

' *Cough* *Cough* ahm.. Where am i ? ' There was Dark everywhere

' Hello Anyone ?? ' I Tried to Call Someone over and over

i Tried to Move But i felt like My Body gonna Blast any Minute as

i started Checking my body , it was Cold ... very Cold

i don't know what was Happening it wasn't Painful

it felt Like I would Fart

i tried to Call Someone again



1 Day

1 Week

1 Month

1 Year

as Time Passes , i was getting Heavier and Fatty

i don't know why i wasn't even Worried it just felt too peaceful

i remember everything , How i died, How i helped everyone all my life

my life was good and peaceful , maybe cuz of my good karma i didn't get any major setback in my Life , i was Thankful For That , Thankyou

but there wasn't anything exiting in my life , i was simple Novelist

i was 47 year old when i DIED cuz ... i was Sleeping ?

huh ahh man I want to Fart cumon cumon , do it do it

i think i just leak.. ok once more hah once more heyaa atlast there some gas leaking

Let's Do it - 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9


hah man this feels so good , i am flying through This Black World

i see Something like Round ball , i tried to fly there

wait.... i think i am getting sucked there.... well i don't know anymore

let go there might get someone

my thought getting week as i go on sec by sec getting sleepy


Million year Soul Energy Found

Cosmos Primal Energy Found

Soul Access Authorised ✓


<System Intializing.> 1% 2% 3%...


In Blue Star Someone is Playing Golf he is Tall he is Handsome

He got nice Build lean Muscle like Body , Have Black Hair , White Skin

Wear Black Jeans and White Shirt , he have serious and keen eyes , nice nose and healthy face but Suddenly he lost consciousness

after some time he moved

" Hmm " his eye trembling

after a movement he opened his eyes

checked his atmosphere left right and then his hand

"W-where am i" he was Shocked checking unfamiliar place with unfamiliar hands

and sudden Headache hit him , it was painful he was crawling here and there after sometime it stoped hurting

he opened his Mouth

" is this for real ?? "said while checking his Villa beside him

" so , this person name is Will Nexon " he was quit shocked cuz he was in his Favourite novel world , it was his well recognised work in webnovel world & only completed work

' R@ND0@M '

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Lemon_LoRdcreators' thoughts