
Chapter 14

A pair of small shoulders supporting the sling of her backpack, with a pair of feet on white shoes, Violin stepped irregularly.

Looking for Felix's presence and asking him to come together to the hospital, but even though she easily forgets things, it makes her forget to tell Felix from the start, even though they are in the same class.


Up front, Felix was chatting with a woman she didn't know at all, but remembering a few words from two men who told her information about Leo and Haikal, made her think that maybe her name was Clara.

Maybe because the distance was too far, and also the sound of the violin that didn't manage to reach Felix's ears so that the man didn't respond at all.

"President class!"

With a voice that had truly reached its limits, her jugular veins were also exposed, causing everyone to turn to her including the person who had made the violin scream frenziedly.

Ignoring the stares from some people who might have taken it as a speaker, Violin stepped quickly to close het position to where Felix was standing.

"Oh my gosh, I've been calling and you haven't turned up at all." Using one hand to wipe off the beads of sweat that had soaked from her temples to her neck, Violin let out an irregular gasping breath.

"Eh, seriously? Sorry, I really didn't hear you earlier, I swear. Oh, I'm really sorry again, Vio."

Apart from some male students in her class who are a little toxic and speak impolitely, Felix can be said to be a man with an angel's heart. Regardless of race or fur, Felix still uses respect and politeness in speaking. That was already the reason why Violin gave the man a ten.

"It's okay, really. Maybe earlier my voice was too small. Oh, by the way, they said you wanted to visit Leo and Haikal at the hospital, right?"

Giving a sweet smile that showed one dimple, Felix nodded in response, very different from the response from the girl standing next to him. From the start, the look on her face was able to explain how the nature of money belonged to that girl, even though Violin just tried to ignore it.

"Yes, Clara and I want to visit them. Here we are already going there." Reply Felix.

"Um, if that's the case, can I come with you?"

Felix again gave a short nod, he likes to go somewhere in groups, especially if it's with people he really knows.

"No, from the beginning it was just me and Felix who intended to go there. If you want, it's better if you go alone or with the others."

Interrupting Felix's words that he was about to say, Clara, the girl instead folded her arms across her chest while showing her haughty face there. Making Violin show her pitiful face to Felix.

"Well, I really want to come along, I'll fill up the gas in the car later."

"Eh, you don't have to, my car's gas is full, and you can come along, you don't have to listen to her, we're using my car."

She doesn't know if it's because Felix is ​​on his side, or he's talking about the facts. The most important thing was that the girl was satisfied after finding Clara's face full of annoyance. Making her secretly let out a light smirk without the two of them knowing.

Without waiting any longer, Felix took a step to open the car door, followed quickly by Violin, showing his haughty steps that seemed to mock, leaving Clara who was trying to hold back her emotions there.

Violin's movement stopped when Felix held her hand that was intending to open the rear car door, making her raise an eyebrow with a thin frown on her forehead.


"You just sit in front of me, I don't like it when I'm with her, it's bad."

Whispering a little, like a friend who was complaining about what was on his mind to his friend, made Violin again have to hold back her laughter by giving a small nod.


The tapping of shoes on the hospital floor began to make irregular sounds that filled the main room. Taking a small breath while massaging his forehead, Felix pulled Violin and Clara's hands who were racing to find Leo's room.

"Can you guys not make a scene? This is a hospital, you can disturb other patients."

Feeling that Felix's words were true, Violin began to slow down, occasionally glancing at the small hallway until every room she passed, was very different from Clara, the girl seemed deaf and didn't care about Felix's words.

"I already told you, she's really annoying, lucky you came, can you imagine how my fate would be if I was with her alone?"

Violin shrugged her shoulders, chuckled a little looking at the look on Felix's face. One of the consequences of being a friendly human being is that he cannot openly tell people he doesn't like, especially his position at school which makes the consequences twice as heavy.

"That's his room, he said they were both inside."

Not waiting for Felix's steps to seem slow, Violin and Clara rushed to open the door, and sure enough, there were Leo and Haikal with their patient beds next to each other. Only a chair and a nightstand are the distance between them.

"Oh my gosh Leo, 'why are you like this' anyway? It really hurts, huh? You shouldn't have raced last night."

Violin's steps stopped, Clara had already taken a stool and Leo's hand was the main speech. Before she knew it, Leo had just been staring at her.

"Eh, Ra. You're crazy, aren't you? I'm your cousin, but he was the one you arrived first?" Haikal answered on the other side, making all pairs of eyes turn towards him. There was a feeling of pity that touched Violin's solar plexus when she saw the man's condition, even though the two of them did look the same.

"That's so stupid, everything is like this, it must be because of you, right? You're crazy, aren't you? He's always had a hobby of inviting other people's children to race." Clara spat.

"There's no point in getting angry now, everything has already happened. It's better for you to come here for a while, don't let me complain about you because you care more about other people."

Clucking in annoyance with a crooked expression on her face, Clara got up from there and gave Violin a cynical glance before actually walking towards Haikal.

A sweet smile she threw at Leo, landing her buttocks there before touching the buttocks of Leo's bandaged hands.

"So next time, don't be stubborn. This is how it's going to be, isn't it?"

Leo just turned his eyes in another direction when he found Violin's eyes staring at him, letting the girl grumble in annoyance while checking her wounds one by one. Until in the end, she reached out to gently stroke Leo's hand which was wrapped in bandages.

"Sorry if I nag, but next time you have to take care of yourself, I don't like it when you're sick. It's not good you know, I was alone at school earlier, there's no one I can bother besides you."