
A Swim In The Waters of Io

"Luna? It couldn't be that Luna could it? No, it couldn't be. It's only been four years, she wouldn't have forgotten me that easily.", Felix pondered to himself.

He quickly snuck a glance at Luna in an attempt to disperse his doubts.

Luna was standing silently beside him, staring aimlessly at the ground below. She looked as if she was in the middle of contemplating something.

But what would he do if it was her? Clearly, she had forgotten him. What was he supposed to do? Waltz back into her life and pretend that nothing had ever changed? Of course not. She never even knew him that well in the first place. What was the point of doing that now?

Felix shrugged. Those thoughts could wait. There were more pressing issues on his mind. Issues such as actually making it to school on time for example. Felix looked at his watch. 8:11am. There was no way he was going to make it to school on time. He wondered how he had managed to forget almost everything about his hometown. The roads. The buildings. Everything.

Could four years really change something this much?

Finding no other option, Felix decided to ask Luna for directions.

"Hey Luna," Felix said, still looking down at his watch, "It's kind of hard to admit, but I literally have no idea how to get to school."

"Are you serious?", she asked, "I mean that makes sense, since you're new here and all. Well, don't worry I know these streets like the back of my hand."

She looked down at the back of her right hand.

"Hold on, has that always been there?"

Felix rolled his eyes.

"Just kidding, c'mon I'll take you to school."

"B-but it's still raining," Felix stuttered. Luna stuck out her hand from underneath the canopy.


"I think it's cleared up a little bit," Luna mumbled to herself.

"Come on, let's go, " she insisted, "A little bit of rain never hurt anyone."

And she ran off, and Felix could do little but run along with her.

The rain was starting to get heavier now. Felix scavenged through his bag, trying desperately to find something that would provide him with some kind of shelter. He pulled out a book, his mathematics exercise book.

Perfect. He didn't want to do any maths today anyway.

He held the book above his head and continued to chase after Luna. Much to Felix's dismay, Luna was running casually in the rain as if she had done this a million times before.

She probably had.

She looked so elegant in the rain, moving so smoothly it seemed as if she was gliding along the street. The clacking of her shoes on the wet concrete, the tender raindrops that hung delicately to her hair. It was like something out of a movie and all Felix wanted to do was watch that movie play out in front of him forever.

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