
Goru's Disciple and Robbing

Looking into Goru's room you could see Deku continuing the exercise Goru instructed him to hold for two hours. He was sweating vigorously and breathing heavily, barely holding onto his consciousness.

He was just about to give up when Goru came into the room with a few bottles of water and said, "You have passed my test. You have quite the will power, even though you are a normal everyday person you passed this vigorous test with will power alone."

I silently congratulate myself as well and get up and take the bottles of water from his hand and drink all of them in two minutes. After cooling down I take a seat on the chair in the corner of his room and start to talk to him about what I was going to do next.

He started "Now that you officially became my disciple I'll have you start really working out tomorrow. Tomorrow morning at 6 am meet me at the alley so I can bring you to the actual training grounds." I nod at him and contemplate if I can really become strong but quickly throw that thought out of my mind.

He then continues to say "Now that you did some exercises it's time to see if your ready to be a villain." I look at him with confusion and he noticed my feelings and simply said "I'll bring you outside to rob and kill someone." I was taken aback but didn't show it and said in my usual calm voice "Okay and when are we going to leave?"

He says to me "Well I'll let you use my shower and once you're finished cleaning up we'll leave." I nod and he shows me to his bathroom and brings over some clothing and sets it on top of the toilet cover. I turn on the shower, turn the handle to the middle and proceed to take a shower.

In the shower, I take out the axe body wash and wash my body making sure to wash my armpits and face extra well. Once finished with my body I take the axe shampoo and wash my hair making sure to rub the shampoo into my scalp.

Staying in the shower a little longer to feel the warm water falling onto my skin I hesitantly get out of the shower. I enjoyed the shower more than I expected. I pick up the towel on the rack from the wall and dry my body moving onto my hair I make sure to dry it harder than my body because I want to make it look soft.

After drying myself I take a good look at the clothes Goru gave me and see that It consisted of a black hoodie along with black skinny jeans and white converse sneakers. I compliment Goru on his sense of fashion in my head and quickly wear the clothes. Looking in the body-sized mirror I looked almost as good as one of those actors or pop stars.

Once out of his bathroom he nods at me and walks out of the room saying "follow me." I listen to him and walk out of his room and through the back doors and into the bar where I say hi to Toga and continue to walk out of the bar and into an alleyway.

Seeing light once again I take in the situation before following Goru. After walking in the streets and hearing whispers that say 'Who are they' or some similar to them. We finally find a woman who looks around forty years old and ask her to follow us she hesitantly agrees and walks with us to an alley.

Her getting more suspicious by the second has finally stopped and said in a rather aggressive tone "What is the meaning of this you say to follow you and are waling me to an alleyway. What are you going to ro-" before she could finish talking Goru handed me the gun quickly and I said while pointing the gun at her "You guessed it, were robbing you. Now give me all your money or die."

She becomes scared and said in a weak voice "I will just let me get it." I become suspicious but realize that I'm the one in charge so let her go through her purse. While she is doing that I notice that she's taking extra time and moving her hand in a certain way that implies that she has been stalling while either trying to get a hold of her phone or she has a certain pocket she stores her money.

Looking at her I say in a cold tone "Are you trying to pull a fast one in me?" I laughed maniacally and say in the same tone "You better hurry up or I'll shoot woman, Don't test me." She started to move up the oast she moves her hands and pulls out a bottle of paper spray. Before she could do anything with the pepper spray I grab her arm, pull it behind her back, and push her onto the ground with my foot a little below her shoulder blade.

She became scared but said in a voice if anger "My husband's a pro hero he'll hunt you down until the day he dies. So be careful of what you do." I laugh at her and say "I said DON'T TEST ME WOMAN!?" and break her arm while blood splattered over the walls. She screamed in agony while crying horribly. Goru on the other hand is smiling at my display and thought to himself 'This one might be able to survive my training'.

Now that she doesn't have an arm I walk away from her and point the gun at her head while crouching down and say in the same cold tone "I gave you the chance but you were stubborn." and shoot her in the head while more blood splattered all over my clothes and alleyway.

I wipe the blood off my face and grab her purse while seeing that she called her husband and had him listen to the whole encounter. I quickly hung up on the husband and look at Goru and say "Oh shit, the husband was listening to our confrontation." he looks a little surprised but then asked, "What did you do about it?" I said that I hung up the phone and powered it off.

He facepalmed and said "Hurry up and smash the phone. We don't know what she had done what if she sent her location to him." I instantly throw the phone onto the ground and step on it over and over again. Guru sighed and started to run while I quickly grabbed the purse and started to run with him.

While this is happening Goru is already twenty feet ahead of me, I became flabbergasted and try my hardest and full sprint and try to catch up with him. Running for a food fifteen minutes we finally made it to the L.O.V headquarters aka the bar and run into his room. I sit down on the chair and try to regulate my breathing which is all over the place while Goru was looking at what we got from the robbery. He started to speak when all of a sudden Dabi burst into the room and said "WE'VE GOT A PROBLEM!?!?"


Hehe~ Sorry for the cliffhanger it just sorta happened. Anyway, thank you for reading my story. I'm sorry if I make some mistakes but I'll try my best to evolve my writing skills.


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