
Prologue — Endless Chasm Of Death


He panted heavily as he held his blade, his clothes drenched in blood. There was a body lying lifeless beneath him, the body of a man he had hacked into the afterlife with his sword.

His blood and gore was scattered around the room. Staring at the man, he felt a great disgust welling up inside him, and he turned his gaze away a second later.

He was Mylos, the son of a demon Eminence. He woke up one morning only to find out that a group of strange people were trying to kill him.

He wondered what he had done to them, but since he could not come up with a reason - he deducted that they must be trying so because of his status.

They were church dogs, and their presence spelt war for his family. It disgusted him to see them prance in and out of their territory, but he could do barely anything about it. He was barely strong enough to handle the dogs, much less trained wolves. He could only gnash his teeth in rage.

Mylos turned to his guard behind him, he was a lowborn demon in the family and was the one who had alerted him of the attack.

The poor demon looked quite calm even after he witnessed such a horrifying sight. It was as if such sights were regular to it, and it barely found it impressive.

"Aren't you going to feed?" The demon guard pointed to the body and then directed its gaze to Mylos who cringed in response. He wore a confused expression after receiving Mylos's response, a frown forming on his face as he wondered why he had sported such an expression.

"I had the thought, and nearly vomited from it. I would rather not bury my face in the garbage. The honour I have struggled to maintain would be stained from such a disgusting act." Mylos shook his head and tightened his grip around his blade, "There is no way that we are going to walk out of this alive unless we manage to drag the fight outside."

He sensed more than a few homing in on his location, and their power levels spooked him. It would be difficult for him to fight all of them, even with the guards he had left. He looked around himself, the bodies of the little one he had a while ago stood out like a sore thumb amid the bodies of the enemies he slaughtered out of his rage.

He could not bring himself to commit cannibalism either, and if he could not feed - his strength would be set back by 2 - 4%. That was not a funny number with the number of enemies he sensed approaching him.

Mylos shook his head and took in a deep breath, and then he dragged himself to the door and peeked outside to see his guards struggling to hold the enemy.

"They will be here in a few seconds…"

Mylos watched as one of the men cleaved a guard in two separate halves, and the other who must have felt rage from their attack raised his fighting speed dramatically just to meet the same fate.

He took a slight step forward, there was this rage he felt as the idiots approached him carelessly. They must have torn through the guards downstairs or a separate group had dealt or must be dealing with them.

He withdrew his head and took two steps back into the room. He nodded to his guard, and then he dashed out at a fast speed.

Before either of the men could react to his sudden appearance, he cleaved down with his sword and they were split into halves.

He tilted his blade and cut again, this time dividing their halves into more halves, causing blood to splatter all over his clothes and face.

"Kyu, we are going to rush downstairs and we are going to make a run for it. If we stay here, the chances of escaping alive would drop drastically." Mylos took a stance, preparing to bolt down the stairs with all his might. Whether Kyu followed was none of his business as he had already opened up a plan for the both of them to follow, and he was not going to back down.

"Master… If you rush down there like an idiot, then I am not the only one who is going to die here. There is a building a distance away from this hideout, I will try my best here - but if you can lead them into an enclosed space they have no idea about, it would be easier to kill them."

The guard drew out his blade, dashing to Mylos's side. He had already accepted his fate, he was nothing but a pawn on the chessboard. If his sacrifice could ensure the survival of a knight, then the fool here would be himself if he fought against death.

Even if there was only a slight chance that all these wastes would die and his brothers avenged, then he would take it without hesitation.

Mylos shook his head in disagreement. If he were to fail, not only would the lives of all his guards here be left unavenged - but he would also die.

He turned to Kyu, opening his mouth to voice his great disagreement with his plan, "You are just as stupid as the others. If you are going to die, at least you can make your life useful and death memorable. I will rush out and lead them into the building, you decide if you want to be a traitor to the family or attack these idiots from behind while I hold them."

Kyu looked as if he had just swallowed a fly, but before he could speak against Mylos's strange plan - the child took in a deep breath and dashed downstairs.

He ran after Mylos, wondering what sort of monster they had birthed in the family. He was so weak, yet he acted so rashly.

Mylos on the other hand had already bolted downstairs, and the area unfolded before his eyes; the roadblocks he faced turning to face him.

There were eight of them, all scattered around the room on the ground floor. He smelled gunpowder and noticed that only one of them was armed with a gun.

The one with a gun stood by the door, and two others armed with basic swords acted as shields in front of him. He sensed one at his back, and two were standing on his sides.

Mylos took in a deep breath, the remaining duo were hiding behind a wall and seemed oblivious to the fact he sensed both of them. He cleared his head and exhaled calmly.


Mylos dashed forward at a blurring speed, and in the next second two heads were sent into the air, the lifeless bodies of the two shields collapsing to the ground. He ignored them, pivoting on his heel and shifting his charge direction to the side as he dashed in the opposite direction of the one armed with a gun. He evaded the knives one of them hidden behind the door had thrown.

He dashed forward at a fast speed as they chased foolishly. He burst into the forest, dodging the massive trees and bursting through bushes. In a few seconds, his hair had gotten messy from all the dashing through bushes. His clothes had attracted twigs and dead leaves, but he ignored them all.

"Foolish… So foolish…"

They were so strong, but alas they were merely human.

Their strength only lay in their pathetic numbers, and nothing else. If he was not so weak, or if he was able to control his abilities as well as anyone in the higher ranks of his family could - he would have ended all the embarrassment in just one strike.

Yet here he was, running away from the enemy like some frightened animal.

Mylos spotted the building in a distance, but his legs burned. He wondered what he felt, it was as if he was going to crash at any time. He wanted to push even harder, but he could not run any faster even though he was not yet out of stamina.

He was angered, wondering what the issue was. It was as if he was reaching his limit - he still had steam and was pushing, but his body did not move.

He took in a deep breath, and then he slowed down to a halt. The building was there, and he had already dusted his pursuers and left them behind himself. If he ran in, then they would have difficulties locating him.

He did not want to escape them, he wanted to show the worthless humans their place by sending them to hell. Mylos panted, the coldness in his eyes growing as he turned around to see them catching up.

Without wasting any time, he took a stance again. He exhaled, loosening his tensed body. He had been pushing himself so hard that he forgot what the goal was.

Mylos charged into the building with all his might, bursting the door open with a loud bang, and then he pivoted on his heel in an attempt to turn around to face the entrance in preparation for a frenzied slaughter.

Instead, he lost his balance and was sent into a flying crash deeper into the building. He landed on his face at the centre of a room deep inside the building, and he struggled to his feet.

He shook his head, about to turn around and rush back to the entrance before they got to him. Instead of the door, he met with a wall that spun around him with no exit or entrance.

Mylos blinked, wondering how he entered if there was no entrance. He looked around, finally growing confused about his environment. There were chains scattered all around the room, glistening in a strange halo.

He had a bad feeling, wondering if he had somehow dashed into a trap of some kind.

He traced the chains and turned around to see that they all led to a small figure behind him. It was a figure that looked familiar, but he could not put his finger on it.

The chains had the figure tied tight to the ground, preventing it from standing to its feet.

"Hello, you don't smell human. Where am I, and how do I get out of here?" Mylos approached the figure but was surprised to find every step he took drawing even more strength than normal, witnessing his limbs grow heavy from the pressure he began to feel.

It was strange.

"Human? How derogatory. I thought that this place was hidden from you, I can see that fools followed you here. Sigh, how depreciating to have humans in my prison."

The strange figure lifted its head to stare into Mylos's eyes, and a strange expression seemed to appear on his face, "The familiar feeling I get from you even though we only met once in this lifetime, it is interesting,"

Mylos wondered what he was talking about, and how he knew about the dogs that had chased him to this place.

He also wondered what path Kyu had taken, but standing before this strange man with no way out, he was more worried about himself as he wondered if the man he met even wanted his exit or was happy to see a visitor that would stay here with his secrets forever.

Staring into the eyes of the man, he noticed that they shone in a myriad of glistening colours. He had difficulty in seeing through the man so all he did was maintain a plain expression.

He hoped that it would all be over soon, because if the moron had followed through with the plan instead of running away - then, his death would be on Mylos's hands, and that would be unacceptable!

"I see you are worried for a pawn of yours, my own quick the tides would change." The man blinked his eyes, then he quickly changed his tone to one more serious, "As you can see, I am in a feeble state and I am in no position to fight, but if you promise to come back here in the future, I will curse you with a power that would ensure your safe exit from this place - with or without a pawn."

Mylos chuckled. He did not know what the man must be high on, but he believed that it would not hurt to just say a few words and help himself out of this place. He did not buy the idea of some stranger granting power to demons through promises, but he opened his mouth to speak, "If I can walk out of this mess alive with the power you grant me, then of course I will come back here."

"The humans used to worship me as the God of Madness. I supported the existence of demons like you and put me against other gods. They were all fools and died like one. Sadly, this generation of gods ganged up on me, and I was sealed here." The man grinned, and a wicked radiance exploded from within him to shroud the area in a bright silver gleam,

"If they have birthed heroes to slaughter the likes of demons like you, then of course I can grant powers to demons to fight back. The Eminences are those who have trained to master the powers all were granted from birth. Heroes and Demons alike, they are all haunted by the thought of death. As I slumbered here, I thought of creating a demon unbounded by the limitations of their mortal body,"

"A demon that would continue to evolve limitless until it masters its godly body. A demon that can never be harmed by mortals. It is madness to go against the physical rules of the universe, but there is nothing that interests me more than this, and here you are - the perfect test subject."

Mylos stepped back as he felt a chilling feeling run down his spine. He felt this sinister feeling all over his body as the man stared into his eyes, he felt dazed - the world around his eyes warping as a weird feeling began to arise in his heart. He collapsed to his knees and then felt all the strength in his limbs disappear. He vomited blood from all his orifices and then crashed down to the ground.

"You are going to die continually, over and over until you shape your mind to master this body I am granting you. How you improve after every death, what you lose - who you lose and how useful they were before their loss, it will all be up to your pathetic self. But, until we meet again - Mylos."

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