
violet the blood princess

This book is about a girl called violet who sets out in the world to find her mate and seek out the truth about her real self and live life hoping to start a new violet was fed up following other rules and running from evil people can she escape well that depends on the more she tries the more it fails for her being a vampire was not easy for her turning hybrid was more than crazy violet hoped that someone would save her from herself wanting to find meaning and hope instead of always running when times where rough on her not wanting to feel alone why did she have to suffer at the hands of debt collectors and alpha harp trying to force her to be his bride made violet sick to her stomach, knowing her so-called parents would do anything for money

Shameapplication · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 21

"5hrs later

Chapter 19

"Alpha Cameron picks up his luna and takes her upstairs to the room running a milk and rose bath then collecting their twins for downstairs and giving the room opposite them to his beta and his now mate angelica, placing his too angels inside their coats next to there bed as he joined the luna in her bath relaxing his muscles along with massaging his luna,still 22 days till the attack, yeah i know time really does fly by, yeah its scary i should check on harp,ok, violet looks into her vampire eyes peaking across far castel into the Council she sees harp in a cell and images that look just like her but before looking away she holds too finger's at harp signaling that 3 days until she will launch her plan to save him,harp nods his head then sits back in his cell just in time as the jail warden comes by knocking with dinner,i don't want it thanks just get me some water the warden smiles,very well and he hands harp with water from his bag with ice inside,harp searches for any danger in his water or anything that cannot be seen,to him it was just normal water he saw nothing wrong to with it he took the glass to his mouth and drank it not caring hmm,luna violet looked at her mate yawning loudly seeing if he took the hint of wanting to sleep,but instead she decided to watch the anime black cat as her mate joined her along with her too babies,violet could not sit still stiring around in her sleep wondering if she should tell her husband about what she found through her vampire vison she poundered then decided to tell him but he was fast asleep so she decided to leave it till the morning luna violet went to sleep dreaming about her babies growing up her son the alpha and her daugther a princess as a terrible war was brewing,she thought about going back to collage she missed her music class but she douted him allowing her to go back specially with what was going on regarding alpha harp and the councial,she though no im being selfish i can't ask him,finally she passed out, a few hours later luna violet woke up in a cold sweat looking to her side still seeing her babies,few i thought something happned then noticing she added protection to them so none could take them or hurt them or remove the spell she had placed on them and everyone close to her,alpha cameron woke up to his babies crying so he picked them up rocking them to sleep,shh darling's we dont want to disturb your mother,wahh wahh,the alpha smiles at his babies so happy they are finally in his hands,luna sleep's like a baby while he looks after their children so cute he thought to himself,violet wakes up 6hrs later its not 9am she sits thinking to herself looking to her right seeing her babies laying with there daddy both of them on top of his chest breathing in and out a hand on both of them not enought to strangle them just enough so they don't fall,she gets up and gets ready for the day now getting all the resorces ready for when she has to go and help alpha harp not wanting too,well he helped me get my babies safe so i must help him,sigh violet had been working all day it was not 12am not having any sleep she now had 2 days to get the rest of her plan ready just the electrocution then she was fully ready to go along with everything,

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