
Villain: I don't care about the story

Transmigrated into the novel, but as the villain, With wealth and parents that are one of the strongest of the country. I chose to live my life liesurely. But the hero seemed to hate me without even me doing anything.

Daoistyglf7O · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Showing Irene her place

While Evan, Jake, and I made our way back to the academy,

I was busy checking the systems notification,


[Host changed the storyline]

[Reward- System storage, size of a football field (upgradable)]

A translucent distortion of space appeared in front of me,

'It's already large enough but it's upgradable too. '

Storage rings exists in the world, but have very limited space and are expensive,

However, the system's storage is similar to the top storage rings of this world,

Upon reaching the city, we saw soldiers diligently patrolling the area, ensuring that there are no more monsters hiding in the city.

The injured were receiving treatment from the healers, with Irene attending to their needs,

Approaching her, we presented the cores, and I spoke, saying, "Here are all the cores we collected."

Irene furrowed her brows, casting us an angry glance as she said,

"Can't you see I'm occupied right now? "

Evan glanced at me with a questioning expression, silently inquiring whether I was okay with her tone.

I said domineeringly: "What makes you think you can speak to me in such a manner?"

Irene's anger subsided, replaced by a perplexed expression appeared on her face.

'What's gotten into him? He's never spoken to me like this before, '

I said: "Do you consider this place your classroom, where I respect your authority?"

Irene was smart and instantly realized that Archie is offended.

Irene's panic grew, seeing Evan with me and realizing that offending both me and the first prince could have catastrophic consequences for her career.

Irene bowed and apologized, saying: " I'm deeply sorry, I didn't mean any disrespect. I was so focused on assisting the people that I didn't realize who I was addressing. "

I glared her with anger, but then took a deep breath, calming myself as there is a chance of offending the hero if I punish her.

"I'll let it slide this time," I said firmly, "out of respect for you being my teacher."

"Thank you", Irene said with a sigh of relief.

With that said, I turned and left,

The result would be announced in the evening according to the novel, it's just that there will be some changes.

So there's no point in staying here.

After my departure, Emma, Arthur, and others arrived on the scene.

They hadn't collected many cores after the monster attack.

Irene approached them, bowed respectfully to Mary before inquiring with concerned voice.

"Are you all alright, I heard about the monster attack"

Mary noticed her strange behavior and peculiar demeanor and felt puzzled.

She had heard about Archie's respectful behavior towards Irene in class, resulting in nobody daring to bully her with their status,

We're all fine," Mary said, then asked, "But why are you behaving this way? Teachers don't usually bow to students."

Evan's voice came from the side, saying, "Someone showed her, her place ."

Mary's anger flared instantly upon hearing this.

Turning to Evan, Mary asked: "Who dares to show disrespect towards her, especially when even the heir of the Everheart family respects her " 

Evan chuckled teasingly and said, "You can't do anything to him. He's as powerful as I am."

Mary was now confused as there aren't many people in the kingdom powerful enough to be considered on par with a prince.

According to her understanding, there was only Archie who could stand shoulder to shoulder with the prince in terms of background support until the prince ascended to the position of crown prince.

Evan was amused seeing Mary's confused reaction.

Mary asked threateningly, "Who is it? Either tell me or be silent."

Evan said teasingly, "I'll keep quiet."

Mary, clearly irritated, said mockingly, "Would the prince be so kind as to enlighten me about who did this?"

Evan said: "Archie "

Mary was now both surprised and confused, as Archie's behavior seemed completely different from what she had heard.

Mary turned to Irene and asked, "Is he telling the truth, miss Irene?"

Irene nodded sadly, guiltily saying, "It's true. I forgot about his status after he showed me some kindness."

Irene was wearing a shameful expression and anyone could tell that she is hurt,

Mary's heart softened at the sight of Irene's distress.

She said: "Please forgive my brother, Miss Irene. He's going through a difficult phase."

Mary's apology came as a shock to Irene, as Mary was the eldest daughter of the Everheart family, and she was apologizing to her,

Irene's expression quickly darkened, and she glanced around to see if anyone else had heard Mary's apology.

This might get her in a lot of trouble if people misunderstood her, thinking that she is making nobles apologize with her position,

Mary, who was unaware of Irene's thoughts said,

"Don't worry, Miss Irene. As long as I'm here, nobody will dare to mess with you,"

Irene managed to calm down, but her breathing remained heavy.

The ears of the nearby nobles had perked up, sensing the tension in the air.

Evan who was in amusement by this situation quickly realized the attention of the nobles,

He signaled the nobles to get out, the nobles who couldn't offend anyone other than Irene in this situation, quickly left,

Irene said: "Please don't apologize, I was me who overstepped my boundaries "

Irene's mind raced as she came to realize one thing that the brother and sister were different. They didn't seem to feel shame in apologizing when they were in the wrong.

However, they seemed to not realize their standing among the nobles. Even if they didn't take action, other nobles might do something to please them.

Mary said: "My brother is at fault here, so please accept my apology,"

Irene said: "Please don't put me in a difficult position."

Irene was now confused about Mary, she was thinking if Mary is really apologizing, or she is taking her anger on her.

Seeing that Mary didn't understand Irene's meaning behind her words, Evan approached her and explained the consequences for Irene if she were to accept the apology.

Mary now understood the situation and thanked Evan,

Mary said to Irene: "I won't apologize to you, but please make sure that Archie is given his space. He's heartbroken and going through a tough time. "

Mary's words stirred a peculiar sensation within Irene. It was an unfamiliar feeling, but she doesn't hate this feeling, she kind of like it,

Everyone in the kingdom have heard about Archie annulment of his engagement and how the princess treated him,

Given that the news involved two of the most powerful forces in the kingdom, nobody attempted to suppress it.

Irene, having heard the news, felt sympathy for Archie. A soft spot began to form in her heart for him.

Irene thought: 'According to the students, Archie encountered the princess in the forest. '

'So that must have reignited his hatred and anger. I met with him at the wrong time, and he took out his anger on me, '

Irene also felt a pang of sadness for Archie.

'I don't know the deepness of his sorrow, but if there's anything I can do to help, I won't hesitate,'

Irene's thoughts were wandering crazily, she had made up a story and was making some plans.

'He is my student, and it's a teacher's duty to help a student, so I will definitely help him''

One by one, Mary and the others also departed, leaving Arthur behind.

Arthur decided to help Irene in helping the injured students, hoping to impress her.

But Irene's mind was elsewhere, she was still thinking about Archie,

A smile graced Irene's lips whenever she thought about the things she might do with Archie,

But Arthur misinterpreted this and thought Irene was smiling at him so he helped the students more diligently,

The evening arrived,

I also arrived at the ground of the academy, where the principal would give prizes,

The students were buzzing with excitement, the fear they had just couple of hours ago was now gone,

As now, anyone could be the winner. as after the attack, everyone had forgotten to collect the cores.

So the weak students were also excited.

The principal, Amelia Forest, the princess of the Elven Kingdom, arrived on the stage, accompanied by an old man following her.

The old man, named Robert, is the vice principal. Originally, he was supposed to be the principal, but Amelia entered the academy out of nowhere and took the position and he stayed at the post of vice principal,

But even now, he is doing most of the official work of the academy.

Despite being a princess, Amelia lacked certain skills, she still does some work, but Robert does most of it,

Amelia stood on the stage and announced, "The team that collected the most cores is... Prince Evan's team."

"Come on the stage and receive your prize "

Evan ascended the stage and accepted a B-rank sword as his prize.

Originally, this sword was intended to be a help for Arthur from the principal. so, the hero can defeat me.

But now, the sword belongs to us and I don't have the animosity with the hero like the novel, so it's useless now.