
Chapter 2: Uninvited Invitation

He drags Raw's head and bashes on the crest, creating a blood-filled crest and it shines. It shines Purple, while a sinister smile forms over Leon's mouth.

He extends his bloody arm, rubbing off the middle of the crest that has a sinister symbol the purple light illuminates, 'So it is my- SHAA! The light illuminates even brighter, Leon's smile becomes wider but it vanishes.

He screams.

"What the fuck?— I feel like being boiled alive. AH!"

Leon rapidly brushes off the purple fire surrounding him, his eyes all teary he screams, 'Fuck—! Fuck! It's HOT!'

Gradually, Leon's consciousness fades as his pale skin burns off, 'No! I'm gonna die.'

 The purple fire slowly devourers his skin, muscles part by part, and his very own existence. The crest disappears with the whirring wind.

'It's warmer now, what is this? I can breathe, but I feel like I'm underwater.'

Leon brushes his face slowly.

'Holy shit. My face feels small.

I can't open my eyes but I can visualize something of a warm slimy liquid surrounding me. I can feel it.' Leon moves his arm.



[ Anomaly Player Detected.] A female robotic voice announces.

Leon scratches his head, 'Anomaly? Hmm~ a familiar voice as well.'


[New Player Detected.]

[Player, Leon Doomcraft Kaiser, Welcome to Devourer XII & Beyond.]

Leon crosses his arms, 'My arms feel short. More importantly, Am I really in Devourer now? Isekai's are real now huh?'


Leon moves his head side by side, after a long 5 minutes of silence. The system sound has gone. Leon tries to speak but he is surprised again.

'There is some kind of tube in my mouth. I had this big tube in my mouth for this long and I felt nothing.'


[Identity confirmed.]

Leon nods his head.

[You soon will be transferred to the tutorial section. Please have patience.]

Leon shakes his head in distress, 'Tutorial for only me? I'm sure if my memory is okay, it was held off to a mass number of players.'

[Correct, anomaly.]

Leon smiles, 'Oh?~ You can hear my thoughts too huh, Istria.'

[Of course, Anomaly.

You are connected directly connected for now.]

'Hah, System. Why do you call me Anomaly? Leon taps his finger around his arms.

[There is only one Kaiser recorded in our database.]

Leon raises his eyes, 'Who is it?'

[I'm sorry. Privacy must be contained about an important character...]


Leon rubs his palms together, 'There is only another Kaiser than me. Shit- It may be who I am thinking.'

[Confirmed. You are to be transferred to the tutorial.]


Leon suddenly covers his nonexistent ears, and suddenly the ears appear beside his head. He gets quite worried and suddenly imagines and touches his supposed body parts. One by one his body parts form, Leon cannot see them but he can feel each nerve and vein, muscle and his bones reinvent themselves.

[Anomaly has been denied from the tutorial.]

[Beta Quest starting.]

'Wha- Quest already?'

[Quest: Prove Yourself.

Description: Escape the pod. The oxygen transfer will be stopped after 2 minutes. (This quest cannot be denied.)

Reward: 5 additional status points, In case of failure, resulting in death. ]

'Fuck do you want me to do? I am blind and my senses have been completely dull.'

 [The body reformation has been completed. Escape your pod. The oxygen transfer will be stopped after 2 minutes.]

[The quest has started.]

Leon's heart pounded in his chest as the body reformation was completed, signaling the commencement of his quest. The urgency in the robotic voice warned him that oxygen transfer would cease in a mere two minutes.


A foreign slime material nearly found its way into Leon's mouth. Acting swiftly, he clamped his hand over his nose, sealing off his breath just in time as the tube constricts.

'Calm down, Leon. You need to see Celestia. Firstly, let's concentrate.'

Waving his hand through the viscous substance, Leon realizes its resistance is far from the fluidity of water. Every movement demands a Herculean effort, and he struggles to gauge the width of the encircling pod. Time is slipping away, and the oxygen level dwindles dangerously.

Leon attempts to paddle his legs, but it feels like treading water in a sea of gelatinous confinement. Desperation claws at him as he contemplates the challenge ahead.

[1 minute left till oxygen completely runs out.]

'I might fucking die. SHIT!'

In the dim, eerie surroundings, something brushes against his leg. His hand moves cautiously towards the sensation, and a surge of confidence rushes through him as he discovers a tube connected from below.

The lifeline leads him downward, offering a way out.

He descends slowly, reaching the bottom. A spark of hope ignites as he contemplates escape. In a desperate attempt to break free, he bashes his leg against the seemingly solid surface.

'Why won't it break?'

He stomps again, frustration mounting.

'I can't hear the sound, fuck this shitty pod.'

As Leon struggled in the narrowing pod, panic set in. Istria warned him—

[3 seconds of oxygen left.]

His mind raced, desperately recalling anything that could help.

"Come on, Leon. Think!"

Then it hit him. The diameter equals the circumference divided by pi. It sounded complicated, but in that tight space, it could be his ticket out.

"I need to measure this thing, the round part. It's my way out!"

He felt around for the tube, tracing its path. It was hard to tell the width, but he had to make do. The rope around the pod was like a lifeline. With the rope's length as the circumference, he fumbled through the place.

"The distance must be equal of the tube to the middle of the pod, then it must about here."

As his mind did the quick math, he got a number. A number that could be the key to breaking free.

"I have to break this fucking pod before I run out of air!"

With a newfound determination, he positioned himself. Each hit became a countdown, a race against the clock.

The pod didn't even crack or buldge, but Leon tried and tried.

"I've got to focus on this spot. If there's a chance to break through, it's here," Leon thought.

Each hit a desperate attempt at survival.


A tiny crack appeared. Leon gasped. The crack widened, and with one final powerful hit, the pod gave way. Slimy stuff oozed out, and Leon squeezed through the opening, finally free.

Gasping for breath, he realized it was math that cracked the pod open. The pod, once his prison, now lay in pieces.

[Quest Completed.]

[Player Doomcraft has survived.]

[Anomaly status terminated temporarily.]

[Class identified.]

[Reward Granted.]

[Congratulations! You have gained an F ranked skill "Butler's composer."]

[120 XP gained. Due to the tutorial stage, the XP points will not distributed.]

Leon huffs as his blurry eyes adjust to the outside world.

Leon speaks, 'A skill? This fast? It's a shitty one anyway.'

Leon waves his hands in the air, while the notifications disappear and speaks, 'Status!'

Leon's expression completely changes, and his eyebrows frown. He grabs his throat and thinks, 'What the fuck happened to my voice?'


 [Status window] 

[Player's Name: Leon 'Doomcraft' Kaiser]

 [Level: 1] [Unallocated XP: 120]

[Class: Dreadborne's butler]

[Secondary class: Identifiable after Level 5]

[Sub class: Cannot be specified.]

[Sub class: Low level/ Cannot be specified.]

Strength: 2

Dexterity: 2

Intelligence: 4

Vitality: 6

Agility: 2

Madness: 12

[Extra allocated points: 15/none] 

Leon wipes his face and sits on his buttocks. He speaks, 'My status has gone down from before. Is it from the age reduction restriction? And my madness stat is uselessly high. Stupid game.' Leon shivers as cold air blows.

'Fuck, I might slaughter anything, I need to keep my anger in check.'

He speaks, 'Inventory.' and puts on a black medieval shirt and brown pants. He swerves his hair. Leon walks slowly looking over and over to different places. 

He looks over in a pond, 'This is what I looked like when I was maybe, thirteen. But what are these?' Leon examines the seven black dots lined and curved under his eyes. His eyelashes have also grown a lot.

'I had only one mole now it covers the whole curve of my under eye.'

He rubs the side of his throat, where there is a little crest of Celestia while cackling like an idiot.


Leon sighs and enters the lighted place. 

It's full of people, wearing the same clothes and fire clubs on the wall illuminating the dark and grim cave. Leon observes and smirks, 'Ain't it the same as the fucking game? I am here huh.'

He slides through the steep and lands on his feet. He takes a long breath and exhales happily as if he didn't just actually die a moment ago. He walks over to a group of people who are clearly shouting, and screaming.

Leon tries to interfere but he is confronted by two men.

'Another little guy.'

Leon scratches his head. 

A man with a big fat belly and bald hair screams, 'Just throw that little shit on that pile of turds.'

The two men go near Leon's ear, and both look very agitated. 

'Hey, skinny little boy! Won't you go and join that group? That big scary guy will otherwise, beat you.' The men point over to a small group, standing before a red door beside the blue door.

Leon smirks, 'These fucking losers, really are the worst. They are sending the weak ones straight to their death.'

Leon smirks as he puts his hands on his waist, 'Oi! you dickheads. Those are kids that you are sending to straight death.'

The men push him away.

'Little shit! you wanna be wrangled to death or what?'

Leon sighs.

"I have something to get there anyway."

He slowly walks over to the red door entrance.

'We will meet anyway." He waves goodbye to the two men. 

The men look away while smirking.

Leon approaches the group, 'Hmm~ A suicidal group of two malnourished children who seem as if they are going to pass out any moment. Fuckers are the worst.'

Leon is approached by an orange-haired girl who tugs his shirt, 'Come here, brother or they will beat you like they did to my older brother.' she wipes her nose gently which was earlier covered in blood.

Next chapter