
goody shoes don't fit

"Blood dripped across my face, slowly living iron-like faint smell. It was good, it tastes good."

Renar took a pause and heavily pressed the book. The clock ticked five in the afternoon, sky on orange and black shades. He shifted his eyes, left and right, witnessing horrible reaction. It was his last lecture for that day and for doing it since he graduated as an instructor, he was used to it. In each discussion he had given, faces of students were priceless.

"You may leave. Have a nice day!" He smiled, collected his stuff and left. The room fell thousand feet under, closed in a spell of silence.


"For real! Villains are horrible!"

"Isn't just a tell-tale?"

"No he is real."

Words flew in the thin air of the building, covering the sound of creaking chairs and steps every students took. The hallways were half way empty but filled with voices echoing and retelling the story of the town's first and last villain, Laurent the Vampire.

A legend, as old folks recognized him but a threat and fear for younger years. He killed 59 people, mutilated 40 of his victims, and sucked the blood of 14 female. He dried their bodies to death, causing a snow as white forever slumber.

"Blood dripped across my face, slowly living iron-like faint smell. It was good, it tastes good." Austin repeated on a dramatic manner.

"If I was alive back then, I would burn him until his bones turn to dust." He pushed his chair and took his bag as the room had gone silent.

"Isn't he right?" His seatmate, Dion, did the same.

"Is killing right? He did it for 59 times! 59! Kids, women, old and even animals!"

"But he's a vampire."

"Well -" he bitten his lips, collecting data to debunked his friends another wicked hypothesis and analysis. The two where friend since they started entering and training in the town's university. The plegmatic and sanguine. The justice and the what ifs.


Dion waved and the teleportation circle engulfed his being. In an instant, Austin was left in another defeated argument. He stood next to where Dion was, pressed buttons and transported in his place. A Nightsky Feline as big as him welcomed his sight, it was drowned in drools of dream. He walked and lay down beside his buddy.

"All villains must be killed."

On the other side of town, Dion laid on bed, still thinking the same thought came across when Professor Renar was telling the story.

"He killed for I don't have a choice. I killed, for you."

It brought chills and smirk as he remembered the line perfectly. It was the autobiography of the famous villain, after his capture on the 2478. The man was famous not only for his crimes but also his books, and Dion was a fan.

'Why villains would kill for his victim?' He thought as words of Renar came and pass through his ears but the teacher was good enough to notice his wondering mind. He paused for a moment and stared at Dion for tensed two seconds. The young man quickly recovered and listen intently. He knew Professor Renar, he qas a good observer. Keen eyes at old age.

"Blood dripped across my face, slowly living iron-like faint smell. It was good, it tastes good." Dion felt his throat gone dry, he bit his lips and surprised by the smirk of the professor. He diverted his eyes and wondered again. Blood, did it taste good?

Dion slowly closed his eyes, the night had gone cold yet he still on the warmth of his memories. He wanted more, he needed more. He wanted to unveil those words, the meanings hidden on the lines that Laurent left.

"Dion Euless, as the Grand Law stated you are persecuted to death after imprisonment of 65 years."

He searched for the crowd as if seeking for help but there were no eyes that met his. No Austin as a seatmate and a friend, no professor Renar for advises, no Eva and Xile as parents but as soon he wanted to close his eyes, he caught tears flowing down his younger sister cheeks. It triggered water to pour down his face that clouded his sight.

"Last words before you put on total silence?"

"Laurent said, Heroes exist because of the Villains. I'm not a villain. I'm not even evil." He cleared his throat as tension, anger and sadness congested his air pipe.

"You're just too good."

And for the last time the town of Riosta saw Dion as bad.

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