
vows and kiss!

It felt like he was on the verge of getting crazy and I was sitting there bewildered, "Say it Marianne, that you have not done it. You have not mixed poison in my glass of wine!" He finally said it and all I heard was thunder in my ears.

"I did what? You.. you mean that my glass had poison in my marriage?" I asked as I could not believe it. This was so... I have no words to describe it!

"Cassius, I can be crazy but I am not crazy enough to mix poison in my own glass on my marriage day to kill myself. If I would not have been happy with this marriage, I would have denied it. In fact I was the one who requested my father to ask you for marriage." I spat at the audacity of the man. How could he even think that I could do that!

"Has the pain moved to your brain? You are talking like crazy." I added as he did not say a word but continued to look at me with bewilderment.

In the end when I was waiting for an apology, he only asked, "Your glass?" 

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