
Thunderstorms on Neptune

The train shuddered as it pulled roughly into the station. The wheels squealed violently as the carriages came to a stop. There was a smell of dust and wet metal that lingered in the thick, humid, summer air. Raindrops streaked down the windows of the carriages like teardrops, leaving behind a cold, wet path as it travelled downwards and fell towards the ground. The creaky, old metal doors slid open with a clunk. Felix headed onto the train and sat down by himself, Luna sitting down next to him.

They had made it just on time, but not without sacrifice. Felix's grid book had bore the brunt of the damage, it's pages absolutely soaked. The words within it were now incomprehensible. The wet paper fell apart as he held it in his hands.

Sneaking a glance at Luna, he saw that she wasn't doing much better. Her wet hair was sticking to the sides of her forehead, her whole body looked like she had been submerged in a lake and left there for about ten hours. Some areas of her blouse were starting to become see through but she didn't seem to notice. Without thinking Felix reached into his bag and pulled out a black zip-up hoodie.

"Here," he said monotonously, "Take this." Luna looked at him, her face forming a fake smile.

"No, I don't need it. You can keep it." Felix shook his head.

"Listen, just put it on. Your blouse is starting to become see-through."

Luna started to blush.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, now put it on." Luna hesitantly grabbed the hoodie from Felix hands.

"Alright fine." After putting it on, Luna turned to face him.

"You happy now?" she murmured sarcastically, smirking as she did so.

"Just perfect," said Felix.

"You know, it seems like you've done this quite a few times." said Felix teasingly.

Luna pouted, crossing her arms.

"What kind of student do you think I am?" she retorted.

"How am I supposed to know, I've only just met you haven't I?"

Luna's giggled, "Yeah, I guess that's fair enough."

He'd only just met her, huh? Somehow he felt as if he was lying to himself.

And to be honest, he probably was.

He sighed again. I guess sighing was starting to become a habit of his lately these days. Felix wondered if that was a bad thing or a good thing.

The conversation now seemingly over, Felix turned back to face the window. He watched as the drops of rain clung to the glass, and how they dripped down the window almost as if they were racing each other. It was a small thing, but it was something that kept him distracted from his thoughts. At least temporarily.

A voice rang out from behind him.

"Hey, do you need a new book? I saw what happened to your old one"

Felix turned to look at her.

"No it's fine, honestly. It was my fault for using it anyway."

Luna shook her head.

"But I was the one who made you run in the rain in the first place." Luna stated blatantly.

Felix pulled out his manky grid book.

"See, it's all good. I can probably still use it." he said with the fakest looking smile on his face.

As if on cue, the book's damp, soaked insides fell out all at once and landed on the train floor with a wet thump.

"Oh yeah," she muttered sarcastically, "It doesn't even look damaged, hell it looks like you just bought it.

Luna rolled her eyes.

"Alright," he conceded, "I need a new book."

"I don't have a spare book, but I do have some spare paper you can have."

"Then what was the point of asking if I needed a new book?"

Luna gave him a judging look.

"Obviously, I'm going to go out and buy a new one for you idiot."

"Nah, you don't have to do that."

"Um, yeah I do", she countered, "Listen, just wait for me after school and we'll go together to get you a new one."

A train announcement interrupted their conversation.

"Next stop, Schumann"

"This is our stop", Luna said, "The school is literally around the corner, you can't miss it."

"Um, what?" Felix muttered perplexed, "Are you not going to school or something?"

Luna turned away from him and headed to the exit, waiting for the train to stop with Felix following her. The train ground to a halt and Luna quickly left the carriage.

She whirled around to face him:

"I just remembered I have something to do first. I'll be back by second period."

Without any further explanation, she darted off leaving Felix standing by himself in the middle of the empty train platform.

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