
Chapter 33: Merit & Awards!




"Grrr! Why can't I see through those pupils! Brat! What are those pupils of yours!" Fluder shouted in rage, a total of 50 magic golem of his had been destroyed by me.

While, I only used my Sharingan and used my basic attack to destroy his magic golems.

"I told you, Mighty Teacher. This is a Talent I was born with. I also don't know what it is, all I know is this talent increases my normal and battle senses."

"That doesn't explains on how you could kill your enemies with only those pupils gaze."

"Well, Like I told you. This eyes are scary, those who possess weak mentality. I can easily kill them with my gaze alone. I guess it is an additional points of my talent." I said, while closing my Sharingan. I saw Fluder running his brain to find out more about my Sharingan.

When, an acolyte of the Ministry came in the Duel room.

"Master, His Majesty has summoned Young Lord to the Throne Room, while he also says that the tuxedo for young lord has been tailored." the acolyte said respectfully, taking out an tuxedo that was wrapped in plastic.

"Why does the Emperor wants me in his throne room?" I asked Fluder, while I can already guess, that it was to reward me for the merits I gained through out the war.

"He will grace you with the rewards for the merits you have gained through the war." Fluder said, rubbing his long white beard, he quickly left the Duel room first.

"Sure." I muttered, taking the tuxedo from the acolyte, I also walked out of the Duel room. When an beautiful escort greeted me, soon leading me to the dressing room.

Where, I changed my casual wear too the tuxedo. The tuxedo was splendidly tailored, the colour of the tuxedo was black, while I had a white shirt for the upper wear.

The symbol of Baharuth Empire was embroided in the right side of my tuxedo.

"Lord Alard, if you are ready. We, can escort you to the throne room." I was told by my escort.

"I am ready." I said, while the escort soon escorted me through the hallway of the palace, soon arriving near a grand door.

Opening the door, I was welcomed with a red carpet in the floor. Many Nobel's in there fancy tuxedo splitted in two side of the red carpet.

"Please Lord Alard." when my escort gestured me to walk in the red carpet.

Giving her a nod, I stepped in the red carpet.

"Attention! Legion Commander, Sir Alard von Auguste has arrived!"

When, the nobles and royals all turned there attention to me. While, I could hear there low voice gossips.

"So he is that Alard, He really is young as the rumours says."

"Can't believe, that a cute child like him could massacre an army of 10,000 all alone."

"I heard some rumours that he is possessed by a devil."

"Oh! So scary!"

Many gossips ran through my ear, ignoring all of them. I moved forward, when a throne was presented infront before my eyes.

While Emperor Robin Rūn Fārōdo Eru Nikusu, sat on the throne, he emitted a majestic aura. Complete opposite to the friendly Emperor he first had during the birthday of Jircniv.

Following the noble etiquette, I soon went in my one knee. I placed my palm at my right chest.

"All hail the Emperor! I am honoured to be in your presence." I said, while Emperor Robin gave me a smile for a second, before returning to his previous majestic demeanor.

"Commander Alard Von Auguste, I had heard of your merits through out this season Seasonal War. I have to praise you to accomplish so much in such a young age." Emperor Robin started with a applaud, making other nobel's and royalties present there also to appauld.

*Clap! Clap! Clap!

"Okay then, Let me read your merits for the Empire in this Seasonal War." Emperor Robin said, an attendant walked infront of him. She gave him a bow, while she presented the report of war to him.

"Hmm... Spotting the Kingdom spies who had breached in our border and stopped them from doing there suspicious activities."

"Wiping out the Kingdoms spies and finding out what activities they were carrying out in the Empire."

"Alerting and helping the Empire to find out the treacherous bastard's of the Empire ..good good." Emperor smiled reading the merits, when other nobel's suddenly had a mixed emotions running through them.

"Then moving on too the main merits, You faced against an entire army of 10,000. Trying to stall time for the arrival of our Imperial Army. You are brave and loyal Alard."

"Then not only trying to stall the time, you even slaughtered the entire army of 10,000 soldiers by yourself. Reducing our casualties while increasing the enemies."

"Then you also slayed the enemy General Zuga, who was a prominent General of the Kingdom." Emperor said, making me turn to Vanelland who just gave me a thumps up from this side.

'Though, I fought with Zuga. It was originally Vanelland who defeated him, I only KS his kill. I can't believe he could give me his merit.' I thought, while the Emperor gave the report back to the attendant.

While, The entire throne room had gone silent for a second, which I probably could take a guess.

They only knew of me massacring 10,000 soldiers single-handedly. But they must never had thought I have also achieved many other merits.

"Commander Alard Von Auguste, I must say. given all this merits, I will be gracing you with three rewards." Emperor said, he turned looking at his announcer.

"Alard Von Auguste! Kneel! Accept the grace of His Majesty The Emperor!" the announcers power voice echoed the throne room, while I bowed my head.

"Now! Alard Von Auguste! Recognizing your bravery, wisdom and talent for brilliantly winning over the Seasonal War and killing a Margrave and General of the Kingdom! I the current Emperor Robin Rūn Fārōdo Eru Nikusu of Baharuth Empire, Give you the nobel rank of the Count of my Empire!"

"Secondly, Recognizing your talent in defending the Western border of the Empire and skillfully commanding the Legion you were given! I give you the authority to have your own Knight Order, while the right to have two Knight Captains under your Knight Order."

"Thirdly, Recognizing your talent in warcraft, I give you the authority to create your own personal army, while the right to promote three peasants to the rank of Commander." Emperor stated his rewards, when many gasped in awe.

"I object! Your Majesty! Giving him the authority to have his own Knight Order is too much! We currently only have 10 Knights Order in the Empire, who all are lead by Lord Dukes and Marquises. How can someone as young as him lead an Order."

"I object! Your Majesty! You are being to generous with the reward! Giving him the right to promote three peasants into Commander! How can we believe this young child who hasn't seen the world, won't be manipulated by some thugs and make them the Commander! We can't have some thugs getting near our military ranks!"

"I object! Your Majesty! Knights Captain are the core of our Empire! We can't have two of them attend a single lord! who also is so young!"

"I object! Your Majesty! He is too young for the rank of Count! Pleased re-consider, and It isn't confirmed whether he also is a traitor or not!"

Many nobles raised there objection, but Emperor wasn't fazed by any of the objection like he was expecting it, when I heard some other nobel's raising there voice.

"I totally agree with His Majesty decision! Lord Alard in such a young age could defend the entire southwest border of the Empire! If given him a Knight Order, We can guarantee he could protect our entire Empire in the near future!"


"I also totally agree with His Majesty decision too! Lord Alard is really talented in warcraft which was already proven by the report of the war, If we give him the right to promote 3 peasants to the rank of Commander. I am sure, Lord Alard will pick the best talent among peasants. Making us not loose talents that were among the peasants."


"I too agree with His Majesty decision, Lord Alard is the pride, heart and future of the Empire. We should atleast need two Knight Captains with him, so his life won't be endangered from the foreign threats."


"I also support the decision of His Majesty, Lord Alard has already proven his worth in the war and him slaying a General of the Kingdom. It proves he is worthy of the nobel rank of Earl." both the refusal and acceptance to the Emperor decision came in draw.

When, I noticed something! Every nobel's that accepted the decision of Emperor were either belonging to Royalty faction or Fluder hidden faction.

It was known by many that Fluder wasn't interested in any political power of the Empire, but secretly he also had his own faction set up on the Empire.

"Well, Hearing all of you. I took my thoughts and decided to agree on something."

"The main problem in the rejection of my reward is that, Alard is too young isn't?" Emperor said, making all of the Rejection faction to nod there head.

"Then, It is simple. I here don't wanting to show any side my favouritism, I have decided!"

"Alard has too attend the Imperial Magic Academy for 5 year and when he reaches the age of 15. All of my rewards should officially be handed over to him."

"And with the 5 year lesson from the most elite teachers of the Empire, I am sure Alard will probably be ready to take up the rank of the Earl, right?."

'What a play!' as I finally understood the ploy here, Emperor didn't wanted to show any sign of his favouritism regarding me, while whiteout much obstacles he also wanted to give me power.

So, he with Fluder used there faction to raise both the objection and acceptance in his proposal, until it reached in a draw.

Then, he will use this to first let me enter the Imperial Magic Academy, where I could be able to befriend many nobel heirs, while he will also use it as a cover to give me all the rewards which he originally wanted to give me.

But, Why does the Emperor show such favouritism too me?

My thoughts ran wild, when all who truly rejected my promotion were speechless.

They wanted to object more, but they didn't knew what to point out.

The only reason they can raise there objection was using my young age. But now, that Emperor has said I will attend the Academy first and be given my rewards later.

They didn't knew what to say, after 5 year of attending the Academy. I could have reached the age 15, which also is the age where nobelmen or women are known to have fully-grown up.

"So, If it isn't the problem. Let's my move onto the next discussion." when Emperor Robin said seriously.

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