
Villainess By Choice

To be or not to be...a villain — that is her question. Born to a wealthy family, Theresia Liechtenstein grew up with not much worry in the world. Until she learned the truth of their world from the mouth of her lover. With newfound knowledge, Theresia decides to change things in the story she is told. For the ending was something she couldn’t freely accept. With a plan at hand, Theresia forges into the battle of changing the destined path. But her plan soon loses meaning because the heroine is not who she seems to be. Filled with foiled plans, Theresia must now step up her game and be the greater evil she did not expect herself to be. ------------------------------------------------- "Well, I'll be damned~" I singsong in laughter as I watched the little play the heroine was showcasing. "That's the heroine you're all so proud of?" "I---" "She's quite something, I'll give you that," I sarcastically said, cutting him off completely — unimpressed by the woman he declared to be a foe I can't even imagine myself beating. "She's a fox," I added upon noticing how she skipped from one man to another as the party progressed. "That's not something I'd associate with an angelic heroine which you claimed her to be," "That's for plot progression. The men approached her first." I side-eyed him immediately with his lousy defense. "Continue believing that," "Where are you going all of a sudden?" he asked as soon as I turned my back on him and walked off. "To make arrangements," "What for?" I slowly turned around once more, showing him an innocent smile. "I need countermeasures, love. That woman is a green-tea and I refuse to be left defenseless." We'll all be damned if I let that sneaky little fox win everyone over. She's forcing her way into our lives and I refuse to let her take over. If she's looking for an enemy... I'll willingly take her on.

themilesaguanta · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs

The Color I Fancy

A drenched mood.

That's what I'm having right now, as the weather greeted me with great mockery. It was too sunny to fit my liking and it was as if everything outside was set in a good mood.

That didn't sit well with me.

My mood only soured with how bright it was outside.

"Give me a break," I grumbled, traversing the long hallway of the mansion. My eyes were lingering outside the windowsill—hoping to catch sight of a certain redhead who promised he'd arrive on time.

"My lady, I think it would be best for you to visit the boutique right now." my personal maid, Petunia, muttered in concern.

She must be worried. A frown on my face is never a good omen. Someone in the mansion will be scolded bitterly once I am in such a soured mood.

Petunia was following closely behind me, matching my pace. "Did you not have an appointment with Lady Margarette?"

"Yes," I replied as we continued to walk, my stride now hurried. "Which is why that brother of mine should be here by now. I do not want to be late."

He promised me his day—he told me he'd spare me his day off because we needed to make sure he had decent clothes to wear for the upcoming ball.

  Clothes that will fit the motif instead of patched-up clothes he just took from his closet!!!    ]

"Where is he?!"

"You're in a foul mood today," a voice said from behind them, causing both of us to halt our steps and turn around. "Who might have pissed off my princess?"

My mood instantaneously brightened.

His red blood hair with the beauty and shimmer of a newly dewed rose was hanging low—still unpolished or simply what we call his lazy hairdo.

Despite how domestic he looked in his plain white shirt, his charming cat-like golden eyes and dashing looks did not fail to light up the hallway.

"Father!" I happily called out, forgoing my initial track, and instead lounging myself at him. "When did you return?!"

"Yesterday night," he replied with a chuckle, returning the hug with his warm embrace. "You were already asleep by the time I got home. I didn't think it was wise to wake you up,"

All of them already know how awfully grumpy I become when I wake up in the middle of the night.

I pulled myself away and stared at him with enthusiasm. "How was your travel?"

The land our family owns is vast. Which is why Father needed to visit plenty of places for inspection.

To ensure that nothing is amiss.

"If you're looking for gifts, it's still downstairs." he gave off a warm smile before ruffling my hair, gentle enough not to ruin the hard work of the maids. "I already instructed Darcy to arrange it in your room once you leave for the day,"

"You're always informed of my schedule. Do you perhaps also know where my brother is?"

"Who? Leon?"

I nodded my head at him—hoping he'd give me the answer that I wanted. But instead, he gave me a shake of his head.

"None of us could get tabs on that brat. I was even expecting he'd be hanging around you today, like he always does."

"That was the plan,"

"He ditched you?!"

The surprise and anger hidden in his voice made me look away in a hurry, returning my gaze to the windows—afraid he'd take this to heart. "He's just late...I guess?"

"That is not an acceptable excuse. Does he not know that it is improper to keep a lady waiting?!"

As a man belonging to a great noble household, I believe he's well-educated in etiquette. He simply didn't care to uphold some of the rules…nor gave enough damn to be on time! 

"Shall I go with you then?" he asked, concerned about my obvious mood. "It's not too late to cancel the council meeting."

"Don't!" I immediately warned. The last time he did that, he had to clean up his own mess and had to stay in the palace for 2 weeks time.

Father is an awfully busy man. The 2 weeks he spent in the palace should have been spent with his family.

This is why, I vehemently refused despite how tempting his offer was.

"I'd hate to see you away for so long again. The council will just last for half a day. If you make trouble again, you'll be forced to stay in the palace for a much longer duration."

He chuckled at my response. "Alright. I'd hate to be away from you too. You're nearly 18. I'm afraid someone will dare make a move while I'm away,"

[  As if someone would dare.  ]

He holds great power and influence in the empire. Aside from that, he's a war hero and someone whom the church greatly favors. One word from him and anyone's career will be placed in peril.

That's why my desk has been neat—with minimal letters to open containing proposals and such.

"My lady! My lady!" Petunia called out. Both of our attention was immediately drawn to her. "The young lord has arrived,"

I followed her gaze and hurriedly ran to the windowpane. And she was right, my brother is indeed back—riding his horse in a very messy and unimpressive get-up.

[  Looks like someone was busy scouring the red-light district...which I already prohibited!!!  ]

Annoyed by this, I gave a curtsy to my father. "I'll be off, Father. I need to discipline a rouge phoenix,"

He too was looking at the window and by the look on his face, he too was not fond of my brother's current state.

"Are those hick---*sighs*---tell your brother that I shall see him in the training grounds later in the evening. He better be there, else I might rip off what he treasures the most,"

I could clearly see another wave of disappointment and anger marked on his face. And as usual, his headache is coming from my dearest brother.

I returned my gaze to the window and watched as he came nearer to the entrance of the mansion. [  Way to go, Leon. Your unchecked libido will certainly cost you.  ]

"Understood, Father."

I was about to turn away and be off to discipline my brother when he called out once more. "Renee!"

"Father?" I asked, turning around to listen.

He flashed me a firm look, filled with fatherly love. "Never wander off. Do the drill and take your guards…And always remember who you are,"

An endearing smile blossomed on my face with his daily reminder. "I'm your daughter…and I'm a Liechtenstein,"

What was just a reminder before, now has become our daily mantra.

Now, I have a habit of reminding myself where I stand in this empire and what position I hold.

I belong to one of the greatest households in the empire and I was taught since young that the only people I would bow down to, were the royal family.

That's why I'm called a princess to many.

Because Theresia Renee belongs to House Liechtenstein—one of the founding families and the one who produced the most heroes in this land.

  I'm not someone they can easily trifle with.    ]

"May the Celestials bless your day, Father," I said while offering him a curtsy.

Father smiled knowingly and curtsied back—something a person of his rank wouldn't normally do to anyone. "May the Celestials bless your day, Renee."

With this, I hurriedly walked downstairs, hoping I could catch my brother unmounting his horse before he could escape to his room to hide the promiscuity he enjoyed last night.

When I reached the entrance, Leon was already getting off his horse and was clearly in a state of panic. Before he could run off, I hurriedly shouted at the top of my lungs. "LEONARDO ALISTAIRE LIECHTENSTIEN! STOP RIGHT THERE!"

As though on cue, time stopped at the entrance. Everyone was frozen solid at my shout—clearly bewildered by my actions.

But I didn't have much time to care though.

I hurriedly ran towards Leon who was also rooted to the ground and tightly clenched his loose clothes. "I knew you'd run away! You're as guilty as you'll ever be!"

"Therese…pleasant morning, isn't it?"

"Certainly not for me," I retorted back and reached for his ears when he lowered his guard. "I told you not to go to that district! Yet here you are, bold enough to come home with clear evidence of your rendezvous!"

"Ouch! That hurts!" he whined as I pulled him closer to me. "I'm sorry! I tried to abstain, okay?!"

I immediately sighed at what he said. He clearly wasn't trying hard enough. "Tie that up, Leon...or I will have Father cut that off."

I walked closer to him, to emphasize how important it is for him to lessen his promiscuity. "You'll be of marriageable age this year. If you do happen to impregnate someone, they will ultimately become your wife...and society will not favor just any woman, especially if they belong to that district."


"I won't be able to protect her," I added.

I know him too well. I know he will rely on my influence to help whoever he chooses to be his woman. But even I will not be able to shield them if they belong to the red-light district. "Neither will you,"

Leon stared at me in silence. He was contemplating what to say when there were no more words to say. He knows deep down, that the woman he will choose will play a significant role in this empire.

She will be placed in a position where she has to battle the upper-class elites.

"Petunia," I called out. As soon as she came near, I immediately gave instruction on what to do with this stupid brother of mine. "Prepare a bath for my brother and have his attendants choose appropriate clothes for our outing this day,"

"Yes, my lady."

Leon held my hand as soon as Petunia walked out. "Will you be waiting?"

"Do I have a choice?" I said lovingly.

  My brother is clearly flawed, but he is still my brother.    ]

My affection for him will not fade, and I will always be there, ready to wait for him even if that annoys the hell out of me.

"I'll be quick," he muttered as he jogged towards the array of attendants waiting for him.

I returned inside as well, walking straight to the garden for a breath of fresh air. As soon as I was seated, I took out my savonette locket—which had a pure magic crystal on its surface.

When unlocked, a spherical projection shows up and since the locket is linked to me, whoever I'm thinking about will be contacted.

"Margarette," I called out as soon as her elegant face came into view. "Sorry, Marge. I'm still stuck here at the manor. Leon just arrived."

"I expected that much," she replied with a smile. She was one of the first friends I made when I was young, as such, Margarette became one of my closest confidants.

Countess Haynes—Margarette's mother—belongs to the Kingdom of Faie where my mother hailed. She came to the empire as my mother's lady-in-waiting. That's one of the reasons why Margarette and I are linked to each other. 

"Don't worry, I'm with Violet already," she added and as soon as she did, Violet's beautiful purple hair came into view.

She was happily waving her hands at the projection. "Therese! Here I am!"

I chuckled at her bubbly greeting. "Good day, Vee. I'll be there soon so please don't give Marge a hard time,"

"I'll be waiting!"

  Leon will be pissed once he learns Violet has returned.    ]

He has quite a feud with Violet and almost always feels the need to be with me whenever she's near.

  Perhaps this is a good omen!    ]

With Violet around, Leon will be too preoccupied to even think of visiting the red-light district. That has always been the case.

All I needed to do now was to add more guards around him—but they needed to be directly under Father so they could have enough rank to pull him away whenever he started walking toward the brothels.

"The twins aren't there yet?" I asked in concern when Violet finally settled down beside Margarette. "I thought for sure they'd be there by now,"

Margarette looked outside briefly before looking back at the projection thoughtfully. "Maybe something happened. It's rare for them to arrive late, especially Cecelia who likes this part the most."

"I hope they can join us this day. Reservations to other boutiques are already full because of the event." Violet muttered while sipping her tea. "If it weren't for Marge, I'd be forced to wear last season's clothes. Imagine the horror!"

Margarette's mother has a hobby in clothes design. She was passed on this talent and thanks to how well she cultivated her talent, she was handed the reigns of running one of their clothing boutiques.

Ever since then, our circle of friends would always rely on her to make special fitting appointments for the group. She has been a blessing to all of us since reservations during this time of the year are very hard even for those who are on the highest pedestals.

"Be sure to give your thanks to Margarette," I said while chuckling. As though waiting for this moment, Violet released her teacup and lounged herself at Margarette, kissing her on the cheeks.

"Thank you, Margieee!"

I could only laugh at this as Margarette went nuts. She pried Violet away and was about to scold her for doing that, but Violet was already innocently grinning.

She was smiling beautifully, which has always been our weakness.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm just excited!" she squealed.

  I mean, who wouldn't be?    ]

In just a few weeks, it will be the Emperor's birthday and all of us received invitations for the royal ball. After that, we will be having this year's Summer Solstice which will mark the start of our final year in the Academy.

Violet is particularly excited since she stayed the whole 6 months of their break in their territory instead of taking the Elective Programs. She was taught her responsibilities as the heir to Count Melbourne.

"Let's do matching dresses, Therese!" Violet suggested which only made Margarette sigh.

"The one she should be matching clothes with is her escort," Margarette explained before looking at her skeptically. "We all know whom she'd be going with."

Once she heard this, Violet crossed her arms in dismay. "That's unfair. Why does he always get to escort her? I want to be the one escorting Therese for once!"

"Too bad," someone muttered from behind me before ultimately blocking my view and forcing his whole face to be seen in the sphere. "I'll be the one escorting her."

Violet immediately growled upon seeing his face—her hatred evident in her eyes. "You wish, magpie. Therese would willingly go with any man except for you!"

Magpie—a word Violet continuously associates with Leon in a deliberate attempt to mock his promiscuity. As usual, Leon got pissed hearing her referring to him as such.

Despite his 2 year age gap with Violet, Leon did not back down. "My beautiful sister is better off without a prattling lunatic like you!"

"Ha! No one believes you're her brother anymore, you twittering animal! Theresia is an angel when placed beside you!"

"Everyone thinks she has a devil beside her because of you, you shameless woman! Your horns are much too high to hide!"

  Here we go again.    ]

Just like children stuck at the age of 10, they began their bickering. I could clearly hear Margarette sigh at the same time I did and I know we both came to the same conclusion—it was better to end this communication before the magical crystal broke because of their nonsense.

Hurriedly, and without saying anything more, I closed the locket which forced Leon to huff in dismay. "I was not done yet,"

"But I am done," I muttered while standing up. "I'm done hearing your bickering in such an early morning."

After saying this, I looked him up and down with an impressed smile on my face. Whoever coordinated his clothes today should have a raise. 

Leon was wearing white long sleeves paired with a gray vest that had lilac accents on its design. He looked posh with his ribbon neck tie that had a huge amethyst holding it up and paired well with his light gray coat and striped pants. His messy hair and bangs were polished, revealing the beauty mark under his cerulean eyes.

"Since you're done with your preparations, we should start heading out."

Leon could only pout at this and follow my lead towards the carriage. As soon as we were both inside, the carriage took off along with our escort knights...and slowly, silence settled in.

Today we will be choosing our clothes for the Emperor's birthday and the following events that will follow. All of my friends back in the academy decided to gather at Margarette's boutique as usual for fitting. There, our escorts will also be decided.

Choosing escorts has always been easy for most of them, and if I were to choose alone, I would not have any problem.

However, I have my brother always tailing on this issue.

"Therese, can't I be your escort?" he began which made me look at him instead of the majestic scenery outside the carriage.

I immediately heaved a sigh at his seriousness before crossing my arms while facing him. "Will you be properly escorting me this time around?"

Leon flinched at what I said.

He knows what he did.

He knows why I said that without me explaining. When I was young, I was always escorted by my brothers. However, when Leon reached the age of 18, he began acting as though women comprised his life.

There are already countless instances where I was left fending for myself at balls and social events because he would run off to who knows where at the sight of a new woman to add to his never-ending collection. Events like this have become normal and one such event took place not too long ago which pisses me off.

"You're still angry about that?"

"Yes, I am," I answered in an icy tone.

[  I'm pissed that I was left alone only for him to spend his time with a known enemy of Margarette!    ]

"For that reason, I decided not to choose you anymore. Besides, some of my friends are in need of an escort. I'd appreciate it if you help them out."

This time, Leon was the one who heaved a heavy sigh and looked me directly in the eye. "I'm telling you this already, I will not escort that prattling lunatic,"

  Now he has to audacity to say this when Violet has been accommodating all his rudeness!  ]

She's the only one in our circle who would tolerate all his behavior because she no longer has any expectations for him.

"Why? Violet wouldn't mind if you disappeared in the middle of the party. Unlike the others, she wouldn't care or get disappointed if you suddenly ditch her for someone else,"

"You make me sound like a jerk,"

"Cause you are?" I immediately answered despite knowing he'd be hurt by this. He's an adult and by this age, I'm no longer fond of sugarcoating things.

"Leon, I'm past the phase of lecturing you about your manners and behavior. You decide how you'll conduct yourself."

"Therese," he called out—desperation obvious in his voice. He wants me to reconsider what to think of him.

But his image has already been ruined long ago. I love him because he's my brother but my unconditional respect for him before has been diminished.

No one can be blamed for this. Leon ruined himself.

I remained firm on my stand. He is a jerk. Even though he is my brother, his image will not be clear until he decides to change things.

"I'll continue castigating you though, for going to the red-light district and randomly doing it with women. Until you stop doing such things, I'll continue to lecture you on that."

Leon ducked his head in shame. "I won't do any of that again,"

I knew he would say that and I'm greatly disappointed he said it like he usually would. Because I know, nothing will change. "You've said that a hundred times already,"

"If you go beyond the line, and women come running for my aid, I'd help them out in your stead…because I'm a woman like them—something you seem to forget most of the time,"

Leon was left speechless by this.

  Yes, Leon. That is how disappointed I have become.    ]

He could only look out the window—a conflicted look displayed on his face. He was so ashamed of what his image had become that he continued avoiding my eyes until the carriage stopped in front of Margarette's boutique—Étoile Filante.

"Young Lord. My Lady. We have arrived,"

Before deciding to leave the carriage, I reached out for Leon's hands, making him look directly into my amethyst eyes.

"Sorry if my words hurt you…I don't want to lie to you and sugarcoat the truth. You must understand that even though I'm your sister, I'd still get disappointed in your actions."

It took him a good few seconds before he could utter another word. "I'm sorry, Therese. Sorry if I disappointed you."

His sorry will do no good if he continues to remain as he is now. Instead of apologizing for how disappointed I have become, he should be sorry to all the women he played with.

I had great expectations for him when I was young.

Now, all that I ever wish for is for him to realize his mistakes. He should know that not everything will stay as it is.

One day, his actions will come back to bite him and none of us will be able to defend him because he did those actions despite how many times we desperately tried to reprimand him.

One day, he may wake up and find himself as an instant father despite how obviously unprepared he is for that role.

Perhaps one day, he'd find himself at the other end of the game and be the one broken beyond repair.

Or perhaps one day, when he finally decides to settle, no woman would take him anymore because of his actions when he was young and stupid.

"You should start changing for yourself, Leon…or you'll come to regret doing this to those women. This act of yours will come for you sooner or later and I'm afraid…your sorry won't be enough for it."

I just gave him a sad smile before leaving the carriage, no longer wanting his escorts. As soon as my feet touched the ground, another sound of hooves coming close came to my attention.

When I turned to the right, another carriage stopped just beside ours which belonged to only one family. It was bearing a crest with two white stags beside a shield and a crowned sword.

Roses intricately decorated the border where the stags stood and the shield had the family name in it—De Claire.

Not a moment too soon, a familiar long white hair came into view as the man exited the carriage. I smiled widely as his eyes immediately found mine. 


"Good day, Reese." he greeted as he walked over to me, his jeweled ruby-red eyes shining as the sun glowed.

His divine figure stood out amongst the others around. Raylan—whom I grew to fondly call Ray—wore a plain long white coat with a black vest underneath it. He had a cute red bowtie that matched his eye color and another layer of white coat that reached below his knee was sitting on his shoulders.

As soon as he was in front of me, he offered his hands—waiting for me to stretch out my own and allow him a kiss on the back of my hands as a form of greeting.

I had imposed on him not to do this since we are technically best friends who grew up together, but Raylan is as stubborn as a bull and told me that he will always do this as a form of greeting.

Over time, I grew accustomed to Ray's greeting. Besides, if I retract or refuse to offer my hands voluntarily, Raylan wouldn't dare continue.

He's much of a gentleman to force me into doing something I don't like.

When my hands touched him, Raylan kissed the back of my gloved hands before standing up straight and smiling at me. "May the Celestials bless your day,"


"Lord De Claire," Leon suddenly interjected as he got out of the carriage himself.

He was already using his annoying domineering walk. He puffed out his chest and made sure to stand as tall as he could to appear much bigger and taller than Raylan.

Leon did not hesitate to stand in between us and stare down at him.

It's been years, but his treatment of Raylan has never improved. In fact, he hates any men who seem close to me—totally forgetting that the brothers of the women he's been playing with hate him ten times more.

"A wonderful day, isn't it?" he muttered—showing the fakest smile he could do.

Raylan glanced at me before smiling at him—the same amount of fake smile that Leon was doing. "Yes, it is, Lord Liechtenstein."

Before Leon could mutter another word, he guided his view towards the entrance of Étoile Filante. "Violet is already inside. It seems like she's already choosing a suitable dress for Therese."

"That woman!" Leon shouted in blind rage as he stormed inside, without even verifying anything.

  Raylan just arrived, how can he know that piece of information? Stupid Leon.    ]

I could only chuckle as I walked close to Raylan. "You really know how to rile him up,"

"I know him as much I know you," he said proudly as his eyes that were following Leon inside shifted their focus to me. "It's rare to see you this late. Did he give you a hard time?"

Raylan knows me the same way that I know him. We've been close since we were children and since our estates here in the Capitol are the closest to each other, we've spent a lot of time together.

[  He and I would listen to each of our complaints about our headaches and heartaches.  ]

"Just the usual Leon things," I replied rather shortly.

There are a lot of passersby and despite how notorious Leon is, I hate to blabber about him in public. "Shall we head inside? We still have a long way to go considering the two tigers are together again."

Raylan nodded his head before offering his arms. I immediately held on to it as though on instinct and allowed him to escort me inside like he usually does.

As soon as we got in, we were bombarded with shouting from Leon and Violet. I glanced to the side and saw Margarette's pitiful state. She looked exhausted and drained beyond repair even though Leon just joined in the fray a few minutes ago.

Raylan guided me to Margarette's side, knowing so well how she wanted to avoid the ongoing battle between my brother and my dear friend. "I apologize for the delay, Margarette."

"I'm just glad that you're here," she greeted and made space for me. Raylan sat beside us and as soon as the three of us were settled, the maids then came in to serve tea. "Vee, I think it's time we take this seriously."

Violet angrily turned to Margarette. "I am serious about this! Therese is much better in violet!"

"Her hair stands out in blue!" Leon answered, his voice bearing the same intensity as Violet's.

I could only sigh at this. They haven't even chosen their designs yet and yet they are already blabbering on the color that would match their clothes. "We are not in that phase yet! Sit down both of you and choose a design you want to try!"

That was unladylike, but since we're the only ones in the boutique, I could be as unrefined as she could. Kindness and softness will never work on them. 

I did not say anything more and continued to flip through the magazine. When my gaze returned to them, Leon immediately trembled and saluted. "Yes Ma'am!"

"Choose what you want for yourself," I simply stated and turned to Violet who obviously still had a lot of things to say.

Violet meekly answered. "Alright,"

With this, the two silently approached us and were left with no choice but to occupy the other couch. They blatantly displayed their distaste for one another as they sat at each corner of the couch, each flipping magazines as swiftly as they could.

Margarette breathed a sigh of relief and finally got a sip of her tea. Peace finally returned as the two got occupied with the task I gave.

"A gossip reached my ear when I arrived in the Capitol. I heard house Morgensteirne's heir is returning this season." Violet suddenly interjected, breaking the silence that settled in. 

I slightly stiffened at the mention of such a family name. It brought back some memories from years ago that were slowly drifting away from my mind.

Silence was all that I could give for a minute, as I drowned the resurfacing memories.

[    Damn memories. I should have erased them when Elder Brother offered.    ]

When I managed to compose myself, I was faced with their worried gazes. To ease their mind, I offered them a smile before handing Margarette the magazine. "Shall we proceed with choosing our complimentary colors?"

"A great suggestion, Therese!" Margarette beamed, nervousness obvious in her voice.

To hurriedly drive away the bad air, she snaps her finger to motion to the next attendants who will cater to us for the next phase. The attendants hurriedly brought out a board filled with assorted color palettes for us to choose from.

"As per routine, since this is an imperial ball, the motif will mainly revolve around white and gold. We're allowed complementary colors for our jewelry and details in our clothes."

Before I could even choose, Violet already raised her hands for a suggestion. "Therese should go with Violet. Her eyes will stand out more."

Leon followed suit and raised his hands as well, as though fighting for attention. "Blue is the obvious choice for Therese since it will bring out her hair more. As Liechtenstein, she should highlight her hair even more!"

"I don't think there's a need for that, her hair color is too rare to be ignored," Margarette replied as she stared at my rose-red hair.

Well, only all females and those of direct lineage of the current family head in House Liechtenstein possess such hair color. That's why despite having red hair, the children Leon and I will bear cannot inherit our traits unless they are female—since we are not the heirs.

"Nevertheless, it should be blue!" Leon shouted, ignoring Margarette completely.

Violet grew furious once more at this and stood up—her hands already pointing accusingly at Leon. "You only want that because it's the same shade as your eyes!"

"And you only want Violet 'cause it has your name in it!" he retorted childishly, earning a sigh from the onlookers.

"Red," I suggested, trying my best to stop their argument. "Don't you think red would suit me best? They will know I'm part of the phoenixes by that,"

Leon momentarily stopped and looked at me. However, his competitive spirit won over as he spat once more about what color would suit me best. "No! It should be blue!"

"Violet suits her best I tell you!"



"Your spelling is useless! She suits blue more!"


Their argument which was about to become a full-blown fight was suddenly interrupted by Raylan's cough. When their attention was on him, he calmly stated. "Any more of this and you'll vomit what you ate this morning,"

Due to this, they hurriedly turned to me who had a calm smile on my face. I honestly pose no threat—looking all innocent—but they must already know that behind such a smile is a serious threat.

It's a warning and as their closest friend, this is the only thing I can do to warn them that I will do serious harm if they don't listen.

Mother has the same smile that Father always feared and we all shudder to—a calm smile before the storm.

Both of them nervously laughed together and sat back down slowly. "I think red would suit Therese!"

"Right! I was just about to suggest ruby red! She fancies that color!" Violet muttered, finally being on the same page with Leon on something.

Raylan's eyes are jeweled with a shade of red. He came from House De Claire—the only family to ever produce male children with jeweled eyes. Ruby red would go well with his clothes and since it's the same shade as my hair, it would represent us both.

With them settled down, I turned to Margarette and smiled. "Raylan and I will go with red, Marge."

Margarette nodded.

Raylan smiled.

Violet pouted.

Leon objected.

"Wait?! You're going with Raylan?"

"Who else should I be going then?" I questioned him back.

Usually, I have other options, but because this is a special event, they are out of the choices. "Zach and Theo are not part of the choices since they will be going with the Imperial Family and the Popes during the entrance,"

"What about me?!"

I instantly raised my brows at him. "We already talked about that matter, didn't we?"

"I'm still a choice!" Violet immediately volunteered when Leon was rejected.

But of course, she cannot be the escort. Margarette sighed upon hearing this and held her shoulders so she would listen. "Vee, a woman can only be escorted by a man,"

Violet pouted even more, daring to cross her arms and show her distaste for such restrictions. "I hate that rule!"

"Vee will be escorted by Leon," I muttered while sipping my tea. We need to establish this now or someone may be left without an escort.

Leon turned to Violet after hearing this. The latter was still sour from being told she could not be an escort because of her gender.

Her foul mood spread to Leon causing him to throw another tantrum in front of us. "No! I'd rather escort Margarette!"

"No can do," she replied as she raised her hands as though surrendering. "I'll be escorted by his highness, Aegyptus,"

My eyes widened at this sudden news.

  Aegyptus?!    ]

[    Prince Aegyptus?!  ]

That aloof Prince of Khasrun?!    ]

After replaying it in my head, I turned to look at Violet who had a similar reaction. We were momentarily speechless before ultimately squealing in delight at the realization.

Raylan and Leon were thrown to the side and their reactions were now invisible in both our eyes.

"Margarette! Why did we not hear of this?!" Violet asked in between her squeals.

"I was waiting for your return, Vee. I didn't want to spoil," she admitted.

Violet squealed even more. Between the three of us, Violet adores love stories the most so her reactions to things like this are as expected—extravagant.

"Oh my gosh! Marge got herself a prince!"

I held on to her other hand, opposite to what Violet was holding. "When did this happen?!"

Margarette merely chuckled at our excitement. After listening to our squeals some more and bearing with Violet's tight squeezes in her hands from her excitement, she finally spoke up.

"I'll spill later. Our twins aren't here yet,"

"Cecelia should already know of this. She's the queen of all gossip," I commented, referring to another one of our friends who specializes in gossip gathering.

[  Knowing her, she probably already had her guess.    ]

Amongst us, Cecelia and her twin attend the most social events and private parties so they know all the gossip there is to know.

Margarette shook her head at this. "I doubt. The two of us kept it to ourselves,"

"To think Margarette would be the first to tie the knot," Violet sang dreamily as though in a daze.

As said earlier, she's the one amongst us who is drunk at the thought of finding true love and experiencing romance at its finest.

Afraid she'd sing that outside and attract unnecessary attention, Margarette immediately cut her fantasy short. "He will just be escorting me! You're already jumping to conclusions,"

"Margiee~ Everything starts with that, you hear me? First, he escorts you and the next thing you know, boom, you're already engaged!" she replied as she clung to poor Margarette's arms.

"What a load of shit. As expected of a prattling lunatic." Leon suddenly interjected, being the killjoy that he is when it comes to Violet.

"You'd never understand romance! All that's in your bone is lust, magpie!"

"Hah! If what you say is true, you and I would have been engaged since I've been escorting you all this time!"

As soon as these words came out of his mouth, the whole room turned silent. Even I was frozen solid at this sudden statement because never in my wildest dream did I imagine him having such thoughts toward Violet.

He practically declared to the whole society on numerous occasions that Violet was his nemesis.

The silence was only broken by Violet's gagging. "Ewwwww~ You disgusting pig! Don't even dream about it!"

Horrified, Leon raised his hands in surrender. "I'm not dreaming about it! I was using your logic okay?! Are they no longer teaching you properly in the academy?!"

I alternately looked at both of them who, once more, were standing up as they argued. I could only sigh once more as the topic drifted away and their argument now leaned more on their personal issues.

They ruined the moment again—just like they always do. "You two had to make it about yourself,"

Tired of their bickering, I sat and plopped myself back on the couch. "It's final, okay? Vee will be escorted by Leon. Now choose what color would be placed in your jewelry."

You'd think they get tired by now, but noooo. They are still beginning.

Another heat of argument arose when I asked them to choose their color motif. "Obviously, it would be violet!"

Leon angrily shouted back at her. "Stop making this about you! It should be blue!"

Margarette and I sighed at the same time and looked at each other. We will soon have wrinkles at an early age and all of that will be because of these two.

While we were worrying about our impending future, Raylan was just observing and chuckling at our obvious misery. "This is never going to end, is it?"

"This is going to be a long battle," I muttered as I began sipping my third refilled tea.

With them at a lost cost, I simply returned my attention to Raylan and pulled his sleeves so he could know that it was better to leave the two arguing. Raylan was quick to refocus on our task which was planning some final touch-ups with our clothes.

Once done, I turned to the two of them who were still fighting. "Are you done yet?"





"Why don't you both go with pink? It would look cute on you two," Margarette suddenly suggested.

They were quick to halt their argument and turn all their attention to her. "Why pink though?"

"It looks good when paired with violet or when paired in blue,"

Margarette knows these two would never back down. They would willingly cut each other's throats just so they could go with what they wanted. So unless both of their suggestion is catered to, the argument will never end.

They began contemplating this and even dared glance at me and Raylan for approval. Of course, seeing this as a way to diffuse their argument, both of us immediately raised our thumbs up with a smile.

With three unanimous votes, they looked at each other before finally nodding their head in chorus. "Alright, you know what's best."

  Had they realized that earlier, we could have saved a lot of time!!!    ]

"Now, let me see the clothes you chose and tell me if you want any modifications," Margarette said and stood in the middle of them. She then pulled them down to take a seat and prepared to sketch their final attire.

Before beginning though, she did not forget about us and called out the manager of the store. "Arsela! You can begin the fitting now!"

On cue, Arsela came in and began leading both of us to the dressing room. I was guided to the left wing where the lady's rooms are and was fitted inside their biggest room.

"It's been a while, Lady Theresia." Arsela greeted as she took hold of her measuring tape. It has indeed been a while.

Days in the Academy have been so hectic that we had little time to even visit any boutiques. Thankfully, someone always takes care of my wardrobe—making sure it contains the latest trend of the season.

"Please take care of me today as well, Arsela," I replied back and opened my arms, allowing her to do as needed.

"Please leave it to us. All your clothes will be in the topmost priority. We'll have the final fitting a few days before the ball, my lady."

I nodded my head in understanding. Until the day of the ball, I need to maintain as much of my current weight as possible so there would be fewer modifications on the clothes.

Once done with everything, I was allowed to return to the main hall and was no longer surprised to see Raylan waiting outside the entrance of the left wing.

"We're here!" two voices chorused right after the bell chimed from the door. Hearing this, Raylan quickly offered his hands so we could see the twins together.

"Thank the celestials. You made it!" Margarette shouted in delight which both of us eventually heard. We made it just in time for them to exchange pleasantries.

Raylan smiled at the sight. I couldn't help but chuckle at the relief that flushed his system.   He's probably relieved that another ally came to help him settle Leon and Violet if they fight again.  ]

"Frederick! I thought for sure you ditched us!"

"We would never," Cecelia replied on behalf of her twin who was busy apologizing to Margarette.

After acknowledging us, she turned to Violet whom she adored and missed these past few months. "Long time no see, Vee!"

"I missed you, Cecil!" Violet exclaimed as she lunged at her. Cecelia already expected this much so she had her arms wide open. Only after Cecelia hugged her back did she turn to the man behind them. "I missed you too, Freddy!"

"I thought for sure you forgot about my existence," he said while pouting. "You only mentioned Cecil in your letters,"

"Hey, I mentioned you a couple of times, okay? Besides, how can I forget you just like that?"

As Violet was trying her best to defend why she only mentioned Frederick in her letters instead of sending a personal one, Arsela emerged from the shadows—ready to accept another one for fitting.

Margarette noticed this and quickly looked for the next pair, specifically staring at Leon who was left on the couch by Violet who seemed to have already forgotten his existence.

"Violet and Leon! It's your turn now!"

Leon stood up without haste, but instead of storming off to his fitting, he waited by the side which Raylan and I took notice of.

"Ohhh. I guess the order of escorts is the same as usual," Cecelia commented as she watched Violet walk over to Leon.

As soon as they were together, Violet sent Leon a death stare, probably blaming him for cutting her time with Cecelia short. "Don't walk beside me!"

"I don't want to either but the path is narrow!" Leon refuted as he walked beside her—provoking her intentionally.

Frederick approached Raylan while shaking his head and patting his buddy on the shoulder—understanding very well what he must have gone through in his absence. "And they are still bickering as usual,"

"You two better hurry up before they decide to butt in and add their preferences to your clothes," Margarette said, guiding them to the couch so they can begin selecting their clothes.

"Sorry for our delay. Something came up back home,"

"Is everything okay?" I asked, worriedly glancing at Frederick who sat down beside Cecelia.

"Yes, nothing much to worry about. We'll make it up to you," Cecelia answered—smiling at us for assurance.

  Hopefully, nothing really bad happened back in their home.    ]

Cecelia knows all the gossip in town and knows how fast news can spread. This is why when they have problems or issues, she'd keep it to herself instead of relying on us.

When I glanced back at her, the fake smile she had earlier already faded. She must have noticed my silence and the worry that marked my face. So she offered a genuine smile—a sign which tells her that we'll be here if something ever did happen.

[    I trust Cecil. She can handle her problems well and if something major happened that she can't handle, she'll tell us.  ]

"How about we dine in Aurora? It's a good time to catch up. I bet Violet has a lot of stories to tell," she added.

I chuckled and side-glanced Margarette. "So does, Margarette,"

Cecilia looks at her. "Ohoooo~ Now we really have to dine there! I'll reserve one of the halls!"

"Alright, alright. Now finalize your clothes before the two tigers finish their fitting," Margarette muttered, hiding the blush that was forming in her cheeks.

That didn't go unnoticed. Cecelia and I shared a knowing look.   We'll fully interrogate her later!    ]


Behind The Scene: 

  "Now, let's have a pick at what would suit you for this ball,"  I muttered while looking at my escort. 


"Therese, you know anything would suit Raylan," Violet suddenly muttered, her voice strained—indicative of how bored she has become from all the flipping that she was doing. "He's the pride of this group," 


"I'm more---" 


"Stop dreaming, magpie." she immediately snapped when Leon tried to object to her claim. 


Before the start could start anew, Margarette decided to defuse it. "Leon has his own charm and so does Raylan," 


"Raylan outdoes him by tenfold," Violet muttered—throwing away Margarette's attempt to keep our peace. 


She closed the magazine she was holding and pointed at Raylan to make sure Leon focused on him. "Raylan is an angel! One look from him and you'll know you'd go straight to the celestials' side. He's enveloped by a halo. Meanwhile, our magpie here…girls would only find him handsome in dim light,"


Angered by this, Leon stood up and pointed at Violet rudely. "Even if the sun shines directly at you, no one in their right mind would find you beautiful, little prattling jay!" 


I sighed for the 100th time today. Maybe next time we should leave these two to have their own set date for fitting. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment on it and let me know.

themilesaguantacreators' thoughts