!!! Top-Up within the next 24 Hours and you will receive a hardcover copy of "How to Make Money: At Home for the totally broke", includes the DVDs! ]

It was likely a bunch of nonsense. Despite that, they never said how much… Pulling himself away from the store, he opened up the other one that was the Xianxia Store which was more up his alley and had already been stormed with deals.

The store had more going on than the system store… no, that was not correct, it was that this store was more loaded with deals on each page. There was a page for Alchemy, a page for Formations, one on Martial techniques… and that was when one of the deals caught his eye, or rather it caught him.

[ Do you want to transform from a carp and leap through the dragon's gate to become a powerful dragon yourself? This package of goods will make you grow wings, breathe fire and make others froth in the mouth in jealousy. Only 5,555 Jades! A 22,222 Jade total Value! *Disclaimer: This does not actually allow you to breathe fire or grow wings. Please see a physician if it does… ]

The deal was speaking to him. When he tapped on the package, the contents made him drool a little.

[ Package Contents: x1 Silk Cultivator Robe, x1 Dragon Engulfment Body Tempering Sutra, x1 Reverse Scale Heart Tempering Technique, x1 Dragon Ascending Manual, x1 Intermediate Talent Raising Pill, x1 Basic Cultivation Enlightenment Pill, x10 Body Recovery Pills, x100 Fatigue Pills ]

When Aphis looked at the cost in the top-up menu for the store. He learned that this was about only 250 USD in value. He was surprised. Would it hurt if he splurged a little? This was exciting and far more than he expected. He had yet to cultivate, but he was feeling like he was flying.

Before he got ahead of himself he went to the top-up page in the System Store and topped-up 1,000 USD in the System Store. He couldn't help himself.

The floodgates immediately were flung open! A uncountable number of notifications began ringing in his ears. It wasn't over yet. He opened the top-up page for the Xianxia store and topped-up 3,000 USD there. Opening even more!

There wasn't a moment for his ears to breathe.

Aphis began to maniacally laugh at such a scene. This is what it meant to be the host of the VIP System! How fierce!

Next chapter