
Chapter 2

She laid down on her grandma's lap and thought she slept. But suddenly, she

woke up at a picnic with her family and her cousin Rachel. She didn't know

what was happening. She asked her mother how many days it had been since

her return from the hospital. "Almost a week, sweety. Why?" Answered Felicity.

Violet couldn't believe her. Something was wrong and she didn't know what.

For years, she hid the problem to herself. She wept and wept behind her petty

smile. She got frustrated and traumatized because she couldn't recall going to

certain places and meeting other people. It took her two years to realize that

she had some illness in which she had different personalities inside her. It was

like a whole another world- but smaller. They lived in a house with different

rooms and sometimes could even control different body parts. She figured that

when she slept in the middle of the day when some other personality took her

place. It was like a switch that she could barely control.

They could talk to each other. When some alters fought, they would hit

themselves physically with the body part they controlled. She would have

bruises over her entire body. After even small arguments, she couldn't explain

to her family why there were scars and wounds all over her body.

For three years she tolerated the pain. But one day, a big fight happened. It was a dumb, silly reason. The anger of her alters was unbearable. She broke inside.

she locked herself into a room. No one to witness her torture. No one to ask

questions. That day when she came out of her room, her long locks that reached her hips,

were cut to the shoulders unevenly. Her finely tied corset, was torn into pieces.

Her self confidence was ripped apart and her emotions were all over the place.

Her mom was horrified. She couldn't bare more lies. She told her mother the

truth. Her illness. Her struggle; her torture. No more lies, just the truth.

Nothing hidden from her mother.

Her mother was in shock. She couldn't believe herself. Such a struggle of her

own daughter she couldn't see. Felicity went and told everything to her

church's Archbishop. She trusted him the most. "My daughter is possessed,

your grace." She cried out. "WHAT?" Violet exclaimed in disbelief, "There is no

need to hide, daughter. God is forgiving." Felicity continued, "Please your

graciousness, exorcise her." The archbishop seemed to believe her. Her

symptoms gave it away. "It is very late. Come again tomorrow morning, child. I

will consider it surely. It seems that the spirit does not have entire control over

your daughter. She is standing here normally. Do not say anything to anyone.

Felicity came back dragging Violet to her room. She shut Violet's room door

and went to her own. As she opened the door, Smith asked, "Where were you?

We have been looking for you." Felicity was already very angry. "I may go

wherever I please, Smith." She said in a violent tone. "You do not address your

husband by his first name. And that tone shall not be tolerated. Felicity snapped

this time, "All these years! Every day you undermine me and treat me like a

maid; and now you have the nerve to spit on my face? I neared your

deceitfulness for 7 years! 7 years! Can you imagine how I must have handled

you and your mistress? You broke me from the inside when you started to cheat

on me after three years of marriage. Why would you? I'm not even sorry, I can't

love you because you are-" she couldn't finish her sentence.

Her lips stopped uttering words when her heart was pierced by a bullet. Her

husband shot her. That rage in the eyes controlled that man's fingers.

The worst part is, he didn't realize his precious daughter had been there all

along. He couldn't bear the pain he felt when he realized that the gem which

decorated the happiness of his eyes saw the insensitive animal inside his soul.

That feeling stopped his heart. He died right that moment. Right in front of

her- his precious Violet.

That poor girl, she had to see both her parents dying a tragic death in front of

her eyes. She fainted from disbelief and heartache. How much can an eleven-

year-old handle after all?