
Villainess's Love: A Boon Or A Curse

Destiny plays the biggest role in one’s life! It could take you to heaven from hell or throw you down from heaven to hell, and when it comes to Love, It plays the biggest role in one’s life. If destiny is in your favor, then love will become a boon but… If it’s against you, the same love in the form of a boon would become the biggest curse in the form of a wound in one’s heart. The same thing happened to Neel Singh Rathore! He belongs to one of the richest families in the world and had everything he needed but he still felt empty in his heart until one day he saw a girl in the rain, trying to hold onto her umbrella! The moment he saw her, He lost his most precious thing to her: His heart! It was love at first sight and now all he wanted was to be with her and spend all his life with her till the last breath he had in his body. He loved her, she loved him back! “Saranya! If there is no you, there is no meaning of my existence in this universe!” “I know! It’s the same for me! I might become a walking dead without you!” Everything was going well but who would have thought that she would trample on his dignity to the point where he couldn’t understand if he should be with her like a loyal dog or save his dignity? But in the end, all he wanted was to be with her! Either she hates him or loves him, he would never leave her! Because he knew that, she could never leave him! If he was in pain then she must be in double the pain he was feeling at that moment! He decided to wait for her to come back and one day, she did come back with a little baby girl claiming to be her father and making him happy to the point where they fought against the cruel destiny, being one together once again and fighting with all the hurdles that might come between them! - - - - - - - - - “No! Don’t look at me! My body is full of scars, which might make you feel disgusted and you might end up hating me!” Saranya said while trying to hide her back which was full of wounded scars. “What are you saying?” Neel said as he kissed her back lightly, “You have nothing which I would hate! Even the ugliest scar is the most beautiful treasure for me!” He said and made her look at his face and wiped her tears away with his lips and then started kissing her softly, making her heart go all soft and full of fuzzy and warm feelings! ------ Disclaimer:- The story travels from present to past, so please don’t be confused! You will eventually understand!

ARU · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Veronica Wilson II

"Veronica Wilson!"

The person next to her said! 

Saranya, who was trying to meditate amidst all these things, couldn't control herself and opened her eyes which were all red.

She looked towards the source of voice and attacked directly on his neck!


His throat was in her hand, "How dare you! I have been ignoring you for all this while but the level of my patience has reached its limit!"

She said and choked him harder.

"Wh… What! Is… Is she… she no… not be… better than you!"

He said while trying to come out of her clutch while the police held her and tried to take her out of there. But she did leave him and came out with his neck in her hand.

"Better! If there is no me in his life, no one can! I will destroy everyone!"

Her aura was murderous! It seemed like she would kill anyone any second!

"Sweetheart! What are you doing!?"

She was still choking him when she heard a familiar voice and closed her eyes and looked towards him.

It was Sam who ran to her ASAP he got to know about her whereabouts!

"Leave him! We will file a case against him!"

"No! I won't leave him, Sam! How dare he!"

She said and choked him harder when a voice came that was away from Sam.

"How dare what, Miss Sara?"

'This voice!'


She said to herself as her hand shook, even her body but she didn't let the person go!

"What wrong have he done? Or do you only know how to destyong someone!?"

"No… N… Neel!"

When she confirmed that it was him, she closed her eyes and tried to concentrate hard to see him but her mind and heart was not in her control!

She couldn't concentrate at all!

"Let him go!"

Sam walked to her and held the hand which was holding onto his neck.


She said and let him go.

He knew what she had been through and what was going on with her!

Sam hugged her instantly and said, "If you are not ok, then don't talk to him! Let's just leave!"

He said and picked her up in his arms and walked away!

All Neel could do was to see her!

"Ritz is on her way! Wait for me here, Let me take my car! It's far from here!"

He said and made her sit on the bench!

Sam had taken her to the dark place where barely anyone comes and notices someone but it seemed like Neel could recognise her in any form she was in!

Saranya heard footsteps and became alert!

It sounded similar but didn't belong to Sam or Ritzy!

"So, How have you been all these years?"

Neel went to her and took her hand in his, and just like his friend, he too started dragging her.

But this time, Saranya didn't act and let him do what he wanted to!

He took her where his car was!

"Bro! Just look at her clothes! She must have come back for money again! I mean, I just offered money for sleeping with me! Hah… It doesn't like she wouldn't have done it!"

That bastard started rambling once again but this time too, she just kept her quiet and let him do what he wanted to.

She was already not in the mood and all she wanted was to go and see her aunt cum grandma, who had given her a new life but these people are wasting her time here!

Neel was stunned when he heard what he had to say!

"Is… Is that why you were being sued by her?"

He asked as he took a deep breath, trying to control his anger!

"Isn't it! Even her lawyer is called 'Darling no.1! And that guy, he just picked her up in his hands! I must say that she must be using him for money!!"

Neel wanted to kill him!

His breathing was irregular!

In this world, He could bear what she said to him and it was fine for him to say any mean thing to her but hearing from his mouth, he just wanted to kill him.

"You leave! I will talk to you later!"

He said while trying his best to suppress his anger.

"But… But won't you let me sleep with her! I just want to taste her! After all, she is not even your wife now!"

Saranya had enough now!

"Why don't you just go and sleep with your sister and mother! I guess, You don't need to pay them!"

Neel smirked lightly when he heard this but the person went mad at her remarks and barged towards her to slap her but before that, Samvel reached the place and punched him hard.

"Don't you dare to touch her! No one even knew and you would vanish from the world!"

He said and turned to look at Saranya and Neel but they were gone!

"Wh… What the heck!"

He said and went on the bench to sit!

"I don't care anymore! Just talk and come back soon!"

For him, it was nothing new!

Even in the past, they would just disappear out of the blue.

He hated this but seeing her happy face was all he wanted.

'What the hell? Those were in the past and now? How are things going to take turns? No, I have to find them!'

He stood up to look for them but Ritzy stopped him.



"Yes, Let them talk! It's been a long since they seen each other"

Ritzy said as she held onto his hands.

"No way, Ritz! I can't let her leave alone with him! You don't know that!"

Sam said as he tried to break free from her!

"Fine and go and fight! I don't mind but don't forget that it's the first time she is seeing him!"

She let go of him but Sam didn't leave as he thought something to himself!