
Entrance exam

So finally the time has come for every kid who wants to be a hero has been waiting because all the hero training schools are now opened for registration of a new batch all over the country. Currently, Izuku is standing in front of the entrance of the number one hero training school of Japan U.A.

As kids walk by some of them were treating him and some just walked by but he was just here to watch and he can't help but remember how much he also wanted to come here but something will always be out of his reach.

But now none of that matters because he has a far more big problem on his hand right now.

"Master if you don't mind me asking, what are we doing here?" It was a sweet feminine voice.

Izuku can't help but let out a long sigh as he hangs his head in frustration. "Didn't I told you not to call me that." He said in an annoyed tone.

So what happened is after two days with the meet-up with Firewall and her crew Izuku was trying to sleep on his futan as he was just about to fall asleep he heard a knock on his door. For a moment he ignored it but he stood up because now that his sleep was interrupted he was kinda pissed.

He stood up and picked up the blade placed on the table next to the door and opened the door.

When he looked at who it was he saw a girl with white shoulder-length hair in a bob haircut with blue eyes white skin hair and she was about a head shorter than Izuku and an average pair of boobs and she was in a classic maid outfit with a suitcase.

Izuku kept staring at her with an expressionless face waiting for her to speak.

"Are you the one known as Deku, A.K.A Hunter?" She said in a well-mannered way but confident tone but her ascent was not Japanese but that's not the biggest problem here.

When Izuku heard what she said he was thrown a little bit but didn't show it on his face because he still doesn't know what she wants and sho send her but one thing was clear if she knows who he is then it will be problematic if she is to be let loose. He has quite a few guesses about the situation, but you can be never too careful.

"What if I am?"

When she heard what Izuku said she went silent for a while and she kept staring at him with a small smile on her face.

"Well if you are him then that's a good thing for both of us, and if not you will regret wasting my time." She said this as her facial expression or her tone didn't change a bit.

"Well, you got the right house I am Deku." He said and started walking into the house but she didn't move an inch Izuku looked back and he had a weird look on his face.

"Why are you still standing there, look I am serious here, and if you don't want things to turn ugly here stop getting on my nerves." He said with an irritated tone.

"Well I can't just accept the fact you are Deku, you have some kind of proof."

Izuku was not shocked but what she said because if anyone just said that they are someone it's not like they are that person.

Izuku walked back to her and took out the phone from his pocket and showed a symbol to her the symbol was a green skull with a black 'D' written on the left eye and this was the official symbol by which Deku will go by in the reorganization"I guess this much is enough proof for you."

She looked at it and the smile on her face grew bigger "Yes, this will be sufficient."

"I am sorry for the late introduction. My name is Salena, and I am assigned as your..." And she was cut in the middle by Izuku as she shut close the door on her face.


Izuku opened the door again "I don't need you, and the first mistake you already made is that you just told my identity like it was nothing think about what would have happened if it was someone else other than me."

"About that, I already knew that you are Deku I just wanted to test you out." And she pulled out a bunch of photos which have Izuku in them "I was already told everything about you..."

"You are assigned as my what?"

"I am here to serve as your personal maid assigned by the association, and rest assured I am a professional fighter and a first-grade assassin so I won't slow you down and help you to the best of my abilities to help you out however I can."

Well, Izuku has no reason to let her stay or to make her go away, so he didn't say anything and she just followed him inside.

Now both of them are sitting facing each other and Izuku was the one to break the silence.

"So what's your quirk?"

"Well, I'm glad you asked. I mean it's the only thing I can be proud of myself."

She stood and rolled up both of her sleeves and both of her arms were badly covered in scars even Izuku felt a little bad for her but he didn't say anything.

She put out both of her thumbs and she had rings on both of them and then both small blades come out of the rings and she cut both of her arms and long black curved black blades came out of her cut.

"My quirk is called 'Black blood' so basically I can manipulate my blood however I can and I can even store more blood in my body and the precision in manipulation my blood depends upon the distance of the blood from my body and if it is connected or not. I can even control other blood but for that, they must have a drop of my blood in their body."

"Don't you think it pretty overpowered?" Izuku asked with a little curiosity.

"Yeah it is but it takes a heavy toll on my body. At max, I can go at full power for four to five minutes and if I use too much I will die for sure."

So Izuku let her stay, but he won't hesitate to kick her out or kill her if the need arises, so.

But for now, Izuku was stuck with her for the time being, yes he didn't let the possibility slip by his mind that she was here to monitor his but for now, he has no intention of doing anything to put himself in danger.

So now back to the present-

Izuku was watching the people walk by as he was getting bored because he had no reason to be here and that but because he has nothing else to do.

But after a while the guy Izuku wanted to see finally came and he was his dear friend Bakugo, but he was not surprised to see him because he was already pretty sure that he of all people will be here.

So he started walking back and Salena followed him behind, but somebody called out to him.

"... Excuse me."

Izuku looked back but he already knows but the voice who it was, it was Uraraka with a big bright smile on her face.

"Uraraka, nice to see you." He said in a happy tone

"Nice to see you too..." She looks at Salena and asked with curiosity "Who is she."

"Just pretend that no one there." He said with a playful tone.

"Uraraka had a weird look on her face like she wanted to say something but decided not to "So what are you doing here?" She asked with curiosity.

"Nothing much just guessing who all will become heroes in the future, and just passing time."

"That's a weird thing to do, you don't even know which course they will take." She said with a happy tone.

"Yeah that's right, but that's not important. So you up for the hero course."

"Yeah, I am all fired up for it" A little too over energetically "But I am still nervous about it..."

"relax... Being nervous is the first mistake you will do on a battlefield, be confident in yourself. And it's not about how strong you are, they see how good you are." He said in a comforting tone.

"Yeah but scoring points is also important." She said with a fake laugh.

"Well, the only thing that matters is that you have a hero license and if you can't make it in U.A. come to me I will make sure you get by. But make sure it didn't come to that."

"REALLY?" She said with sparkles in her eyes.

"Yeah what do you take me for, but I think you should hurry up and get inside."

"Yeah... well bye then." She said with a happy tone and started walking towards the entrance.

So Izuku and Salena also started walking back, but suddenly a boy with brown silky hair passed up, Izuku instantly looked back and kept staring at the boy. This also caught Salena's eyes.

"Something wrong. Master???" She said in her usual monotone voice

"Nothing... I think I have seen that guy somewhere. And stop calling me that."

Izuku was still unsure but it can be a coincidence because it's not like he has many people close to him.

So he pushed all those thoughts out of his mind and start started walking again, cause a big day is about to come or more like a big night.

So it was a warn night sky full of stars with a full moon so it was bright enough to see even in the night deep in the mountains.

So on the foothills of Mt. Fujikasane a bunch of people has gathered and a boy a blue, cloud-patterned jinbei-styled kimono and black pants. He wears a pair of hanafuda earrings, but his hair is cut extremely short and remains the same length since. He wears a hand-carved fox mask on the left side of his head. He has red eyes and hair and a big scar on the left side of his forehead and has white pair skin. The mask has red accents on the eyes, ears, and spots on each corner of its mouth. On the upper right corner of the mask, there is a sun-shaped design that likely symbolizes the scar on his forehead.

Yeah, you guess it right he is Tanjiro kamado and he is also here to take the demon slayer corp exam like the rest of the people here. So he was looking around with eyes filled with curiosity when he heard footsteps coming from the stair behind him. He looked back and so did some other but most of them were not interested in it.

So a young man who looks like in his mid-twenties with a muscular build, he wore a black jacket over a plain white t-shirt and his hands were covered with bandages, black trousers and a pair of black shoes with white soul. He has two swords on the left side of his waist.

He has snow-white hair, fair skin, and green eyes but he wore an eyepatch on the left one.

Tanjiro like everyone else minded his own business and just stayed quiet, the man came and stand beside Tanjiro but none of them said anything.

"I thought that there will be more people here."

Tanjiro looked at him he wondered for a while before speaking up.

"I think that the less there are the fewer people have died," Tanjiro said in a soft tone.

"Well, maybe you are right, after all, who in their right mind will willingly become a demon slayer." The man beside Tanjiro said in a monotone voice.

Tanjiro just heard what he said and has no idea what to reply, because he did have a point. So he just stayed quiet.

So after a while when all the rules about the final selection were explained to them but the two mysterious girls all of them went to take the exam.

---Izuku's pov---

He was walking in the forest and it was quiet, but it doesn't mean he can let his guard down. So the swords he bought with himself one of them was a nichirin blade which he somehow manages to get from a junior level demon slayer corp member and the other one was the one Viper gave to him.

So it was a special blade, first of all, it was sharp like really-really sharp second it was a trigger on its handle at first Izuku thought that it may shoot something but that wasn't the case. The thing is if Izuku clicks the trigger while swinging it will give a speed boost to the swing and it was powered by a magic battery that was fitted inside the handle of the blade, the design was pretty sleek and the fact that it can cut through anything was not a thing to be taken lightly.

Izuku tried it on like everything he can find he even used it on metal bars, without holding back because what good a weapon will do to him if it breaks in a fight, but this thing didn't break so Izuku was satisfied with it.

"So now just have to test it on a demon and survive for seven days. So...

I don't have any idea what to do, it's not like I can just sit in one place and I have to reach the exit point so if any demons came to kill me I just have to return the favour. Hopefully, they don't have strong once captures here or I am pretty much screwed." He said to himself and let out a fake laugh and started walking in a random direction.

---Time skip---

So after a week when the final selection was over Izuku was heading out of the forest and he was pretty sure that not many people survived because of all the spilled blood he has seen.

Izuku also finds out that the sword that Viper gave him can't kill a demon and another thing he named that sword 'Final flash.' Izuku knew that it was a shitty name but it's the best he can think about.

But he is not here to care about other people, but himself so he finally reached where the other survivors or more like the others who passed the exam were waiting and the two weird girls were also there, well its not good to say others weird they may be unique in there own way.

So he patiently waked up to them and the guy Izuku talked to when he reached here was holding the hand of another guy, and there were two other people there who were minding their own business. Maybe the two were fighting? But it's not like Izuku cared about it or anything else.

"Hey, you guys fighting?" Izuku asked in a playful tone.

They looked towards him and started acting as nothing happened so now that Izuku was here the two little girls started to explain all the rules about the demon slayers, and then all of them were asked to choose an iron by which their sword will be made.

'If all the ores are the same then choosing an ore means who will make the sword because I doubt that they will give someone a good sword and the other guy a bad sword...

But then the skill of the blacksmith will be a big issue.'

So without thinking too much Izuku just chooses a random ore which was placed on the table, because don't think too much about the problem you can't solve.

Next chapter