
Gossiping on Ganymede

Introductions were always the worst, Felix knew this. The process never changed. Shambling into a classroom half-asleep as the teacher awkwardly introduced you to the class. The same confused and curious looks, the same deadpan responses...

"And this time would be no different." Felix thought to himself. There he was, standing right outside the door to his homeroom drenched from head to toe in rain.

As fair as first impressions went, it could have been worse. Much worse. Hell, he'd probably still be wandering around Resonance if it weren't for Luna. What had happened to Luna anyway? Suddenly departing like that right after we got off at the platform.

Mr Shirley's words rattled through his brain.

"I think it'd be in your best interest to stay away from Luna."

It was blunt, to-the-point and seething with venom. And Felix didn't know why, but he felt like he had to know. Like he needed to know. But what was the point? He'd only met this girl an hour ago. What gave him the right to pry into her personal life like that? Why does he care? Was he still clinging onto some speck of hope that this was the same Luna he had loved so many years ago? He closed his eyes and scratched his head in frustration. This wasn't the time nor the place to be thinking about this shit. Right now, he had to just survive the first day of school.

The sudden creak of a classroom door snapped him back to reality. In front of him stood a young male teacher who looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties. Compared to Mr. Shirley, he actually dressed quite well. He wore a white dress shirt which was tucked into a pair of navy dress pants, along with a suit jacket of a similar colour. The whole outfit was accompanied by a blood red tie and, oddly enough, red converses to match. He had short brown hair, which was parted in the centre which made him look like some kind of Korean actor. This was further reinforced by the fact that he was actually Asian as well.

There was an awkward silence as the two stared quietly at one another.

"So I'm assuming you're the new student, Felix Ha was it?" he said nonchalantly.

"Yes sir." replied Felix meekly.

"I see, well my name is Mr. Park and I'll be your homeroom teacher for the rest of his year. Now let me introduce you to the class."

Mr. Park walked casually into class with this hands tucked comfortably inside his pockets until he was in front of the smartboard and stopped, with Felix trailing behind him. Felix saw a wave of people looking up at him as he entered the room. Some with confused expressions on their faces, some who just didn't care and some who just looked completely indifferent.

"OK everyone," Mr. Park bellowed, "This is Felix Ha, he has moved back here recently. Some of you may know him from middle school. If you see him on the yard, don't be afraid to approach him and make friends with him."

After he finished speaking, he smiled, as if he was satisfied with what he had said. He then pointed to a seat situated in the far back.

"There, that'll be your new spot. Next to Marcus…?" he said in a confused tone.

The whole class turned to look at Marcus, fast asleep on an open textbook. Someone next to him nudged him with a ruler, rousing him from his sleep.

"What...what is it?' he slurred, rubbing his eyes.

Looking up at Felix, his eyes widened.

"Holy shit is that you Felix?" Marcus said.

"Now now," Mr. Park muttered, "Watch your lang-"

Mr. Park wasn't able to finish his sentence before Marcus launched himself at Felix and enveloped him in a great, big bear hug.

"What the fuck…?" mumbled Felix under his breath, "Wait Marcus? Marcus Krakowski?"

"Yep that's me!" Marcus chuckled, "How've you been buddy?"

"You know me. Same old, same old." Felix said sarcastically.

"I didn't realise you were moving back here!"

"Didn't you get my messages?"

Marcus stared at Felix, perplexed, "What messages?"

Felix was about to reply before Mr. Park tore the two of them apart.

He glared at both Felix and Marcus, his left eyebrow twitching furiously.

"Can we please continue this at recess boys?" Mr. Park spat angrily, holding both boys by the shoulders.

"Yeah, no worries sir," Marcus said as he casually pat Mr. Park's back. Mr. Park shot Marcus a disgusted look.

As the two of them sat down in their respective seats, Mr. Park continued to do whatever it was he was doing before all the commotion. Resting his head on his hand, Felix wondered if Marcus knew anything about Luna. Opening his mouth to speak, he turned to Marcus, only to find him fast asleep once more.